ATS 11 - Caesar Flashcards
What is the ‘conundrum for Caesar’?
4 points.
- Romans holding high office are immune from prosecution for the duration of their term
- To be elected to an office you have to enter Rome and put your name forward
- To cross the pomerium of Rome, you must not have any troops with you, unless you have been voted a triumph
- Without the permission of Rome, you cannot enter Italy at all with troops under arms
ATS 12aa
Caesar offers clementia (mercy)
4 points.
- This same attitude he adopted toward the princes and the peoples who had assisted Pompey.
- He pardoned them all, bearing in mind that he himself was acquainted with none or almost none of them, whereas from his rival they had previously obtained many favors.
- Indeed, he praised these far more than he did those who, after receiving favors from Pompey, had deserted him in the midst of dangers
- [Those who had not been loyal to Pompey under pressure he was not confident would be loyal to him under pressure]
– Cassius Dio , Roman History , book 41
ATS 12ab
List Ceasar’s decleration as dictator.
- 49: Briefly dictator
- 48: Named dictator for a one year term (after Pharsalus)
- 46: Named dictator for a one year term (to repeat yearly for ten years)
- 44:
- February: Named dictator perpetuo
- March 15: Assassinated in the Theater of Pompey
ATS 12ac
Major achievements of Caesar the dictator?
- Fixing an economy in crisis
- Finding a home for all the veterans
- Fixing the calendar
ATS 12ad
What was Caesar’s approach for
Fixing an economy in crisis
- Property valued at pre war levels
- Limiting the amount of ready cash any one person could hold
- Cancelling any interest owed since 49 BCE
- One year hiatus on rent
ATS 12ae
What was Caesar’s approach for
Finding a home for all the veterans
- Colonies founded around Mediterranean
- Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis (= Corinth) refounded 44 BCE
- Corinth had been destroyed and leveled by Roman general Mummius in 146
ATS 12af
What was Caesar’s approach for
Fixing the calendar
- Actual length of day: 365.242189 days
- Previous Roman calendar: 355 days (with sporadic bonus months)
- Julian Calendar: 365.25 days (replaced between 1582-1924)
- Gregorian Calendar: 365.2425 days
ATS 12ag
Who were the possible successors of Caesar?
- Octavian named de iure heir of Caesar, lands in Italy at Brundisium
- Antony regains nerve, takes up de facto leadership of the Caesarian faction
- The Roman people: furious, inclined to violence
- Marcus Junius Brutus, Publius Servilius Casca , Gaius Cassius Longinus, Lucius Tullius Cimber, and 36 others in control of city
ATS 12ah
What do you do with a problem like Antonius?
3 factions
- Trying to maintain hold on Caesarian faction while placating anti-Caesarian sympathizers in the Senate
- Not a particularly smooth political operator
Trying to end the Caesarian faction, bring control back to the Senate, and disband Caesarian armies loyal to Antony Optimates
- Trying to claim power, money, and loyalty due to him (he thought) as legal heir of Caesar
- Still very young, and not a known commodity in the Roman political scene
ATS 12ai
Octavian - appeal to Senate
- Backed by Cicero
- Given early admission to the Senate
- Appointed propraetor
- Private army made part of Roman military, with funding and legitimacy
- Took army north to fight Antony
ATS 12aj
Octavian - appeal to Caesarians
- Refused to hand army back to Senate after defeating Antony
- Demanded Antony be pardoned for rebellion
- Demanded consulship left vacant after his co generals Hirtius and Pansa (both consuls) were killed fighting Antony
Marched on Rome with army (eight legions) when denied
ATS 12ak
Who were the 2ⁿᵈ Triumvirate?
Marcus Antonius
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
ATS 12al
Relationship to the 2ⁿᵈ Triumvirate
Marcus Antonius
- Deeply unpopular with Senate
- Strong proponent of Caesarian faction
- Very large army (including some troops supposedly under Lepidus’ command)
ATS 12am
Relationship to the 2ⁿᵈ Triumvirate
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
- Large senatorial army
- (fairly) trustworthy Caesarian
ATS 12an
Relationship to the 2ⁿᵈ Triumvirate
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
2 points.
- Large private army
- Unwilling to be a pawn of the Senate
ATS 12ao
Relationship to the 2ⁿᵈ Triumvirate
Relationship between individuals
Marcus Antonius ↔ Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
They really don’t like each other
Marcus Antonius ↔ Marcus Aemilius Lepidus
Already working together
ATS 12ap
Virgil’s take on the situation
On one side Augustus Caesar stands on the high stern, leading the Italians to the conflict, with him the Senate, the People, the household gods, the great gods, his happy brow shoots out twin flames, and his father’s star is shown on his head.
Elsewhere Agrippa, favoured by the winds and the gods leads his towering column of ships, his brow shines with the beaks of the naval crown, his proud battle distinction.
On the other side Antony, with barbarous wealth and strange weapons, conqueror of eastern peoples and the Indian shores, bringing Egypt, and the might of the Orient, with him, and furthest Bactria: and his Egyptian consort follows him (the shame)
Virgil, Aeneid 8.678 688
ATS 12aq
What happened to Antony?
2 points.
30 BC
- Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide (separately) in Egypt
- Augustus follows, adds Egypt to the Roman empire (officially)
ATS 12ar
What was the Settlement of 27 BC?
4 points.
- Octavian becomes Augustus
- Continues holding consulships
- Given control of a number of provinces (to be staffed with governors responsible to Augustus, not Senate)
- Gives up office of tribune of the plebs, but holds onto sacrosanctity and to veto power
ATS 12as
What was the Settlement of 23 BC?
5 points.
Primus inter pares (not dictator, not
- Augustus gives up consulship
- Given other parts of “ tribunician power”
- Ability to help Roman citizen “oppressed by the actions of the state”
- Given imperium maius
- Not technicallly effective in Rome or Italy
ATS 12at
What are the Forum of Augustus?
5 points.
- Vowed by Octavian before the Battle of Philippi (42 BC)
- Construction only begun after 20 BC
- Following architectural plan introduced by Forum Iulium
- Significant reference to Roman history (and the Julian gens’ place in it)
- Drew on construction materials from around the empire
ATS 12au