AWOPS 1st Flashcards
CAT I Landing Minimums:
200 MDA
VISIBILITY: 550 meters
What is the CAT III B landing Minimums
Visual Targets?
Lower than 50 feet but not lower than 15 feet
Visual cues: one center line light
CAT III Single:
200 meters
50 Feet/RA
and is “Fail Passive”
Explain the Approach Ban Point
A point at which the approach cannot be continued if the WX falls below the app minimums or once passed you can continue the approach.
It is usually the Outer Mkr or equivalent (1000feet).
Action items approaching the Glide Path on a NPA Approach?
1 mile before the Glide Path:
@ 0.3 miles before the G.P. Pull FPA knob and set G/A Altitude.
What is the needed runway equipment and required visibility for:
Check Notams for failed equipment
125 meters T/O:
Operator approved
HIRL /CL / Multi-RVR reporting
150 meters T/O :
R Edge Lights 60 meters
CL 15 meters
Multi-Reporting RVR
What does a “Triple Click” mean on Approach ?
Down Grade in capability, check the FMA
What do you need for an LVP/RVR 125 meter T/O?
1) . HIRL
2) . CL 15 meters
3) . Edge Lights 60 meters
4) . 6 CL from the Flight Deck
When taxiing during LVP Operations and you stop the A/C, what pilot actions are required?
1) . Lights on
2) . Notify ATC
What are the Items required Ina LVP Ops Briefing at the Gate for Taxi?
1) . Taxi route
2) . Cat III/III holding points
3) . ILS sensitive Area
4) . CSD Briefing, “not to enter the cockpit unless it’s a safety issue!
LVP Fuel requirements and Considerations?
1) . 30 minutes of Taxi
2) . 30 minutes of Holding
3) . 3% for each hour of Flight
Minimums for the following: 1). Cat I 2). Cat II 3). Cat III 4). Cat IIIB/DH 5). Cat IIIB/No DH Cat III Single
Cat I = 200ft/550m Cat II= 100ft/300m Cat IIIA= 50ft/200 Cat IIIB/DH= below 50ft/75m Cat IIIB/no DH=0/75m
LVP Operations:
Before Approach, steps for set up, info needed, what type? Considerations and briefing!
1) . Atis, current weather at Destination and Alternate (type of approach/minimums required) for both… and FUEL Requirements!!!
2) . Notams, (check for equipment downgrades that will affect the app category!
3) . Aircraft status required equipment for LVP Ops.
4) . Type of Down Grades available above 1000 feet.
CAT I Landing Minimums:
200 MDA
VISIBILITY: 550 meters
CAT III Single:
Decision height:
50 feet
Visibility: 200 meters
Explain the Approach Ban Point
A point at which the approach cannot be continued if the WX falls below the app minimums or once passed you can continue the approach.
It is usually the Outer Mkr or equivalent (1000feet).
Action items approaching the Glide Path on a NPA Approach?
1 mile before the Glide Path:
@ 0.3 miles before the G.P. Pull FPA knob and set G/A Altitude.
What is the needed runway equipment and required visibility for:
Check Notams for failed equipment
125 meters T/O:
Operator approved
HIRL /CL / Multi-RVR reporting
150 meters T/O :
Multi-Reporting RVR
Considerations after a RTO ?
All lights ON, for identifications and Brake Fans!
PA “Attention Crew At Stations”
End of Runway identification lighting?
Last 3000 (900m) feet to 1000 feet (600 m) "red and White" Last 1000 feet (600m) "Red"
Runway edge lights are yellow the last 2000 feet (610 meters)
T/O alternate when needed and what are the requirements?
When T/O is below landing Minimums and it needs to be within 1 hour flight time OEI 400 nm and 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA WX above landing minimums.
Dispatch Enroute Alternate requirements?
Every approach ups to the next higher mins, this is dispatch req only, once in flight the actual mins apply!!
What are the airport qualification requirements?
