Axial Myology (O,IA, ONLY) Flashcards
What is the Origin of the Epicranius Muscle
Epicranial Aponeurosis
What are the 3 Insertions of the Epicranius Muscle
1) Occipital belly- Occipital bone
2) Frontal Belly- Skin of eyebrow and nose;
3) Lateral bellies- Muscles and cartilage of the auricle
What is the action of the Epicranius Muscle
Move the scalp (wrinkle brow, “wiggle” ears, etc.)
What is the Origin of the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
What is the insertion of the Orpicularis oculi Muslce
What is the Action of the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
Close eyelids
What are the 2 Origins of the Corrugator Supercilii Muscle
Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
Nasal prominence of frontal bone
What is the insertion of the Corrugator Supercilii Muscle
Skin of eyebrow
What is the Action of the Corrugator Supercilii Muscle
Draw eyebrow downward and medially; the “frown” muscle
What is the Origin of the Orbicularis Oris Muscle
What is the Insertion of the Orbicularis Oris Muscle
What is the action of the Orbicularis Oris Muscle?
Close and purse the lips
What are the 2 Origins to the Levator Labii Superioris Muscle
Zygomatic bone
What is the Insertion of the Levator Labii Superioris Muscle
Into the Orbicularis Oris Muscle of upper lip
What is the action of the Levator Labii Superioris Muscle
Elevate upper lip
What is the Origin of the Levator anguli Oris Muscle
Maxilla (canine fossa)
What are the 2 insertion of the Levator anguli oris Muscle
Orbicularis Oris Muscle
Skin at corner of mouth
What is the Action of the Levator anguli Oris Muscle
Raises angle of mouth
What is the Origin of the Zygomaticus Major Muscle
Zygomatic bone (near temporal process)
What is the insertion of the Zygomaticus Major Muscle
Orbicularis oris muscle at angle (corner) of mouth
What is the Action to the Zygomaticus Major Muscle
Draw upper lip back and upward
What is the Origin of the Zygomaticus Minor Muscle
Zygomatic bone (near zygomaticomaxillary suture).
What is the Insertion of the Zygomaticus Minor Muscle
Orbicularis oris and Levator labii superioris muscles
What is the action of the Zygomaticus Minor Muscle
Draw upper lip up and laterally
What is the Origin to the Depressor labii inferioris Muscle
Anterior aspect of mandible (between mandibular symphysis and mental foramen).;
What is the Insertion of the Depressor Labii Inverioris Muscle
Into the Orbicularis oris muscle (and skin) of lower lip
What is the action of the Depressor Labii inferioris Muscle
Depress lower lip
What is the Origin to the Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle
Anterior Aspect of Mandible
What is the Insertion of the Depressor anguli Oris Muscle
Into the orbicularis oris Muscle near corner of mouth
What is the action of the Depressor anguli Oris Muscle
Depress corner of mouth
What is the Origin to the Nasalis Muscle
What are the 2 insertions to the Nasalis Muscle
Into the Contralateral Muscle (over the bridge of nose)
* into ala of nose
What is the action of the Nasalis Muscle
Wrinkle nose and dilate nostrils
What is the Origin of the Temporalis Muscle
Temporal fossa of the Skull
What is the Insertion of the Temporalis Muscle
Coronoid process (and adjacent ramus) of mandible
What is the action of the Temporalis Muscle
Elevate mandible (clench teeth)
What is the Origin of the Masseter Muscle
Zygomatic arch of the skull
What is the Insertion of the Masseter muscle
Coronoid process and lateral aspect of the of ramus of mandible
What is the action of the Masseter Muscle
Elevate Mandible (clench teeth)
What is the Origin of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
Lateral wall of pterygoid process and adjacent greater wing of sphenoid bond
What is the Insertion of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
Condyloid process of mandible and articular disc of temporomandibular joint
What are the 2 actions of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
Protract mandible Depress mandible (weekly)
What are the 3 Origins of the Medial Pterygoid Muscle
Between the medial and lateral walls of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
- Palatine bone
- Maxilla
What is the Insertion of the Medial pterygoid Muscle
Medial aspect of the mandible (near the angle)
What is the 2 actions of the Medial Pterygoid Muscle
Elevate Mandible
Move mandible laterally
What is the Origin to the Platysma
fascia over pectoralis Major Muscle and the Deltoidus Muscle
What is the Insertion to the Platysma
Lower mandibular region
What art the 2 actions of the Platysma
Depresses lower lip
Wrinkle skin of neck and upper chest (yelling & screaming)
What is the 2 Origins to the Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle
Manubrium of the sternum
Sternal extremity of the clavicle
What is the Insertion to the Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle
Mastoid process of temporal bone
What are the 2 actions to the Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle
Turn head toward opposite side;
Flex joints of cervical vertebral column
What are the 4 Origins to the Pectoralis Major Muscle
first six ribs
Aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique muscle
What is the Insertion to the Pectoralis Major Muscle
Crest of greater tubercle of humerus and directly inferior to the greater tubercle of humerus
What are the 3 actions to the Pectoralis Major Muscle
Flex the shoulder joint
Adduct the Superior limb at the Shoulder Joint
Medially Rotate the superior limb at the shoulder joint
What is the Origin to the Pecoralis Minor Muscle
Ribs 3-5/6 near costochondral joints
What is the insertion of the Pectoralis Minor Muscle
Coracoid process of scapula
What is the 2 actions of the Pectoralis Minor Muscle
Draw scapula anterior and down
Elevate ribs
What is the Origin of the Serratus Anterior Muscle
Center of lateral aspects of first eight or nine ribs
What is the Insertion of the Serratus Anterior Muscle
Medial border of scapula
What are the 2 actions of the Serratus anterior Muscle
Rotate scapula and pull it forward,
Elevate ribs
What is the Origin to the External Intercostal Muscles
Inferior Borders of ribs
What is the Insertion of the External intercostal Muscles
Superior boarders of ribs
What are the 2 actions of the External intercostal Muscles
Elevate ribs
Maintain tension in the intercostal spaces
What is the Origin to the Internal intercostal Muscles
Inferior borders of ribs
What is the Inertions of the Internal intercostal Muscles
Superior borders of ribs
What are the 2 actions of the External Intercostal Muscles
Depress the ribs
Maintain tension in the intercostal spaces
What is the origin of the Rectus abdominis Muscle
Crest and symphysis of pubis
What are the 2 insertions of the Rectus abdominis Muscle
Xiphoid process of the sternum
Costal cartilages 5,6,7
What are the 2 actions of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle
Draw thorax downward (flex joints of vertebral column),
*Compress abdomen
What is the Origin of the External abdominal oblique Muscles
Ribs 5-12
What are the 3 Insertions of the External abdominal oblique Muscle
Anterior Lamina of the sheath of the rectus abdominis Muscle
- Anterior half of iliac crest
- Inguinal Ligament
What are the 3 actions of the External abdominal oblique muscle
Draw the thorax downward (flex joints of vertebral column,)
- Compress abdomen
- Rotate vertebral column if contracted unilaterally
What are the 4 Origins of the Internal abdominal oblique Muscle
Anterior Half of crest of ilium
Lumbar fascia
Iliac fascia
Inguinal ligament
What are the 2 insertions of the Internal abdominal oblique Muscle
Ribs 10-12
Sheath of rectus abdominis Muscle
What are the 3 actions of the Internal abdominal oblique Muscle
Draw thorax downward (flex joints of vertebral column)
- compress abdomen,
- rotate vertebral column
What are the 4 origins to the Transversus abdominis Muscle
Costal cartilages of rib 7-12
Lumbar fascia
Iliac crest
Inguinal ligament
What are the 2 Insertions of the Transversus Abdominis Muscle
Xiphoid process of sternum
Posterior lamina of sheath of rectus abdominis Musce
What is the action of the Transversus Abdominis Muscle
Compress abdomen
What are the 3 Origins of the Trapezius Muscle
Occipital bone
Nuchal ligament
Spinous processes of C7 and thoracic vertebrae
What are the 3 insertions of the Trapezius Muscle
Spine of the scapula
Acromion of scapula
What are the 2 Actions of the Trapezius Muscle
Draw head laterally or posteriorly,
Rotate scapula
What are the 3 Origins of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle
Spinous processes of lower 5 or 6 thoracic vertebraed
Spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae
Median sacral crest
What is the Insertion of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle
With teres major muscle into the medial border of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
What are the 3 Actions of the Latissimus dorsi Muscle
Adduct superior limb at the shoulder joint
Rotate limb medially at shoulder joint
Extend shoulder joint
What is the origin of the Rhomboideus Major Muscle
Spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae 2-5
What is the Insertion of the Rhomboideus Major Muscle
Medial border of scapula below level of its spine
What is the Action of the Rhomoboideus Major Muscle
Pull (retract) scapula toward vertebral column
What is the origin of the Rhomboideus Minor Muscle
Spinous processes of C7 and T1
What is the Insertion of the Rhomboideus Minor Muscle
Medial border of scapula at the level of its spine
What is the action of the Rhomboidus Minor muscle
Pull scapula toward vertebral column and slightly superiorly
What is the origin of the Levator Scapulae Muscle
Transverse processes of first four cervical vertebrae
What is the insertion of the Levator scapulae Muscle
Superior angle of the scapula
What is the action of the levator scapulae muscle
Elevate scapula
What 3 muscle make up the Erector spinae Muscles
Spinalis Muscle
Longissimus Muscle
Iliocostalis Muscle
What is the Origin of the erector spinae Muscles
What is the Insertions of the erector spinae muscles
Attachments transverse processes of vertebrae, ribs, and ilium
What is the actions of the Erector spinae Muscles
Extend joints of vertebral column
Bend trunk loaterally