Arsenic Flashcards
where is arsenic found?
dips, sprays, ectoparsite control
heart worm medication (thiacetarsamide
feed additive
What are the forms of arsenic?
inorganic - very toxic
organic (arsenates, arsenites) - less toxic
what is the absorption and distribution?
through skin and GIT
accumulates in energy rich tissue (liver, kidney, GIT epithelium)
chronic can lead to accumulation in hair and hoof
What is the metabolism and he excretion?
inorganic forms are methylated
excreted in the bile and urine
half life a few days
What is the MOA?
inorganic cause chemical irritation and tissue degen
arsenic in general is a metabolic poison resulting in impaired cellular respiration and uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
degen in high energy requiring tissue
with inorganic poisoning what are the two syndromes present?
with inorganic acute syndrome what are the clinical manifestations?
sudden onset sudden death (due to shock) vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, atazia, recumbancy, shock, diarrhea, death 3-4h terminal convulsions
with inorganic subacute syndrome what are the clinical manifestations? whats the duration?
duration 2-7d
- more neuro
- colic
- vomiting, diarrhea, slaivation, grinding teeth, anorexia, thirst
usually dehydrated and in shock
- muscle tremors, incoordination, clonic convulsions, hind end paralysis
what is seen with inorganic chronic poisoning?
same systems are affected but clinical manifestations are vague
- unthrisfty aniaml, poor growth, indigestion, reduced milk production, abortion ,buccal cavity ulcers
What is the Dx of inorganic arsenic poisoning?
GIT and neuro signs
- analysis of liver kidney, hair and food samples
- severe gatroenteritis, degen changes in most systems
What is the treatment for inorganic arsenic poisoning?
high levels = death
sodium thiosulfate, british anitlewisite and astringents may be usedful
fluid therapy for shock
What three forms are there of organic arsenic? (less toxic feed additives)
arsanilic acid
nitrophenylarsonic acid
Why is there diagnositc problems with organic arsenic poisoning?
75% eliminated within 24h after exposure termination
What are the clinical manifestations of organic arsenic?
may take weeks to develop
no GI so continue to eat feed until late stages of disease
What are the clinical signs of acute organic arsenic poisoning?
within 1w
- incoordination, ataxia
- paralysis
- blindness
- no anorexia or GIT sings
What are the clinical signs of chronic organic arsenic poisoning?
similar but to lesser degree
What is the Dx of organic arsenic?
history of exposure
clinical signs (neuro)
feed analysis
tissue sample (with caution because excreted rapidly)
What is the treatment?
usually make uneventful recovery if removed from source
What is the economical implication?
withdrawal times very short