ATS 7 - Greek Plays Flashcards
What is the ‘Orchestra’?
‘Dancing-place’ (chorus)

ATS 6aa
What are the ‘Parodos’?

ATS 6ab
What is the ‘Skene’?

(which grew much more elaborate over time)
ATS 6ac
How was the theatre run?
3 points.
- Attendance was cheap (and subsidized)
- Plays were staged within a competition
- Competition had 10 judges appointed by lot
ATS 6ad
What were the dramatic festivals?
2 points.
- Great Dionysia or City Dionysia (late March → Spring)
- Lenaea (late January - Winter)
ATS 6ae
How did the ‘City Dionysia’ run?
7 steps.
- Procession (‘introduction’)
No proceedings during the festival - procession (pompe) - Sacrifices
- Dithyrambic performances (choruses of boys and men)
- Rituals before start of dramatic competitions
- Dramatic performances
- Winners announced
- Victory procession
ATS 6af
What were the rituals before start of dramatic competitions?
4 points.
- Libations
- Proclamation of honours
- Display of tribute
- Selection of judges
ATS 6ag
What was the program of plays in the City Dionysia?
5 points.
- First: 5 comedies
- Second: 3 days for tragedy
- Each day:
- 3 tragedies
- 1 satyr play
ATS 6ah
What was the role of the ‘Khoregos’?
5 points.
Leader of the chorus
Rich plutocrat:
* Financed the performance * Gathered the chorus * Organised the rehearsals * Provided the rehearsal space (often in their vila) * Paid for the 'Vicotry monument'
ATS 6ai
What were the Greek tragedies?
5 points.
- Athenian cultural product
- Tragic hero is a good (not perfect) man who makes a mistake
- Almost exclusively mythical stories (exception Aeschylus’ Persians)
- Song/ speech, actors and chorus
- Death, injustice, decision-making
ATS 6aj
What is the Greek tragic Canon?
33 extant plays
32 tragedies plus 1 satyr play
Written by:
- Aeschylus
- Sophocles
- Euripides
ATS 6ak
What was comedy like in the 5ᵗʰ century?
3 points.
‘Old Comedy’
- Political and satirical
- Full of abuse and attacks (politicians, intellectuals… )
- Aristophanes: 11 plays including Clouds (which mocks Socrates)
ATS 6al
What are the Ancient Greek dramatic genres?
3 points.
- Tragedy
- Satyr play
- Comedy
ATS 6am
Who were the keys to the origin of the Greek dramatic performances?
3 points.
- Peisistratus
- Hippias
- Hipparchus
Also: promotion of public poetic performances
ATS 6an
What were the 2 major festivals?
- Panathenaea (epic poetry)
- Dionysia (before 534)
ATS 6ao
What did Dionysia feature?
Dionysia featured dithyramb (song for Dionysus), tragedy and comedy.
ATS 6ap
When was the festival reorganised?
Festival reorganised under the democracy, around 508
ATS 6aq
What is the ‘Theatron’?
‘watching-place’ (audience)
ATS 6ar