AS FP2 : Economic and social developments ; war communism Flashcards
Conceptual Awareness
Why did the Bolsheviks introduce War Communism?
- The regime needed to re-organise the economy in order to survive the Russian Civil war and meet the needs of a war economy
- To ensure that the Red Army was supplied with munitions and food
- Russian Economy on the brink of collapse in May 1918
Conceptual Awareness
What was the ideology behind war communism?
- If the Russian economy was treated like one single ‘enterprise’ they would be able to make the best use of Russia’s productive capacity without worrying about the needs of the individual
- Bolsheviks theorists worked on the principle that the right political decisions could solve economic problems; if the whole country were treated as one giant factory or unit of production problems of supply demand and distribution could be disregarded.
Implementation of War Communism
What is the Russian word for Requisitioning?
Implementation of War Communism
What two policies was grain requisitoning built upon?
- Socialisation of land decree February 1918
- Food supplies dictatorship May 1918
Implementation of War Communism
What were the peasants officially given for the requisitioning of their grain - was this enforced?
Officially the peasants were paid a fixed price for their grain, but the detachments of soldiers, cheka, and workers often seized more and offerred inadequate vouchers.
- Live stock and firewood disappeared leaving the peasanrs scarcely enough to live on as these requisitioning squads would seek their own rewards.
Implementation of War Communism
Who were the worst hit by grain requistioning?
The Kulaks - those who’d made personal wealth of farming, they were labeled enemies of the people and sometimes their whole stocks would be seized.
Implementation of War Communism
What was the general effect of War Communism?
- Brought misery to rural areas
- Peasants resisted; they hid supplies, grew less and murdered requisitoning squads
- Brutal repression by Cheka
Implementation of War Communism
What happened to money during 1918?
At the beginning of 1918 there was hyperinlation due to the printing of money - the balue of money became worthless and was abolished by the state. Instead of money, workers and soldiers were paid through rations.
Implementation of War Communism
Why were fines imposed on workers during war communism?
Fines were imposed for slackness, lateness and abstenteenism.
Implementation of War Communism
What was controlled through centralised distribution and regulations?
Food, clothing and lodging.
Implementation of War Communism
How was rationing organised - what did this?
The supply commissariat rationed the food seized by the Cheka, it was re-organised on a class basis ; Red Army and workers given the most whereas the nobility, bourgeoisie and clergy were given none.
Implementation of War Communism
What was made illgeal in 1918?
Private trade
Implementation of War Communism
What was the first industry to be fully nationalised - when was it, what was it followed by?
Sugar in May 1918, followed by Oil in June 1918
Implementation of War Communism
When was nationalisation extended to nearly all factories and businesses?
November 1920
Implementation of War Communism
What happened to factories under nationalisation?
Workers lost the freedom from the Decree of November 1917 and the workers’ soviets which controlled the factories were abolished ; professional managers were employed by the state to re-impose discipline and increase output.