ATC Expectations / ATC Clearances Flashcards
What should you do when given a vectoring from ATC?
Comply immediately while responding
At 1,000’ before reaching instructed altitude what rate should you climb?
Climb at rate between 500’ - 1,500’ per minute
CRAFT scratchpad for IFR clearance delivery:
C: Clearance Limit
R: Route (whole route or “as filed”)
A: Altitude (initial & expect filed)
F: Frequency (Approach / Departure control)
T: Transponder Code
What is VFR-“on”-top:
- Cleared from ATC to fly at VFR altitudes (maintain VFR cruising altitudes [0-179 odd thousands +500 etc.]).
- Used for better winds, icing conditions etc.
- Have to comply with VFR cloud clearances
- Still an IFR clearance (does not cancel IFR flight plan)
What is VFR “over” the top?
- Flying over the clouds
- IFR pop up can be requested if conditions worsen
What does “cleared for the approach” mean?
You’re cleared for any approach (i.e gps, ils, etc.)
Altitude Clearances: Cruise vs Maintain?
- Maintain: Must maintain given altitude
- Cruise: Must fly range of MEA to given altitude
- If you descend and give ATC an altitude, you must not climb. You can descend and climb as long as you don’t tell ATC anything
What is “void time”?
- Can be given when departing from a non-towered airport, and given a “void time”
- Pilot must advise ATC as soon as possible, but not later than 30 min of pilot intentions if departure is not made by the void time
When will ATC not issue you a departure procedure?
- When you indicate on your IFR flight plan under the remarks section “NO DP”
- If this is accepted, the pilot must possess at least the textual description
How should you climb to your assigned altitude on an airway?
- Climb on centerline of the airway
- Except when maneuvering to avoid other a/c or making clearing turns while in VFR conditions, or when authorized by ATC
What are non-published clearance items?
- Direction of hold from the fix (i.e N, S, E, W)
- Holding Fix
- Radial, course, airway or route to hold
- Leg length in miles or minutes
- Direction of turns (right turns standard)
- EFC Time (expected further clearance time)
How is a parallel entry performed?
- Upon crossing the fix, turn to a course parallel to the holding course flying outbound
- Fly that course for 1 minute, and then turn into the hold pattern to intercept the inbound course
How is a teardrop entry performed?
- Upon crossing the fix, turn outbound to a heading 30º into the pattern
- Fly for 1 min, then turn in the direction of the hold to intercept the inbound leg
What do you report when entering the hold?
- Callsign
- Position
- Altitude
- Time
What are the 5 T’s to help with holds?
If given a clearance limit, which is also an IAF, when can you leave the clearance limit?
- You should start your descent and approach as close to EFC or ETA
If given a clearance limit to a fix, but it’s not an IAF, when can you leave the clearance limit?
- At EFC proceed to an IAF, and begin the approach
What regulation can I find information leaving the clearance limit?
When given the instruction during an IFR flight to “RESUME OWN NAVIGATION” what does this mean?
- This means to resume your filed flight plan to where you are cleared to
- Continue to make compulsory reports
What are the mandatory reporting points under IFR?
- Missed Approach
- Airspeed +/- 10kts
- Reaching a holding fix (time/altitude)
- VFR on top
- ETA Changes (only if in non-radar environment)
- Leaving a holding fix/point
- Outer Marker ((only if in non-radar environment)
- Unforecasted Weather
- Safety of Flight
- Vacating an altitude
- Final approach fix (only if in non-radar environment)
- Radio/Nav Failure
- Compulsory Reporting Points
- 500’ unable to climb.descend 500fpm
What are approach speeds and radius for circling for airplanes in CAT A?
- Less than 90 kts
- 1.3 NM circling
What are approach speeds and radius for circling for airplanes in CAT B?
- 91-120 kts
- 1.5 NM circling
What are approach speeds and radius for circling for airplanes in CAT C?
- 121-140 kts
- 1.7 NM circling
What are approach speeds and radius for circling for airplanes in CAT D?
- 141-165 kts
- 2.3 NM circiling
What are approach speeds and radius for circling for airplanes in CAT E?
- greater than 165 kts
- 4.5 NM circling
Do not fly procedure turns when?
- Straight in Approach
- Holding in lieu of a procedure turn
- Radar vectored to final app
- noPT depicted on chart
- Timed Approach
- Teardrop course reversal
If a pilot wants to fly on an active VFR flight plan with search and rescue provisions, for a portion not conducted under IFR clearance, what must that pilot do?
File a separate VFR flight plan, activate it and close it before flying under IFR flight plan
What is a composite flight plan?
A flight plan that combines VFR operations on an active VFR flight plan for one portion, and IFR for another portion
A pilot can fly VFR before or after an IFR clearance in VFR conditions by doing the following.
- Anytime prior to accepting an IFR clearance from the appropriate control facility
- Must cancel an IFR clearance and proceed VFR as decided
What must be done in order for a pilot to fly on a VFR flight plan prior to or proceding an IFR portion?
- File a separate VFR flight plan
- Must be opened with FSS or other service provider having the ability to open and close VFR flight plans
- ATC does not have the ability to determine if an airplane is operating on an active VFR flight plan and cannot process the activation or cancellation of a VFR flight plan
How long after a filed ETA on a VFR flight plan does search and rescue procedures start if the flight plan is not closed with the FSS?
30 min after ETA the search and rescue procedures are activated
When in VFR conditions when can a pilot cancel an IFR flight plan?
- Anytime the flight is operating in VFR conditions outside class A
- ATC separation and information services will be discontinued
- If VFR radar advisory service is desired, the pilot must specifically request it
If operating on an IFR flight plan to an airport with a functioning control tower, when should you close the flight plan?
- The IFR flight plan is automatically closed at a towered airport
- If at a non-towered airport with no comms on the ground to cancel IFR flight plan, weather permitting, it should be canceled while still airborne and ATC communications can still be made