A New Call (acronym)
A). Available
N). Navigation
E). Emergency Services
W). Weather Reporting
C). Communication
L). Lights
L). Let down
Pre Flt considerations:
Fuel. 30 minute Taxi/30 minutes of Holding
A/C Equipment
Airport Equipment
WX at departure/Arrival/Alternate Airport and minimums
*Use Flap setting with the lowest speed
When do you check the RVR?
Before pushback
Before taking the active
*Count the Lights after you line up and always (RWY IDENT with ILS)
When you taxi in LVP, what arE the procedures?
- Lights on
- No action items unless the aircraft is stop with brake on, all lights on, ATC notified
- Be alert for all Cat II/III hold points
- 10 kts or less
Approach lights:
Intermediate :
Full. 720 meters (2400-3000 feet)
Intermediate: 420-719 meters(1400-1500 feet)
When would you use medium brakes?
Heaven rain
Contaminated Runway
Short runway
Down slope runway
AutoLand Wind Limitations
35 knot Head Wind
20 knot x-wind
10 knot Tail Wind
Under what conditions would you not have “Auto RollOut?
Contaminated Runway
AntiSkid Inop
NWS Inop
What happens at 700 and 400 feet ?
700 feet ILS Frequency and course are frozen
400 feet land Mode engages and only disengages with G/A
Response call outs to problems on Approach?
Continue the Approach to the planned Minimums.
Revert to a higher minimum
Go Around
You have only vacated the runway when the A/C has passed the end of the green/yellow CL runway exit lights. Then inform TWR
When would you use IGN for T/O ?
Standing water
Heavy Rain
Severe or expected Turbulence
Requirements for T/O Alternate?
60 minutes. 400 nm
Auto-Rollout cannot be used when?
A. Contaminated runway
B. BSCU Channel Inop
C. Anti-Skid Inop
D. NWS Inop
Land GREEN: at 350 feet and u do not have “Land Green” ??
A. Do not perform an auto land
B. If you have visual references, land manually
C. If no visual reference, G/A
40ft to 50ft and no “Flare” what are the procedures ?
Go Around !!
What Landing Minimums does Qatar use ?
Standard and JAR-OPS not Pan Ops !
When ever you have a 10-9S or 20-9S brief it for the Minimums to be used!!
What is VMCA ?
Vmcg is defined as the minimum speed, whilst on the ground, that directional control can be maintained, using only aerodynamic controls, with one engine inoperative (critical engine on two engine airplanes) and takeoff power applied on the other engine(s).Nov 19, 2014
What are two requirements for a CAT 2/3 approach?
- Radio Altimeter
2. RVR information
AWOPS FUEL Requirments ?
1 G/A uses how much fuel ?
Taxi = 30 kg per minute 15 minutes = 450 kg 30 minutes = 900 kg AWOPS uses 1200 kg 30 minutes of Hold = depending on weight, density alt = 2400/2600 One G/A = a minimum of 500 kg
Where do you find Vis/RVR conversion chart ?
8.31. This is not applicable for Cat II/III approaches
—used to describe something (such as a disease) that exists but is not active or cannot be seen
Full Definition
: present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic <a>
la·tent·ly adverb
he has a latent talent for acting that he hasn’t had a chance to express yet
Origin: Middle English, from Latin latent-, latens, from present participle of latēre to lie hidden; akin to Greek lanthanein to escape notice.
First use: 15th century
Synonyms: dead, dormant, fallow, free, idle, inert, inoperative, inactive, off, unused, vacant
Antonyms: active, alive, busy, employed, functioning, going, living, on, operating, operative, running, working
Synonym discussion: latent dormant quiescent potential mean not now showing signs of activity or existence. latent applies to a power or quality that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop </a><a>. dormant suggests the inactivity of something (as a feeling or power) as though sleeping . quiescent suggests a usually temporary cessation of activity . potential applies to what does not yet have existence or effect but is likely soon to have <a>.
: a fingerprint (as at the scene of a crime) that is scarcely visible but can be developed for study —called also latent fingerprint, latent print
Origin: (see 1latent ).
First use: 1923</a></a>