Approaches - Psychodynamic Flashcards
What are the 3 basic assumptions?
The unconscious mind
Instincts and Drives
Early childhood experiences
What is the iceberg model of the unconscious?
Conscious mind
Pre conscious mind (memories)
Unconscious mind (motivaton)
What are the 3 parts to the structure of personality?
Id - self pleasure
ego - reality principle
superego - moral principle
What are the 3 defense mechanisms?
What are the 5 psychosexual stages?
oral (0-18m)
anal (18m-3y)
phallic (3-6y)
latency (6y-puberty)
genital (puberty+)
Why are case studies bad evidence ?
hard to generalise
hard to replicate
What was Freud’s Oedipus complex?
phallic stage and genital pleasure, boy wanting to kill father to be with mother
What strength is there to Freud’s psychodynamic approach?
2500 studies match what was said (Fisher and Greenberg 1996)
Case studies instead of lab experiments