auditory system Flashcards
range of human hearing
20Hz - 20Khz
what range is the ear most sensitive at
1000-4000 Hz
outer ear: pinna and ear canal
- pinna – cartillagenous structure
- formed from pharyngeal arches 1 & 2 (6x Hillocks of His)
- forms between 10th and 18th weeks in utero
- directs soundwaves towards ear canal
- high pitch > low pitch
- ear canal – 1/3 cartilage & 2/3 bone
- sound enters through pinna then enters ear via external auditory canal
outer ear: tympanic membrane
- 8 x 10mm diameter
- 14mg
- 84mm2 – 55mm2
- Broadly split into 2 parts – pars tensa(3 layers inc. fibrous layer) , pars flaccida (only inner and outer layer – more prone to structural damage)
- As air molecules push against tympanic membrane it vibrates at the same frequency as the sound wave
the middle ear
• Bones: Malleus, incus and stapes
• Muscles: tensor tympani & stapedius
• Tubes: eustachian tube
• Air-filled cavity in temporal bone of skull
• Sensation: glossopharyngeal nerve
Role: amplification of the airborne sound vibration
transmission of sound in middle ear
- Pressures in the external auditory canal and middle ear cavity are normally equal to atmospheric pressure
- Middle ear is exposed to atmospheric pressure via the eustachian tube which opens into the pharynx through a slit like opening which is normally closed except when swallowing, yawning or sneezing
- Difference in pressures occurs due to changes in altitude- when this happens middle ear pressure initially remains constant because eustachian tube is closed – constant pressure can stretch tympanic membrane – pain – relieved by yawning/swallowing – pressure equilibrate
- Vibrations of the tympanic membrane are transmitted to the inner ear through the ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes
- These bones have synovial joints between them
- They act as a piston and couple the vibrations of the tympanic membrane to oval window
- Total force of a sound wave applied to the tympanic membrane is completely transferred to the oval window – oval window is much smaller than the tympanic membrane – force per area is larger so it can transmit the sound energy through the fluid filled cochlea
- Energy transmitted can be reduced (loud noise) by contraction of tensor tympani (malleus (mad div. CN V)) and stapedius (stapes (CN VII))
inner ear: vestibulocochlear apparatus
- A set of fluid filled sacs, encased in bone
- Cochlear- responsible for hearing
- Labyrinth- responsible for balance
- Innervation: Vestibulocochlear nerve
inner ear: cochlea
- 2.5 turns filled bony tube
- 2 openings- round window & oval window
- 3 compartments ( Scala Tympani, Scala Media & Scala Vestibuli)
- 2 Ionic fluids
- Completely divided lengthways by cochlea duct – contains sensory receptors of the auditory system
cochlea fluids
- Endolymph - High K+
- Perilymph- Like ECF and CSF, Na+ rich
- Gradients maintained by: Na, K-ATPase & NKCC1 CIC-K chlorine channels
- Ion channel abnormalities- deafness.
small hole allows communication from scala vestibuli to scala tympani so sound wave can travel through
transmission of sound through inner ear
- Oval window moves in and out of scala vestibuli – creates wave of pressure
- Majority of waves are transmitted across the cochlear duct with some transmitted towards helicotrema into scala tympani where the pressure is relieved by the movements of the membrane of the round window
- The side of the cochlea duct closest to the scala tympani is formed by the basilar membrane, upon which sits the organ of corti – contains the ears sensitive receptor cells
basilar membrane
in scala tympani
high feq at base
low freq at apex
hair cells of the organ of corti
• Inner Hair Cells- Mechanical transduction – single row
• Outer Hair Cells- fine tuning – 4/5 rows
Base attached to basilar membrane
Stereocillia anchored to tectorial membrane.
Shearing forces at the stereocilia
Some antibiotics can damage the stereocilia of the hair cells
inner hair cells
Body of cell within perilymph
Hair cells (stereocilium) in endolymph
Convert pressure waves into receptor potentials
From waves to sparks:
• Movement of the sterocillia
• Rapid response required
• Mechanically gated K+ channels opened causing depolarization ( K+ rich endolymph)
• Depolarization results in opening of voltage gated Calcium channels
• Release of neurotransmitter- Glutamate (plus others)
• Repolarization through K+ efflux ( into K+ poor perilymph)
outer hair cells
- Stereocilia are embedded in the overlying tectorial membrane – mechanically alter its movement to sharpen frequency tuning at each point along the basilar membrane
- Each nerve responds maximally at a specific frequency.
- But our ability to discriminate different frequencies is not fully explained by this theory.
- Outer Hair Cells can alter the stiffness of the basilar membrane to ensure maximal stimulation at one site and dampened response at another.
- Increased resolution
central auditory pathway
E.C.O.L.I = • Eighth nerve • Cochlear nucleus • Olive • Lateral leminiscus • Inferior colliculus
how is sound info encoded
- FREQUENCY (PITCH) Encoded in nerves by location along the basilar membrane
- INTENSITY (LOUDNESS) Encoded in nerves by numbers responding and by firing rate
- SOUND TRANSDUCTION Inner Hair Cells (and OHCs)
- AMPLIFICATION Outer Hair Cells
types of hearing loss
- Conductive hearing loss = defective outer/ middle ear – improve amplification e.g. hearing aid
- Sensorineural hearing loss = defective inner ear – stimulate, cochlea implant