.AR SG-Main Steam (Welch's Highlighted Notes) Flashcards
Steam Generators:
- Transfer ~ ? MWt from…
- ?
Feedwater ring
- ?
- Economizer: Located?
Steam Generators:
- Transfer ~ 4013 MWt from RCS to the secondary. Design: 575°F / 1270 psia
- No load: ~1170 psia, 100%: ~1040 psia
- 18.0 x 106 lbm/hr of 1030 psia saturated steam when feedwater is 450°F. Moisture content limited to 0.1%
- Outlet nozzle flow orifice - limits steam flow in the event of a SLR (steam line rupture) (↓ peak CTMT pressure, ↓ CDR, ↓ + reactivity addition rate)
Feedwater ring:
- Distributes feedwater from the downcomer feedwater nozzle. Supplies water into the downcomer region.
- Used during emergency conditions to prevent thermally shocking the U-tubes.
- Economizer: Located just above the tube sheet on the cold leg side. Increases efficiency by preheating incoming feedwater before it enters the evaporator section. (Normal feed line)
MSIVs (SG1 – 170/180, SG2 – 171/181):
- ?
Rapid positioning:
- ?
Slow positioning:
- ?
Power supplies (125Vdc):
- ?
- ?
MSIVs (SG1 – 170/180, SG2 – 171/181):
- 140’ MSSS. Hydraulic-actuated, double-disc, wedge valves.
- Do not open > 100 psid
Rapid positioning:
- Uses accumulator pressure to close
- < 4.6 seconds on MSIS
Slow positioning:
- Used to open, close, and “exercise“ the valves (close to 90%)
- ~ 5 minutes to open
- Uses air operated hydraulic pump
Power supplies (125Vdc):
- Normal: directly from the battery (PKA or PKB).
- Back-up: from the bus (PKA or PKB).
- Selected by closing breakers on the PK bus.
- Each valve has two slow positioning HSs (Train A and B)
Each SG has two fast close PBs (Train A and B)
- Closes BOTH valves from a SG
- Pushing both (on one SG) will discharge both train accumulators & render them inoperable.
- Loss of power: fails closed.
- Loss of IA only: does not change position, remains capable of Fast Closing with air reservoir.
- Loss of IA and air reservoir: fails as is, cannot fast close
MSIVs (SG1 – 170/180, SG2 – 171/181):
MSIV’s hydraulic supply system:
- Purpose/Design?
- Accumulators (2):
- ?
- Air reservoirs (2):
- ?
Single MSIV Closure (40AL-9RK6A):
- ?
MSIVs (SG1 – 170/180, SG2 – 171/181):
MSIV’s hydraulic supply system:
- Each MSIV has independent, self-contained hydraulic actuator and two redundant hydraulic supply systems.
- Pump: Only common component to both hydraulic systems. Pneumatic (air) operated PDP.
- Accumulators (2):
- Stores pressurized hydraulic fluid for quick closing.
- Pre-charged with nitrogen, then filled to the desired level and pressure (5200 psig) using the hydraulic pump.
- 5000 psig – minimum Tech Spec pressure
- 5400 psig – upper limit to protect seals
- Pressure indicated in MCR / ERFDADS
- Relief valve kept isolated.
- Manually bleed off pressure if needed.
- Air reservoirs (2):
- Backup control air supply for positioning the hydraulic fluid control valves.
- Ensures MSIV’s can be closed following the loss of off-site power and air.
- SEIS alarm on low pressure (74 psig).
Single MSIV Closure (40AL-9RK6A):
- Reduce power to < 65%.
- Place DFWCS in 1E.
- Re-open with 40OP-9SG01 (Slow Open).
Economizer Isolation Valves (SG1 132/174, SG2 137/177):
- ?
Economizer Isolation Valves (SG1 132/174, SG2 137/177):
- Electro-hydraulically operated.
- 2 valves in series on each feed line.
- MSIS auto closure (Closes associated train valves)
- Similar to MSIVs except the actuator only has a single hydraulic control system train with two accumulators.
- Each FWIVs only closes on associated train MSIS signal.
Exercise/Test switches (MSIVs/FWIVs):
- Exercise: ?
Exercise/Test switches (MSIVs/FWIVs):
- Exercise: valve will slow close using hydraulic pump discharge. At 90%, limit switch causes it to slow open.
- ACC CH TEST: actuator system is lined up to discharge the associated accumulator to the hydraulic reservoir so that the accumulator N2 pre-charge pressure can be checked without causing valve movement.
MSIV Bypass Valves (1 per SG):
- ?
