Atypical Sexual Variations Flashcards
not representative of a type, group, or class
statistics are a…
poor measure of “normal sex”, behaviours must be examined in relation to social norms as well these norms vary over time and between cultures
term used by American Psychological Association (APA) in Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) it is described by recurrent, atypical patterns of sexual arousal that are problematic to individual or society: unusual behaviours not always problematic
arousal with objects, pain or humiliation
these are problematic — arousal with non-consenting and unsuspecting persons
- incidence: range from isolated, infrequent acts to frequent compulsive behaviour
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Psychosexual Disorders
i) gender identity disorders (sexually unusual)
ii) paraphilias (sexually unusual)
iii) psychosexual dysfunctions
(sexually elite, sometimes sexual unusual)
iv) other psychosexual disorders
sexually oppressed is not defined here
this tends to categorize by least acceptable aspect i.e., transvestite with erectile dysfunction placed in paraphilias not psychosexual dysfunctions
Most people with atypical sexual interests
do not have a mental disorders
To be diagnosed with paraphilic disorder, DSM-5 requires that people with these interests:
- feel personal distress about their interest, not merely distress resulting from society’s disapproval; or
- have a sexual desire or behaviour that involved another person’s psychological distress, injury, or death, or
a desire for sexual behaviours involving unwilling persons or persons unable to give legal consent
To further define the line between an atypical sexual interest and disorder
he names were revised to differentiate between the behaviour itself and the disorder stemming from that behaviour (i.e., sexual masochism in DSM-IV will be title Sexual Masochism Disorder in DSM-5)
It is a subtle but crucial difference that makes it possible
for an individual to engage in consensual atypical sexual behaviour without inappropriately being labeled with a mental disorder
- revision: DSM-5 clearly distinguishes between atypical sexual interests and mental disorders involving these desires or behaviours (APA)
specialized sexual fantasies and intense sexual urges which are repetitive in nature and distressing got the person, involving non-human objects, suffering and humiliation of self or partner, children or non consenting adult. The fantasy and behaviours pervade life & often acted out in times of stress or conflict
largely male disorders —
50% onset before 18 & peeks b/w 15 and 25 and gradually declines
very poor statistics expect in paedophilia where it is known
that 10-20% of all children are victims by age 18
intense sexual urge or arousal to children 13 or younger over a period of atleast 6 months, individuals with paedophilia must be 16 or older and at least 5 years older than the victim — 95% of straight
___% of non-touching offences are against females whereas ___% of victims who are touched are male
99% and 60%
younger children serve largely as
masturbatory aids, very impersonal
“magic charm” inanimate article for arousal used in fantasy/masturbation and in relationships and is sometimes combined with unacceptable behaviour such as robbery, touching strangers — varies from seldom to frequent
objects include
underwear, high heels, silk, rubber, fur, leather
is excessive arousal by specific body part such as feet, breasts, buttocks, amputees
Difficulties arise when
partner is unwilling to participate
as many variations as objects… rituals in most sexual interactions,
these are more unusual and not understood well — it may be associated with a pleasurable experience when young.
cross dressing associated with sexual arousal or pleasure — mostly hetero males, but includes gay males. One garment to complete wardrobe, Public or Private & partners may or may not know.
research suggests it starts in…
childhood, close to mother, eldest child. Escapes male role and wants to let out their feminine side. In the part not discriminated from transgenderism (may be considered a fetish)
Sadomasochism (S&M)
also known as dominance & submission (d/s) & bondage & discipline (b/d) actual behaviours very specific to
individual or couple, seldom to frequent practice, low level to intense, do not enjoy pain in other contexts
only paraphilia with significant participation (S&M)
by females & when urge overshadows all other sources of
arousal that is when it becomes problematic
Physical/Psychological Elements of S&M: Bondage
loose restraints — can escape to total immobility (helpless)
Physical/Psychological Elements of S&: Discipline
slapping, whipping, caning — no marks to bruising and welts
Physical/Psychological Elements of S&M: Intense Stimulation
scratching, biting, ice or hot wax
Physical/Psychological Elements of S&M: Sensory Deprivation
blindfold, hood, earplugs, gags (hypoxyphilia)
Physical/Psychological Elements of S&M: Body Alteration
tattoos, piercing, branding, burns — proof of S&M commitment, beautifying, sensory enhancement
humiliation, degradation, uncertainty, apprehension, powerlessness, anxiety, fear
- are all responses to verbal statements or actions taken (put downs or menial tasks)
aggression, control, dominance, powerfulness — are all reaction to giving commands and insults to others
- many report pleasure from taking a role they normally do not play (i.e., dominant, powerful executive who likes to submit) — “high” from trust level in agreed relationship and behaviour
arousal from exposure of genitals to strangers, rarely aggressive to the victim and starts in teens & diminishes after 40.
- Stripping not considered exhibitionism (purpose is to arouse viewer, not dancer)
Obscene Phone Calls/Computer Scatologia
arousal by shocking people on the phone, often masturbate during the
call, it is seen as verbal exhibitionism
strong, repetitive urge to observe unsuspecting strangers nude or in sexual behaviour
- starts in teens, may masturbate when watching or when recollecting, may take risks for heighten arousal
(mashing): arousal from rubbing against or touching non-contention person, usually in crowed place
strong sexual urges and fantasies of sexual contact with animals, found in history and Greek mythology,
- Men: farm animals vs. Women: household pets
- Bestiality: actual sexual contact with animals
arousal derived from enemas — a procedure in which liquid or gas into the rectum typically to expel its contents, but also to introduce drugs or permit X-ray imaging.
Coprophilia & Urophilia:
sexual arousal connected with feces and urine
desire to have sex with corpse, their motivation: to completely sexually possess a non-resistant partner
- three types: fantasy, regular (act), homicide
(bride-madness) excessive sex drive in women
(mythological man/beast) uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man
Don Juanism
(functional Spanish character) excessive sex drive in men
(less pejorative term) excessive/insatiable sex drive that disturbs persons’ life and lead to indiscriminate acts
(inhibited sexual desire [ISD] or hypoactive sexual desire disorder) low sexual desire, seldom initiates or responds to sexual activity
- comment: given the negative views of society toward “excessive” sex it;s ironic that ISD is the prevalent concern in 1990’s clinical sexology
Theoretical Perspective on Paraphilias
no substantial evidence to support any one of the perspective: non account for ppl who don’t develop to the theory
brain damage or abnormality
defence against unresolved castration anxiety
experiences, especially childhood, determine later behaviours
erotic appeal to reversing or changing societal/gender roles
childhood experiences etch “love maps” in the brain (determine arousal patters)
Treatment of Paraphilias
few indiv go for treatment voluntarily as their “paraphilic” behaviour is pleasure to them
- most treatment occurs through courts or when family or partners urge person into treatment
- ethnical conflict for helping professionals who are asked to stop behaviour when client does not see the need: less success with resistant clients
of Treatment for Paraphilias
resolve unconscious conflicts — little evidence of significant success
Behaviours Therapy
modify behaviours, systematic desensitization, aversion therapy & covert sensitization, social skill training & orgasmic retraining
no drug or surgery known to eliminate urges but some help control them. Prozac reduces compulsive behaviours. Anti-androgens reduce sex drive.
Gender Identity Disorder
transsexual is common title, psychological gender doesn’t match their biological sex
Gender Dysphoria
discontent with biological sex, desire to possess body of opposite sex, desire to be regarded by others as the opposite sex
- wish to go through sex change they must: live in new gender role 1-2, M-F (hormones), F-M (testosterone)