AS FP3 : Economic developments ; The Launch of the First-Five Year Plans and the decision to collectivise Flashcards
Conceptual Awareness
What were the aims of the first five-year plan?
- Centralised planning to be maximised
- Development of Heavy Indusry
- Production increased by 300%
- Improve the transport system
- Transform the economy by electrification
- Feed the expanding workforce through big increases in agricultrual production
- Light industry was given low priority but still expected to double its output.
Conceptual awareness
What was the launch of the first plan accompanied by?
A wave of propaganda.
Conceptual Awareness
What is the definition of a Socialist Economy?
One where there is no private ownership and in which all members of society have a share in the State’s resources.
Conceptual Awareness
What did the urban workers and peasants hope for concerning the FYP?
- Urban workers hoped for better employment prospects and higher living standards
- Many poor and ‘middle’ peasants were led to believe they would benefit from further land reform and the introduction of more modern methods.
Conceptual Awareness
What were the main reasons behind collectivisation?
- Grain procurement crisis
- Need for increased food supplies for expanding work force
- An ideological conviction that collectivisation was the true communist path and the Kulaks were in the way of it.
- Destroying the ‘Mir’ would allow the party to exert its authority over the peasants.
- Larger units of land could be farmed more efficiently through mechanisation ; creating surplus labout for the urban workforce.
Conceptual Awareness
What percent of the population was proletariat in 1928?
Only 20%
Conceptual Awareness
What was the Ural-Siberian Method?
The Ural-Siberian method was the closing of free markets across the region using the criminal law (Article 107) to stop speculation - hoarding grain- and pressuring local officials to seize by force.
Conceptual Awareness
When did Stalin announce the ‘liquidation of the Kulaks as a class’?
December 1929.