Authoritarian Personality Flashcards
Dispositional explanation
Any explanation of behaviour that highlights the importance of the individuals personality
Authoritarian personality
A type of personality that Adorno argued was especially susceptible to obeying people in authority. These people are thoughts to be submissive to those of higher status and dismissive to inferiors
Displacing fears onto others who are perceived to be weaker
Adorno. Et al (1950)
He studied more than 2000 middle-class white Americans and their unconscious attitude towards other ethnic groups He developed the F-scale
Cognitive style
Way of percieving others
What did Adorno want to understand?
Anti-semitism of the holocaust
Adorno et al theory
- he argued that people with an authoritarian personality:
- show an extreme respect for and submissiveness to authority
- they view society as weaker than it once was, and need strong powerful leaders to enforce traditional values
- these characteristics make people with an authoritarian personality more likely to obey authority
Authoritarian outlook of the world
Everything is either right or wrong
Uncomfortable with uncertainty
People who are other are responsible for the problems in society
Psychodynamic explanation
- develops in childhood
- mainly due to harsh parenting
- extremely strict discipline
- expectations of loyalty
- impossibly high standards
- severe criticism
- this creates resentment and hostility in a child
- the child cannot express these feelings because they fear punishment
- their fears are displaced onto others they perceive to be weaker
Conditional parental love
Their love and affection of their child depends on how they behave
How do authoritarian personalities form?
The psychodynamic approach
Potential for fascism scale
- still used to measure authoritarian personality
- e.g. ‘obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues for children to learn’
Adorno et al findings
- people with authoria=Tarzan leanings identified with strong people and were intolerant of the weak
- very conscious of status
- showed extreme respect for those of higher status
- had a certain cognitive style
- black and white thinking - clear categories with no overlapping
- had fixed distinctive stereotypes of other groups
- there was a strong positive correlation between authoritarianism and prejudice
Strength of authoritarian personality
- there is evidence from milgram supporting it
- Milgram and Elm interviewed a small sample of people from the original obedient studies and with 30 obedient
- They completed the F-scale as part of the interview
- The 20 obedient participants scored significantly higher on the F-scale than a comparison group of 20 disobedient in participants
- the two groups were very different in terms of authoritarianism
Limitations of authoritarian personality
- The link between authoritarian personalities and obedient people maybe week
- Obedient personalities in milligrams study has a number of characteristics that white unusual for authoritarians
- unlike authoritarian, the obedient participants did not:
- glorify their fathers
- experience unusual levels of punishment in childhood
- have hostile attitudes towards their mothers
- The link between obedience and authoritarianism is complexed.
- Obedient participants were unlike authoritarians in many ways so authoritarianism is unlikely to be useful predictor obedience