Army Command Policy - SHARP Flashcards
What publication covers SHARP?
AR 600-20
What publication covers Army Command Policy?
AR 600-20
What does SHARP stand for?
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program
What does POSH stand for?
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Whose responsibility (overall) is POSH?
The commander’s
What are a commander’s responsibilities with regard to POSH?
- Ensure that personnel are aware of the Army’s policy on POSH
- Post applicable command policy statements etc.
- Assess the command climate
- Set the standard
What is the Army’s policy on sexual harassment?
It is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
What is sexual harassment?
A form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders when such conduct contributes to a hostile work enviornment or is made a contingent for career progression, pay etc.
What chapters of AR 600-20 cover SHARP?
7 and 8
What are the techniques for addressing Sexual Harassment?
Direct, indirect, 3rd party, chain of command, file a formal complaint
What are the two types of sexual harassment?
Quid pro quo and hostile work environment
What are the three categories of sexual harassment?
verbal, non-verbal, physical contact
Where can you find information about how to file a formal complaint?
AR 600-20, Appendix D
SAPR accomplishes it’s mission through a policy centered on what 6 concepts?
awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability
What are the goals of the SAPR program?
1 Create a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents,
(2) Create a climate that encourages victims to report incidents of sexual assault
(3) Establish sexual assault prevention training and awareness programs
(4) Ensure sensitive and comprehensive treatment to restore victims’ health and Well-being.
( 5 ) Ensure leaders understand their roles with regard to responding to sexual assault victims
What is the I AM STRONG campaign?
campaign to eliminate sexual harassment by encouraging bystanders to stand up and creating a culture that recognizes that failure to report sexual harassment and assault is incompatible with the Army Ethos and Army Values
What does I AM Strong stand for?
Intervene, Act, Motivate
What is a hostile environment?
A hostile environment occurs when Soldiers or civilians are subjected to offensive, un- wanted and unsolicited comments, or behaviors of a sexual nature and those behaviors unreasonably interfere with their performance, regardless of whether the harasser and the victim are in the same workplace.
What DA Form is used to file a formal SHARP (or EO) complaint?
DA Form 7279