Asch's Conformity Flashcards
When did Asch’s experiment take place?
How many participants took part?
123 males
How many trials were there for each participant?
18 trials (12 critical trials)
How many answers given by the participants were wrong?
How many participants conformed at least once?
What are the reasons for conformity within Asch’s experiment?
- Some wanted to please the experimenter
- Some didn’t want to appear different
- Some genuinely thought the majority were correct
- Some thought their eyesight was faulty
What was Asch’s experiment?
6-8 confederates and one naive participant matching a line with 3 other lines labelled a, b and c
What was the level of conformity by putting a confederate in the 3rd seat that always gave the right answer?
Conformity dropped to 5% as the participants had an ally
What was the level of conformity when participants wrote their answers?
Conformity dropped because they were giving their view
What was the level of conformity when there were 3 confederates?
Some conformity but dropped
What was the level of conformity when there were 2 confederates
Conformity dropped because a lower majority
What was the level of conformity when making the lines closer together ? (more ambiguous)
Increased conformity because of the ambiguity
What are the factors affecting conformity?
- Group size, conformity increases with group size
- Unanimity, Disserting confederates lowers conformity.
- Task difficulty, conformity increases when the task is more ambiguous
To what extent is there internal validity?
- Same line
- All seated same distance
- Instructions same for all participants
- Confederates are the same
- Demand characteristics, guessed the aims of the experiment
To what extent is there external validity?
No - done in a lab = artificial