B5 Flashcards
Communicable diseases
They are caused by pathogens such as bacteria and virus, that can be passed from person to person.
Non-communicable diseases
They can’t be transmitted from person to person
Pathogenic bacteria are the minority - but they are significant because of the major effects they can have on individuals society.
Viruses are smaller than bacteria. They usually have regular shapes. Viruses cause diseases in every type of living organisms.
How pathogens cause disease?
Bacteria divide rapidly by splitting in two. They produce toxins that affect your body and make you ill. Sometimes they directly damage your cells.
How do pathogens cause disease?
Viruses take over cells in your body. They live and reproduce inside the cells, damaging or destroying them.
How are pathogens spread?
By air
By direct contact
By water
What affects bacterial growth?
Available nutrients
Oxygen levels
Preventing the spread of communicable diseases.
Washing hands regularly
Using disinfectants for kitchen and other work surfaces
Keep raw meat away from other foods that will be consumed
Coughing and sneezing in a tissue and disposing of it
Get vaccinated
What are vaccinations?
The vaccine contains a small and harmless amount of a specific pathogen. This is injected into you, which means your body is exposed to this pathogen. Your body fights the pathogen and retains some antibodies to fight the pathogen again if it is encountered in large amounts.
Non-specific body defence mechanisms
Tear ducts - saline solution blocks and caches pathogens and disposes of them
Mucus - catches pathogens and disposes of them
Cilla - hair like cells which trap pathogens
Scabs - prevent pathogens entering when you have cut your skin
Skin - prevents the entering of pathogens to major organs
What are Measles?
Measles are a viral disease.
If you have measles, symptoms include fever and a red skin rash.
Measles can be fatal if you are diagnosed with it.
How are measles spread?
Measles can quite easily be spread, especially through coughing and sneezing, also it can live for up to 2 hours in an air space after a person is infected
What is HIV?
The human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) are two species of Lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that infect humans. Over time they cause AIDS.
What causes HIV?
HIV spreads when an infected person’s bodily fluids- including semen, blood, vaginal offloads and breast milk- get into your blood system.
What is Tobacco Mosaic Virus?
It is a widespread plant pathogen that affects around 150 species of plants including tomatoes and tobacco plants.
How is the Tobacco Mosaic Virus spread?
It is spread by contact between diseased plant material and healthy plants, and insect can act as vectors. The virus can remain infectious in the soil for about 50 years.
What is Salmonella?
Salmonella is a bacterial disease that is found in the guts of several animals, such as chickens.
How is salmonella transmitted?
Salmonella is transmitted through the consumption of raw meat or poultry or through food that is prepared in unhygienic conditions, such as when raw and cooked meat are handled on the same cutting board.
What is Gonorrhoea?
Gonorrhea is an STD caused by bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae that is transmitted through sex. It most commonly affects the mouth, throat, rectum and in females, the cervix. It affects both men and women.
How is Gonorrhoea transmitted/spread?
Gonorrhea is spread through sexual intercourse or can be spread by a mother to baby during childbirth. Ejaculation does not have to occur for gonorrhea to be transmitted.
What are Rose Black spot?
Rose black spots are fungal diseases. It’s the most serious disease for a rose. It is caused by a fungus, Diplocarpon rosae, which infects the leaves and greatly reduces the plants growth as it decreases the photosynthesis rates decreasing it’s food for growth.The fungus is genetically very diverse and new strains very rapidly.