B10 The Human Nervous System Flashcards
What are the two nervous systems?
- Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
What does the central nervous system (CNS) consist of?
- the brain
- the spinal cord
What does the peripheral nervous system (PNS) consist of?
- nerves
What is a stimulus?
A change in enviroment which can be detected by receptors.
What are receptors?
A specialised group of cells which can detect a stimulus.
- Recpetors are found in sensory organs
What are the sensory organs?
Eyes, Ears, Tounge, Nose, Skin
What is the function of sensory neurons?
They carry electrical impulses from receptors to CNS
What does the CNS do?
The brain and spinal cord process information and co-ordinate the response
What do motor neurons do?
They carry impulses from the CNS to effectors
What are effectors?
Muscles or glands which exert the final response
What is the process for Co-ordinated Response?
Stimulus –> Receptors –> Sensory Neurons –> CNS –> Motor Neurons –> Effectors
What are some differences between sensory and motor neurons?
1) Motor neurons only have an axon where as sensory has a dendron as well
2) Cell body for sensory neuron is in the middle - don’t have dendrites
3) Cell body for motor neurons are at one end - have dendrites
4) Impulses travel towards the cell body of sensory neurons - opposite for motor
What is a reflex action?
Fast and automatic reaction to prevent further damage to your body
What is the process for Reflex Action?
Same as Co-ordinated Response but relay neurons in spinal cord replaces CNS
Why is the Reflex Action process slightly different to Co-ordinated Response process?
Impulse from sensory neuron doesn’t travel through the conscious part of the brain and it’s transferred into relay neurons in the spinal cord.
What is reaction time?
Time taken to respond to a certain or specfic stimulus
What is a way to test reaction time?
It can be tested using the ruler dropping experiment
What is the Cerebrum?
The largest part of the brain which controls higher human activities such as : memory, intelligence, languages spoken, personalitity, decision making, etc
What is the cerbellum?
It controls the voluntary muscle contractions