B4 Organising Animals And Plants Flashcards
What is the role of the human circulatory system
Transports substances to and from the body cells
What makes up the human circulatory system
The blood, blood vessels and heart
What does plasma do
Transports proteins and other chemicals around your body
What cells are suspended in plasma
Blood cells
What do your red blood cells contain that binds oxygen to transport it from your lungs to the tissues
What do white blood cells do
Helps protect the body against infection
What are platelets
Cell fragments that start the clotting process at wound sites
How does blood flow around the body
Blood vessels
What are the three main types of blood vessels
Arteries, veins and capillaries
Substances _____ in and out of the blood in the capillaries
What do valves do
Prevent backflow of blood
Humans have a double/single circulatory system
What is the heart
An organ that pumps blood around the body
What are stents used for
To keep narrowed or blocked arteries open
What do statins do
Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease