AS FP2 : Economic and Social Developments ; Tambov and Kronstadt Flashcards
Conceptual Awareness
What did Trotsky say in reference to the Civil War’s effect on the economy?
“We won the war but we ruined the country.”
Result of the Russian Civil War, War communism and WW1
The Tambov Revolt
When was the Tambov Revolt?
Autumn 1920 - June 1921
The Tambov Revolt
How many uprisings were reported by the Cheka in 1921?
The Tambov Revolt
What were the causes of the Tambov revolt?
- Grain Requisitioning
- The famine of 1921
The Tambov Revolt
How big did the Tambov revolt get?
70,000 peasants led by Alexander Antonov, by March 1921 big enough to attack grain stores along the Volga river.
The Tambov Revolt
How did the Bolsheviks deal with the Tambov revolt?
- 10,000 red army troops deployed,
- Brutal repressions - particularly against those accused of being Kulaks
- In 1922 Red Army troops pour into the Tambov provincee, destroying whole villages - even poison gas was used on those who hid in the forests.
Large enough to threaten the Bolshevik state, but also a signifier that a new economic policy was needed.
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
When was the Kronstadt sailor uprising?
March 1921 - at the same time as the peak of the Tambov Revolt
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
What were the causes of the Kronstadt rising?
- Kronstadt sailors had relatives who were peasants and therefore felt strongly about the situatuon in the countryside.
- Food crisi of 1921 and the reduction of a third in the Bread Ration of several cities - including Moscow and Petrograd.
- Protests about the lack of union representation - Cheka sent to crush demonstrations as even some of the regular sailors refused.
- Martial Law was imposed in January of 1921
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
How many sailors rebelled?
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
Who were the Kronstadt sailors?
- Responsible for the famous Potemkin Mutiny
- Had fought for the Reds in the Civil War
- Some had taken part in the October Revolution e.g the Battleship Aurora supported the Bolsheviks
- In the July Day disturbances 20,000 armed sailors had taken part.
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
What were the demans of the sailors’ manifesto?
- An end to one-party communist rule
- Genuine democracy
- Civil Rights
- “Soviets without Bolsheviks”.
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
What happened to the sailors?
An army under Mardhal Tukhachevsky was sent by Trotsky five miles across the ice to crush the rebels :
- Ring leaders were shot, while 1,500 rebels were taken prisoner and mosr sent to a labour camp on the white sea.
The Kronstadt Sailor Uprising
What was Lenin’s response to the uprising?
Lenin denounced the sailors as ‘white traitors’ but the incident had clearly shaken him, for Lenin it was the “lightning flash which lit up reality better than anything else” in relation to Russia’s economy.
What were the political reprecussions of the revolts?
- Caused divisions within the Bolshevik Party
- The Workers’ opposition group was created by Shylapkinov ad Kollontai and argued for greater worker control and removal of managers and military discipline in factories.
–> Objected to the fact that the State appointed trade union leaders, which effectively made unions a tool of the regime.
Also strongly opposed those in the party who wanted to continue War Communism.