ATS 5 - Assyria & Persia Flashcards
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
Who was Cyaxeres?
Median king (?) c. 620-585 BCE
ATS 7aa
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
Who was Astyages?
Median king c. 585-550 BCE
ATS 7ab
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Cyrus rule?
559-530 BCE
ATS 7ac
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Cambyses II rule?
529-522 BCE
ATS 7ad
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Darius I rule?
521-486 BCE
ATS 7ae
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Xerxes rule?
485-465 BCE
ATS 7af
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Artaxerxes rule?
465-424 BCE
ATS 7ag
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Darius II rule?
423-404 BCE
ATS 7ah
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Artaxerxes II rule?
404-358 BCE
ATS 7ai
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Artaxerxes III rule?
358-338 BCE
ATS 7aj
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did Darius III rule?
336-330 BCE
ATS 7ak
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule.
When did the Achaemenid Persion Empire End?
Alexander burns Persepolis ending the Achaemenid Persian Empire in 330 BCE
ATS 7al
According to Herodotus, where did Cambyses takes Egypt?
(and what happened in response)
4 points.
Cambyses took Egypt at the battle of Pelusiumin - Egyptian Delta
- 26 BCE Cyrus son Cambyses takes Egypt
- Spring 522 Cambyses leaves Egypt to respond to revolt of Gaumata (impersonating Smerdis - Cambyses brother)
- Cambyses dies enroute “by his own hand”
- Autumn 522 BCE Darius “foils” Gaumata’splot and becomes King of Persia
ATS 7am
What is the Bisotun inscription?
3 points.
Bisotun inscription in Old Persian, Babylonian, and ElamiteAhuraMazda in winged disc
- Recounts victory of Darius over “imposter” Gaumata
- Copies of the inscription disseminated across the empire
- Herodotus may have based his history (with many embellishments) on the actual inscription
ATS 7an
Who first excavated Pasargadae?
Ernst Herzfeld excavated Pasargadae in 1928 but no detailed publication
ATS 7ao
Who excavated Pasargadae for the British Institute?
David Stronach excavated Pasargadae 1961-1963
ATS 7ap
Who is currently excavating Pasargadae?
Landscape archaeology by the Joint Iran-French-Australian (Monash) Project
Pasargadae has now been named a UNESCO World Heritage site
ATS 7aq
How were Achaemenid satrapies (provinces) and royal road described by Herodotus?
5 points.
- The word satrapy is a Greek adaptation of probably a Median word
- Not clear if the geographic interpretation of the word (equivalent to a province) was used by the Persians
- They refer to satraps as governors or administrators but not to satrapies
- Satraps had controlling power over a region although they could be countermanded by king
- Royally appointed judges also held regional power
ATS 7ar
What do the Persepolis Fortification Tablets show us?
8 points.
- Main primary source for Achaemenidadministration system
- Found in a bastion in the fortification wall of the terrace
- 15,000+ Elamite cuneiform tablets
- 500+ texts in Aramaic (ink on tablets or ceramic sherds)
- Records produced by the operations of a single administrative organization in the years around 500 BC
- Mostly records of ration (or in kind payment) distribution
- Show that temples (gods) from different religious traditions (Elamite, Babylonian, unknown gods) were provided for
- Show traffic along the main road systems (messengers receiving rations)
ATS 7as
Describe Statue of Darius I from Susa
3 points.
Evidence for multi-culturalism of Persian imperial ideology
- Made in Egypt of Egyptian stone (greywacke from the quarries of the Wadi Hammamat)
- Egyptian style of striding figure statue, Persian dress
- Egyptian hieroglyphics on base depicting subject nations
ATS 7at
The evidence - Historians
Who was Herodotus Greek Historian
5 points.
(c. 485-425 BCE)
- Single work survives as a history/geography/anthropology of the ancient world we call the Histories
- Written between 450 and 430 BCE
- Herodotus is the main (virtually the only) source for Greco-Persian wars
- Until relatively recently almost all of Achaemenid Persian history writing in the west was derived from Herodotus
- The stated intention of the Histories was to record the conflict between Greece and Persia
ATS 7au
What is Orientalism?
Term coined by Edward Said to describe the mix of romanticism and derogation with which Western art, literature and academics describe Eastern cultures
ATS 7av
What is an example of the orientalist worldview lumping together all visions of “eastern” culture
Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaja Statue at Raigad Fort, India 1674~1680 CE is clearly the model for Xerxes throne in 300
ATS 7aw
Chronology of Median and Persian Rule
What happened to Nineveh
In 612 BC Medes and Babylonians sack Nineveh
ATS 7ax
Characteristics of empire
How was direct political control of conquered territories managed in Assyria?
Appointment of Assyrian governors over conquered territories
Direct political control of conquered territories
In Assyria: Appointment of Assyrian governors over conquered territories
In Persia: Consolidation of satrapalsystem of government where satraps were responsible for foreign territories but controlled by an army governed by the centre
Control of diverse ethnic/political/religious groups
In Assyria: Massive population exchanges via deportation
In Persia: Incorporation of foreign gods into tributary system and king’s titulary
Ideology of territorial expansion
In Assyria: Military annals and narrative reliefs
In Persia: Visual and Textual incorporation of foreign elements into ideal of Persian kingship
ATS 7ay
Characteristics of empire
How was Direct political control of conquered territories managed in Persia?
Consolidation of satrapal system of government where satraps were responsible for foreign territories but controlled by an army governed by the centre
ATS 7az
Characteristics of empire
How was Control of diverse ethnic/political/religious groups managed in Assyria?
Massive population exchanges via deportation
ATS 7ba
Characteristics of empire
How was Control of diverse ethnic/political/religious groups managed in Persia?
Incorporation of foreign gods into tributary system and king’s titulary
ATS 7bb
Characteristics of empire
How was Ideology of territorial expansion managed in Assyria?
Military annals and narrative reliefs
ATS 7bc
Characteristics of empire
How was Ideology of territorial expansion managed in Persia?
Visual and Textual incorporation of foreign elements into ideal of Persian kingship
ATS 7bd