AUC 306 Add. 2 Abandoned Infant Act Flashcards
What are the procedures when an infant is being abandoned at the firehouse or in the field?
2.1 When a parent appears personally at a firehouse or approaches a fire unit in the field and informs a member that they wish to abandon their infant, the member being approached shall:
2.1.1 Immediately notify the officer on duty who shall contact the Borough Communications Office, request the response of an ambulance, and inform the dispatcher that the unit is in custody of an abandoned infant.
Note: Fire units shall be placed out-of-service (10-99) until an ambulance has assumed custody of the infant.
Are we required to elicit information from the parent abandoning the child?
2.4 The law does not require that parents abandoning an infant provide any information to those accepting custody, nor does it require those accepting custody to elicit any information from anyone who is abandoning an infant in accordance with the “Abandoned Infant Protection Act.” However, members accepting custody may inquire if the infant has any medical problems and/or has been seen by a physician. If the person
abandoning the infant provides information, the information shall be relayed to the ambulance crew, which subsequently will assume custody of the infant. If the person abandoning the infant refuses to answer questions, no further interaction with them is necessary.
After making a journal entry what does the unusual occurrence report need to contain?
2.6 Company officers when made aware of a unit’s possession of an abandoned infant shall:
2.6.1 A journal entry shall be made and an Unusual Occurrence Report completed. The report shall indicate the following information:
A. Date and time custody of the infant was assumed.
B. How notified.
C. Race and sex of infant.
D. Time custody of the infant was assumed by the ambulance crew.
E. Unit designation and shield numbers of ambulance unit members assuming custody
Procedures when a dispatcher has advised the unit that a infant has been abandoned at a firehouse?
- 7 When the dispatcher advises a fire unit that an infant has been reported abandoned at a firehouse, the officer shall immediately order a diligent search of the area immediately adjacent to quarters.
- 7.1 If an infant is found, the officer on duty shall follow procedures outlined in Section 2.1 or 2.2 of this document.
- 7.2 If the search proves negative, the dispatcher shall be notified, journal entry made, and an Unusual Occurrence Report forwarded indicating area searched and results of search