ATS 4 - Pacific Flashcards
When did colonising of the pacific begin?
First moves 65,000 years ago.
Islands of New Guinea and Australia
ATS 5aa
When did people get to Melanesia?
Melanesia: to the centre 3,500 years ago
Lapita people
Colonies near
* Oceania * New Guinea * Remote Oceania
ATS 5ab
When was Polynesia colonised
< 1,000 years ago
ATS 5ac
When was Polynesia colonised?
First society islands were colonised 1,000~900 years ago
Polynesians did not travel with the wind or currents.
ATS 5ad
When was Easter Island colonised?
Colonisation happened 800~700 years ago.
3200 km from South America
200 km from nearest inhabited island
ATS 5ae
What was the impact of Easter Island colonisation?
Introduction of animals
- Rats
- Chickens
- No dogs or pigs.
ATS 5af
What was the impact on vegetation in Easter Island?
Introduced plants
- Taro
- Bananas
- Sugar cane
- Sweet Potatoes
ATS 5ag
When was Norfolk Island colonized?
Norfolk Island was colonized 700 years ago.
Uninhabited when Captain Cook arrived
Evidence of occupation by Polynesians
* Post holes * Obsidian from Raoul Island
ATS 5ah
When was New Zealand colonized?
Approx. 800 years ago
ATS 5ai
What was the impact of New Zealand’s colonization
Introduction of animals
* Rats * Dogs * No Pigs
ATS 5aj
What was the impact on the Mou?
Evidence of Mou hunting/eating 800/700 to 400 years ago
Extinction of Mou caused by:
* Deforestation * Over Hunting
ATS 5ak
How large was Australian aboriginal society
- 250 Languages/Tribal groups
- Approx. 1,000,000 to 750,000 people
- Multiple different people groups
ATS 5al
Torres Strait island people
- Torres Strait at top of Northern Australia
- More closely related to New Guinea people
- Skilled marine people
- Ability to produce crops
- 100 to 200 times the density of Northern Australia.
ATS 5am
Key points
Coastal Aboriginal/Saltwater people
About half their food from the sea (remainder from land)
ATS 5an
Key points
Riverine/Wetlands people
Lived around the Murray River
- Possum skin cloaks had fur on the inside
- Were known to make Dames and Channels
ATS 5ao
Key points
Dessert Peoples
- Used to Extreme environment
- Often very tall
- Very adaptable society
ATS 5ap
Key points
Rainforest People
- Known for large Shield
- Very Skilled at dealing with poisons
ATS 5aq
What is Sahul?
Name given to Australian landmass when fully connected to New Guinea.
ATS 5ar
How are the dates being determined?
The earth is being dated (not the artifacts)
ATS 5as
Where are the oldest stone axes found?
Madjedbebe in Northern Territory
65,000 ya
Mirarr Country
By A/Prof Chris Clarkson & Mirarr community
ATS 5at
Key points
Lake Mungo (NSW)
45,000-40,000 ya
Excavated in 1970
Earliest evidence for cremation
ATS 5au
Key points
- Evidence of Glaciers in Tasmania
- Extensive evidence for Ice Age wallaby hunting in Tasmania
ATS 5av