MSIV Bypass Valves (1 per SG):
- Close in < 4.6 seconds against 1400 psid.
- MSIS auto closure (either train will close both bypass)
- Train A and B SOVs in series in its air supply. Both energized to open the MSIV bypass.
- AOVs: Fail closed (loss of air / PK power).
- Closed by spring pressure.
Main Steam Safety Valves:
- 5 per steam line (setpoint A/L 1%, A/F 3% per Tech Spec bases)
- 1st – # psig ?
- 2nd – # psig ?
- 3-5th – # psig ?
- ?
Main Steam Safety Valves:
5 per steam line (setpoint A/L 1%, A/F 3% per Tech Spec bases)
- 1st – 1250 psig
- 2nd – 1290 psig
- 3-5th – 1315 psig
- 1% accumulation and 3% blowdown
- MCR Indications (acoustics, powered from NNN-D11):
- 1 green light (valve closed) / 1 red light (9% open) / 1 red light (100% open)
Atmospheric Dump Valves (SG1 178/184, SG2 179/185):
- Operated from …?
- Operated with:
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ADVs fail…?
N2 accumulators for ADVs:
- ?
Atmospheric Dump Valves (SG1 178/184, SG2 179/185):
- Operated from MCR, RSP or locally:
- MCR Controllers powered from PNA/PNB (120Vac)
- Loss of PNA or PNB – two ADVs failed closed
- “CR” push-button at RSP must be depressed for MCR control.
- MCR alarm if not in “CR”
- ADV permissive hand switches - both in OPEN PERMISSIVE to allow remote operations.
- Permissive circuits powered from PKA, PKB, PKC or PKD.
- Each power supply supplies two switches, impacting two ADVs. (loss of any PK – two ADVs failed closed)
- Loss and restoration of 120Vac, the LOCAL/CR output module will be forced into “CR”
- Blown fuse causes green lights to be dimly lit.
- MCR Controllers powered from PNA/PNB (120Vac)
- Operated with:
- Instrument Air
- N2 from Service Gas (HP N2)
- N2 accumulators
- ADVs fail closed (loss of air and N2 OR loss of power)
N2 accumulators for ADVs:
Automatically aligned if instrument air is < 100 psig
- SOV energized to open and align N2
- N2 < 615 psig: ADV is inoperable (TSR
- 184 & 185 – each supplied by a pair of 28 ft3 accumulators
- 178 & 179 – each supplied by one 56 ft3 accumulator
- Design: ADV operation (assuming N2 > 615 psig) for either:
- 16 hour SBO coping time
- 4 hours in M3 and 9.3 hours to align SDC (LCO bases)
Automatically aligned if instrument air is < 100 psig
- 30% controller output required to start opening the ADV (overcomes bonnet pressure)
- Closing ADV Inlet Isolation Valve with the ADV partially open will damage the Inlet Isolation Valve
- ADVs can be locally operated with a hand wheel (isolate IA/N2, open equalizing valve, engage the clevis)
Downcomer Isolation Valves (SG1 130/172, SG2 135/175):
- MSIS…?
- Pneumatically-operated by …?
- Back-up N2 accumulator:?
- Loss of power (PK): ?
Loss of all pneumatic pressure (air, N2, & accumulator): ?
Downcomer Isolation Valves (SG1 130/172, SG2 135/175):
- MSIS auto closure (Closes associated train valves)
- Pneumatically-operated by N2
- IA repositions the pneumatic servo to align for opening or closing.
- N2 is also the back-up supply to servos
Back-up N2 accumulator: provides 8 hours of valve operation if air is lost
- 1 tank for all 4 valves
- N2 accumulator automatically aligned by energized to open SOV if HP N2 pressure is low
- Low N2 pressure (550 psig) – MCR alarm
- Analyzed to operate at 235 psig.
- Valves drifts closed at 150 psig.
- Allows AFN pump to supply the SGs.
- Loss of power (PK): fail OPEN (allows AFN to feed SGs)
- Loss of all pneumatic pressure (air, N2, & accumulator): fail closed
Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS):
- ?
- ?
Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS):
- Low SG pressure (< 960 psia – variable)
- High CTMT pressure (> 3 psig NR)
- High SGWL (> 91% NR level)
- Downcomer FWIVs
- Economizer FWIVs
- MSIVs (MSIVs close on either train of MSIS)
- MSIV Bypasses (Closes on either train MSIS)
- Upstream Steam Trap Isolation Valves
- SGBD CIVs (AOVs) and SG sample CIVs (SOVs)
Steam Traps:
Upstream MSIV Traps (6)
- ?
Downstream MSIV traps:
- ?
