Arid-autonomous Flashcards
Without guile; open and honest. Red riding hoods artless comment “Grandma what big eyes you have” indicates her childlike innocence.
Practicing self- denial. The monk was drawn to the ascetic lifestyle in the monastery.
Diligent. It took weeks of assiduous labor for the artist to be happy with his work.
Ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger). Jilted by Daniel, Alex tried to assuage her pain by eating ice-cream. One gallon later, Alex assuaged her appetite but not her grief.
Make thinner; weaken or lessen (in density, force, degree. The long dry spell attenuated the creek to a trickle.
Forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented
The headmaster’s austere demeanor tended to scare off the more timid students. The room reflected the man, austere and bare
Self- governing. Although UC Berkeley is part of the UC system, it is autonomous, for it runs several programs that are not subject to outside control.