Assessment Flashcards
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Thought to be one of the best non verbal measures of intelligence
Spearman’s “g” factor
proposed that intelligence is one general factor and measurement should not be clouded by specific abilities
Normative vs. Ipsative scores
normative- tells how someone performed relative to others
ipsative-provides info on relative strengths & weaknesses of one person only (voc pref tests)
Empirical Criterion Keying
Process for selecting which items should be included in a test, items keyed to an external criterion
Ex-MMPI generated pool of items, only those found to differentiate ppl w/schiz incl on scale 8
Spearman’s theory of intelligence
proposed that intelligence is a single factor, termed “g” factor
Based on observation that scores on various tests of mental ability tend to correlate with one another
widely used tests, like Weschler & Stanford binet measure g factor
Thurstone’s Theory of Intelligence
Proposed 7 distinct primary mental abilities: Verbal Comp Word Fluency Numerical Fluency Spatial Visualization Associative Memory Perceptual Speed Reasoning
Cattell’s Theory of Intelligence
Reorganized Thurstone’s theory to propose that “g factor” does exist w/ 2 subtypes:
Fluid Int-ability to acquire new knowledge, problem solving
Crystallized-knowledge gained thru life experience, interaction btwn fluid intelligence & environment
Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory of Intelligence
Result of extensive factor analysis, probably the most empirically validated theory Proposed 3 levels of intellect "g" general intelligence-Stratum III 10 broad abilities- Stratum II ~70 narrow abilities- Stratum I
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Proposed 8 distinct intelligences: Linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic *ppl have relative strengths & weaknesses in these categories
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Proposed 3 aspects of intelligence
- Internal components: used to acquire, store, perceive, remember
- Capacity to adapt to environmental changes
- Ability to apply past exp to current problems