Each isolation valve has a steam trap in parallel with it.
- ?
Steam Traps:
Upstream MSIV Traps (6):
- MSIS auto isolation
- AOVs Fail closed (loss of air or power)
- 1 per MSIV / 1 per AFA supply
Downstream MSIV traps:
- Eight traps (2-inch drain lines)
- MOV isolations
- No auto closure
Each isolation valve has a steam trap in parallel with it.
- Normally open during turbine synch and closed at power.
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
RU-142A-D MS Line N-16 Monitors:
- ?
RU-142A-D MS Line N-16 Monitors:
- Ch 1&2 – SG1 / Ch 3&4 – SG2
- One per steam line. (140’ Turb Bldg / next to each other)
- Alarm: detects 30 GPD leak in area of highest susceptibility (upper hot side tube bundle)
- Tube leak: all ↑ due to proximity of RUs
- affected SG RUs ↑ higher
- Indication will ↓ with reactor power (N-16↓)
- Alarm on change in leak rate (“Urgent” alarm)
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
TRM TLCO 3.3.101 Rad Monitoring
- ?
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
TRM TLCO 3.3.101 Rad Monitoring
- MSL RMs functional in Modes 1-4.
- 1 channel (A or B) required per SG.
- RU-139 A & B / RU-140 A & B.
- Setpoint: 3 x background
- If not met, restore or establish alternate monitoring in 72 hours (alternate is per the REP)
- Located next to steam lines upstream of ADVs and safeties in the MSSS. Monitors effluent doses.
- Used for SGTR diagnosis.
- May only detect > 10-15 gpm tube leak under normal failed fuel conditions at 100% power.
- Response is proportional to reactor power (N-16 detectors)
- Post trip, may not see the leak unless major fuel damage.
- Manually isolate associated SGBD if in High alarm (ARP)
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
S/G Levels
- 2 NR LTs per SG
- ?
- 4 WR LTs per SG (class)
- ?
- 4 NR LTs per SG (class)
- ?
- Normal operating level: ?
- Post trip (mode 3): ?
60% WR correlates to 0% NR.
- ?
- Top of U-tubes (~?% NR) [per EOP Set point calcs]
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
S/G Levels:
- 2 NR LTs per SG
- SG1: LT-1111, 1112, SG2: LT-1121, 1122
- FWCS, ERFDADS, Plant Computer, indication and annunciators.
- 4 WR LTs per SG (class)
- SG1: LT-1113A-D, SG2: LT-1123A-D
- PPS, Plant Computer, QSPDS (A & B), indication & RSPs (A & B trains).
- 4 NR LTs per SG (class)
- SG1: LT-1114A-D, SG2: LT-1124A-D
- PPS, Plant Computer, ERFDADS and indication.
- Normal operating level: 80% WR (~ 47% NR).
- Post trip (mode 3): 45-55% NR
60% WR correlates to 0% NR.
- NR (150” span, 0% is 369” above tube sheet)
- WR (376.25” span, 0% is 143” above tube sheet)
- Share upper tap at 55.5” above moisture separator support plate.
- Top of U-tubes (~24% NR) [per EOP Set point calcs]
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
Steam Pressures:
- ?
PAM (LCO 3.3.10) and RSP (LCO 3.3.11) – Modes 1-3:
- ?
Instrumentation (SG-Main Steam System):
Steam Pressures:
- SG ∆P (between SG1 and SG2 for AFAS ∆P lockout) (A,B,C,D)
- SG1 Pressure and SG1 VSP (variable setpoint) (A,B,C,D)
- SG2 Pressure and SG2 VSP (variable setpoint) (A,B,C,D)
- Main Steam Common Header Pressure (PT-1024/1027, 900-1300 psia) (SBCS/COLSS)
- 2 SFs per SG, 1 per steam line (DFWCS/SBCS/COLSS)
PAM (LCO 3.3.10) and RSP (LCO 3.3.11) – Modes 1-3:
- 2 WR LT (0-100%) per SG
- 2 WR PT (0-1524 psia) per SG
LCO 3.7.1 Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs) [Modes 1-3]:
- ?
LCO 3.7.1 Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs) [Modes 1-3]:
Mode 1 & 2: 10 per SG required
- Up to 4 on any SG can be inoperable (↓ power per table within 4 hrs / ↓ VOPT setpoint within 36 hrs)
- If 5-8 inoperable on any SG, Mode 3 in 6 hours
- Mode 3: 2 per SG required
- Operable: open within setpoint band, relieves overpressure, and re-seats.
- As-found ± 3% setpoint. As-left ± 1% setpoint.
