B New Testament chapter 2 Flashcards
Chester Beatty Papyri
Contain earliest copy of many books of the New Testament. Twelve volumes come from the year 200
A manuscript in the form of a modern book. (Pages, Not a continuous roll)
Codex Vaticanus
Fourth-century codex of the Bible housed in the Vatican. One of the most reliable manuscripts for book of the New testament. (Does not contain books at the beginning or the end)
Dynamic Equivalence
A translation where the translator tries to convey the original meaning of the originating text. (doesn’t need to be same wording)
Formal correspondence
A type of translation in which the translator tries to stay as close as a word-for-word translation as possible.
King James version
Translation of the bible into English in 1611. It becomes the standard English translation through the first half of the twentieth century
Masoretic text
Standard text of the Hebrew bible that comes from Masoretes. They added vowels and accents to make the text easier to read.
Much of the New Testament written on this. (type of paper)
Textual criticism
A field of biblical studies that tries to establish the earliest possible wording of biblical texts.
Textus Receptus
A Greek text produced in 1516 by the scholar Erasmus. Became the basis for the 1611 King James Version
manuscript written in all capital letters. Gives us sthe Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus
Parchment Bibles
much nicer paper
Early Manuscript Corruption
Mark—–making up the last 8 stories to avoid the bad ending
Characteristics of NT Scribes
somewhat limited clarity and grammar
Transmission of the Hebrew Bible
texts were written, edited, and reedited over a course of centuries. At some point these texts came to be persevered as word of God. It was important to keep the texts in their exact form
Transmisson of the Text of the Christian Bible
Papyrus manuscripts-versus that were written on tiny credit card size pieces of paper
Unicals-early evidence for the text of the New testament. Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus both remained fairly close to the originals
Quotations-give us important information about the text of the earliest copies of the New Testament
Copyists errors-Copyists weren’t always accurate in the copying
Intentional changes..