ASEPTIS Flashcards
Surgical Aseptis
Free from all organisms from entering body
Medical Aseptis
Hand hygiene method - clean technique can break cycle of infection
Fingernail length - 1/2” past tip of finger
No nail polish
When Medical Asepsis
Start of shift
before and after eating
before and after bathroom
before and after smoking or vaping
when hands are visibly soiled
Handsanitzer - alcohol
at least 60%
Aseptic hand washing
Remove all jewelry
Turn on faucets with paper towel, adjust temp
We hands, use paper towel to pump soap onto hands
Work soap into lather, make sure both hands are lathered and rub igoursly in circular motion for 2 mins. keep hands lower than forearms, fingertips pointed down. Interlace fingers, clean between them. use one palm to clean back of other
use nail brush under running water
Rinse hands well keeping hands lower than forearms, dont touch sink or faucet
with water still running, dry hands with clean paper towel and turn off faucets using clean paper towel
Using alcohol based disinfectant
Remove all jewelry
pump disinfectant into hand
rub hands together ensuring disinfectant comes into contact with all surfaces
Continue to rub until it is evaporated and hands are dry
Laws protect healthcare workers and patients. Employers must develope OSHA Exposure control plan, provide and document training and provide PPE and HEP B at no cost
Safe injection practices and sharps safety procedures
Safety engineered devices
never recap or reuse or bend used needles
dispose of needles, lancets and all sharps into DESGINATED APPROVED SHARPS CONTAINER
Keep container upright and dont fill past 3/4 fill line
never reach into sharps container
Thick red / orange garbage bag with biohazard symbol
Use for strips, plastic blood tubes, gauze and all other non sharps
do not use bag for anything that could cause rips or tears
face shields
DONNING - placing on
DOFFING - taking off
Donning: hand washing, gown, mask, gloves, eyewear
Doffing, eyewear, gloves, mask, gown, hand washing (In reverse?)
Remove contaminated gloves
1) Using dominant hand, grasp the palm of the glove in other hand
2) Pull glove off other hand, turning it inside out and holding in dominant hand,
3) Encase completely in dominant hand
4) Place thumb of two fingers of ungloved hand under the cuff of remaining glove, don’t touch outside with bare hands
5) Pull glove over hand, turning it inside out and over the other glove and throw away
6) Wahs Hands
Donning and Doffing
Taking on and off PPE
Eye covers, masks, gloves, gowns, shoe covers
reservoir host
first person in cycle of infection
sneezes on glass
means of exit
means of transmission
new person drinking from glass
means of entrance
new person is now
reservoir host
Ways to break cycle of infection
wear ppe
dispose of infectious waste properly (anything contaminated goes into biohazard bag)
Discard needles into sharps container
Use safety engineered devices (built in needle that closes)
Standard precautions
wear PPE
hand hygiene
what is most important procedure to break cycle of infection
hand washing