- Limit secondary pressure to ≤ 110% of design when passing 100% of design steam flow.
- Secondary pressure limiting event: Full power Loss of Condenser Vacuum (LOCV).
- Determines the max allowed thermal power with inoperable MSSVs
- Primary pressure limiting event: Full power FWLB in CTMT, with failure of the backflow check valve in the FW line.
- MODE 3: one MSSV per SG (two total) has sufficient relieving capacity to dissipate core decay heat and RCP heat to limit secondary system pressure to ≤ 110% of design pressure. (2 per SG required for redundancy)
LCO 3.7.2 Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs):
- ?
LCO 3.7.2 Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs):
- Four MSIVs and associated actuator trains required to be operable.
- Modes 1-4 except when all MSIVs are closed and deactivated.
- One MSIV with 1 act train INOP - restore actuator in 7 days OR declare MSIV inoperable.
- Two MSIVs with 1 act train (different trains) INOP - restore one in 72 hours OR declare MSIVs inoperable
- Two MSIVs with 1 act train (same train) INOP - restore one in 48 hours OR declare MSIVs inoperable
- Two actuators on 1 MSIV INOP - immediately declare the MSIV inoperable
- ≥ 3 actuators inoperable - immediately declare affected MSIVs inoperable
- One MSIV inoperable in Mode 1 - restore in 4 hours or RICT. Be in Mode 2 within 6 hours if not met.
- > 1 MSIV inoperable in Mode 1 – restore in 1 hour or RICT. Be in Mode 2 within 6 hours if not met. (cannot voluntarily enter RICT)
- ≥ 1 MSIV inoperable in Modes 2-4 - close the MSIV in 4 hours, verify closed every 7 days OR go to Mode 5.
- Isolation times (3.8 sec per ST) are within limits and auto close on MSIS.
- Actuator train operability: capable of fast-closing on demand and within time limit. > 5000 psig in accumulator.
- Adequate air pressure to support fast-closure (SEIS alarm ≤ 74 psig on air reservoir).
LCO 3.7.3 Main Feedwater Isolation Valves (MFIVs):
- ?
LCO 3.7.3 Main Feedwater Isolation Valves (MFIVs):
- Four economizer and four downcomer MFIVs operable
- Modes 1-4 except when MFIV is closed and deactivated or isolated by a closed and deactivated power operated valve.
- Any FWIV inoperable: close/isolate in 72 hours or RICT. Verify every 7 days
- Two FWIVs inoperable on same flow path: isolate path in 8 hours or RICT. Verify every 7 days.
- Isolation times within limits and auto close on MSIS.
- Isolates feed water to the SGs (FWLB/SLB/SG overfill)
- Limits RCS cooldown
- Limits mass added to CTMT (break in CTMT)
- Isolates non-safety related portions of MFW system
- Prevent water from entering steam lines (overfill)
LCO 3.7.4 Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs):
- ?
LCO 3.7.4 Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs):
- Four ADVs operable in Modes 1-4 when SG is being relied upon for DHR.
- One ADV inop on one or both SGs – 7 days or RICT
- Two ADVs inop on one or both SGs – 24 hours or RICT (all 4 could be inoperable, cannot voluntarily enter when intentionally making the last ADV inoperable)
- Operable: capable of providing a controlled relief of steam flow and capable of fully opening and closing on demand.
- Local hand wheel not credited/not required
- Required to have a nitrogen supply that supports ADV operation for 13.3 hours (≥ 615 psig per TRM).
- Capable of cooling the unit to SDC entry conditions.
- Primary success path for RCS cooldown during a SGTR to minimize off-site dose.
TRM TLCO 3.7.200 Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs):
- ?
TRM TLCO 3.7.200 Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs):
- N2 accumulator tank ≥ 615 psig. If not met, immediately declare ADV inoperable
- Sufficient N2 to operate ADVs for 4 hours at hot standby plus 9.3 hours of operation to reach M5 on natural circulation and loss of normal control air system fails.
LCO 3.7.16 Secondary Specific Activity:
- ?
LCO 3.7.16 Secondary Specific Activity:
- ≤ 0.10 μCi/gm DE I-131. Modes 1 – 4.
- If not met, M3 in 6 hours, M5 in 36 hours.
- Assumption in MSLB analysis (LOOP, use of ADV). Small fraction of dose limits.
TRM TLCO 3.7.100 SG P/T Limits:
- ?
TRM TLCO 3.7.100 SG P/T Limits:
- SG temp > 70°F if SG pressure is > 650 psig.
- If not met, ↓ pressure to ≤ 650 psig in 30 min and perform engineering evaluation.