Attitudes & Persuasion pt. 2 Flashcards
What is persuasion?
to influence or change a person’s beliefs or opinions
What is the central route to persuasion?
Occurs when people think carefully and deliberately about the content of a persuasive message
What is the peripheral route to persuasion?
the person is influenced by peripheral cues (eg. authority) without engaging in much thought
Which motivational and ability factors influence using the central vs. peripheral route?
- Peripheral cues are more effective on people who do NOT have the cognitive resources to process the strength of the arguments
- Central processing is preferred by people who have the mental capacity to reason through arguments and by people in high need for cognition
Which factors promote attitude change?
- an affective component (feelings)
- a behavioral component (the effect of the attitude on behavior)
- a cognitive component (belief and knowledge)
Which source characteristics influence persuasion?
“The Who”
- attractiveness
- credibility
- certainity
What is the halo effect?
a cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person, product, or brand influences how we perceive their specific traits or abilities
- positive impression - more likely to view their individual qualities positively (no direct evidence)
- negative impression - more likely to view their individual qualities negatively (regardless of any evidence to the contrary)
Which message characteristics influence persuasion?
“The What”
- message quality
- vividness
- fear
- culture
What is the identifiable victim effect?
Identifiable victims are often more powerful sources of persuasion than abstract statistics
What is the difference between independent and interdependent cultures?
Independent Self-Construal:
“the self is an autonomous entity that is distinct and separate from others:
- uniqueness and independence
- focus in internal causes of behavior
- the self is stable across time and social context
Interdependent Self-Construal:
“the self is fundamentally connected to other people”
- find a place within the community
- fulfill appropriate roles
- close attention to social contexts
Which audience characteristics influence persuasion?
“To Whom”
- need for cognition
- mood
- age
- audience size
- diversity
What is need for cognition?
an individual’s tendency and enjoyment in evaluating and integrating multiple relevant sources of information to make sense of their surroundings