.AR PLCS PPCS (Welch's Highlighted Notes) Flashcards
Pzr Level Transmitters (LT-110X and 110Y):
- Selectable input to PLCS.
- LT power: ?
- LT Output to PLCS power: ?
- LT-110X and Y:
- ?
Pzr Level Transmitters (LT-110X and 110Y):
- Selectable input to PLCS.
- LT power: PNA-D25 (110X) and PNB-D26 (110Y).
- LT Output to PLCS power: NNN-D12 (110X) and NNN-D11 (110Y)
- LT-110X and Y:
- RSP and PAM LIs (LCO 3.3.10 / 3.3.11)
- Hi / Lo level alarms (60% / 25%)
- Hi / Lo level deviation from setpoint alarms (+8.5% / -3.5%)
- LT-110X - PAM recorder
Program Level Generator:
- Based on RRS…?
- < 568°F Tave:? constant at 33%
- > 586°F Tave: ?
568 - 586°F: level setpoint is ramped linearly…?
- ?
Program Level Generator:
- Based on RRS Tavg (Loop 1, 2, or average)
- < 568°F Tave: LPZR constant at 33%
- > 586°F Tave: LPZR constant at 52.6%
568 - 586°F: level setpoint is ramped linearly from 33% to 52.6% (15% to 100% power).
- Low end of band keeps heaters covered / available
- High end of band maintains a PZR bubble for proper pressure control
- Insurge will not reach safety nozzles
- Outsurge will not drain PZR on a Reactor trip from 100%
- Containment loading is determined by volume of RCS and size of PZR. Ensures design limits are not exceeded during LOCA
Master Level Controller (LIC-110, aka Level Setpoint Control)
- Red pointer: ?
- Black on white pointer: ?
- Black pointer: ?
- Outputs (0-100%): ?…
- Controller in automatic mode (remote or local setpoint): ?…
- Shifting LIC between Remote Auto and Local Auto is ….?
- Place LIC in manual…why?…
Master Level Controller (LIC-110, aka Level Setpoint Control):
- Red pointer: actual level from selected channel (LT-110X or LT-100Y)
- Black on white pointer: remote setpoint from RRS (based on Tavg)
- Black pointer: local setpoint from thumbwheel.
- Outputs (0-100%):
- Sends status to RRS to prevent testing unless PLCS is NOT in Remote/Automatic (PLCS in LOCAL or MANUAL).
- Inputs to Level Error Deviation Program. (If in LOCAL)
- Compares actual level (selected) to the level setpoint.
- LIC output controls letdown LCVs (LV-110P/Q).
- Controller in automatic mode (remote or local setpoint):
- Output is modified by a “lag” unit before being applied to the letdown control valves.
- Lag prevents rapid valve motion. Prevent unwanted pressure transients in the letdown line.
- Low flow limit (~30 gpm). Adequate charging pre-heat to prevent RCS charging nozzle thermal shock.
- Upper flow limit (~135 gpm). Ensures letdown does not exceed maximum design flow rates.
- Lag and flow limits bypassed in manual control (0-150 gpm)
- Shifting LIC between Remote Auto and Local Auto is break before make.
- Place LIC in Manual prior to changing modes (prevent change in controller output)
Letdown Control Valves…?
Letdown Control Valves:
- LV-110P/110Q SELECTOR (Select one or both)
- Normally only one is selected. (One is normally isolated locally)
- Use BOTH up to 1000 psia during startup and when < 1050 psia during shutdown.
- Prevents exceeding letdown relief valves capacity (< 1200 psia).
- Fail closed (loss of air / power NNN-D11).
Charging Pump Controls
- 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 2-3-1 and 3-1-2
- “Always Running” - “Normally Running” - “Standby” Charging Pump.
- Controls operation of the charging pumps in conjunction with charging pump HSs.
- HS in AUTO after stop (green flagged) allows PLCS to control, manual pump start (red flag) blocks PLCS level deviation signals
- Pumps controlled from level deviation program (bistables).
- “Always Running” – PLCS has no control
- “Normally Running”
- +15% ↑ stops normally running pump (level is too high)
- +14% ↓ starts normally running pump (level returning to program)
- “Standby”
- -23% ↓ starts standby pump (level is too low)
- -14% ↑ stops standby pump (level returning to program)
Charging Pump Controls:
- 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 2-3-1 and 3-1-2
- “Always Running” - “Normally Running” - “Standby” Charging Pump.
- Controls operation of the charging pumps in conjunction with charging pump HSs.
- HS in AUTO after stop (green flagged) allows PLCS to control, manual pump start (red flag) blocks PLCS level deviation signals
- Pumps controlled from level deviation program (bistables).
- “Always Running” – PLCS has no control
- “Normally Running”
- +15% ↑ stops normally running pump (level is too high)
- +14% ↓ starts normally running pump (level returning to program)
- “Standby”
- -23% ↓ starts standby pump (level is too low)
- -14% ↑ stops standby pump (level returning to program)
1837 to 2750…?
2750 psia – RCS Safety Limit
2500 psia – RCS design pressure
2475 psia – PZR safeties open
2409 psia – SPS HP trip (ATWS)
2383 psia – HP reactor trip (PPS)
2300 psia – Spray full open
2295 psia – DNB (LCO)
2285 psia – HP alarm / heaters trip
2275 psia – Spray starts to open
2250 psia – NOP
2225 psia – P1/P2 full ON
2200 psia – BU Htrs ON
2160 psia – LP alarm
2130 psia – DNB (LCO)
1837 psia – Rx trip / SIAS / CIAS (PPS)
Power Supply Summary:
- ?
- ?
- ?
Power Supply Summary:
- Level controls (LIC and Letdown LCVs)
- ‘Y’ PT and LT
- Pressure controls (MPC and Spray Valve Controller)
- ‘X’ PT and LT
- Powers all bistables (level deviations, pressure B/Ss, 25% cutout)
- Charging pump PLCS controls
Pressure Transmitters (PT-100X, PT-100Y):
- ?
- Power Supplies:
- ?
- ?
Pressure Transmitters (PT-100X, PT-100Y):
- Two non-class PTs (narrow range: 1500-2500 psia). Inputs to:
- SBCS to bias the modulation and permissive setpoints and inputs to Quick Open and LLR signal.
- Power Supplies:
- NNN-D11 supplies PT-100Y
- NNN-D12 supplies PT-100X
- Pressure Control Channel selector switch (selects one PT for input to PPCS)
- Deviation alarm at 50 psid between the PTs
- Low Pressure Alarm ≤ 2160 psia (Reset at 2200 psia) (either PT)
High Pressure Heater Cutout / Alarm (Bistables):
- ?
Backup Heater Control Bistables:
- ?
High Pressure Heater Cutout / Alarm (Bistables)
- ≥ 2285 psia (Reset at 2275 psia):
- De-energizes all PZR heaters (selected PT only)
- High Pressure Alarm (either PT)
Backup Heater Control Bistables:
- ≤ 2200 psia (Resets at 2225 psia)
- ON-OFF control for backup heaters (Selected PT only)
PLCS Input to PPCS:
+3% level deviation? (resets at +?%):
- ?
≤ 25% Low Level Heater Cutout? (resets at ?%)
- ?
PLCS Input to PPCS:
+3% level deviation (resets at +2.5%):
- Energizes all backup heaters (if < 2285 psia, level > 25%, and HS is not in OFF or PTL)
- Heaters energized in anticipation of a large insurge of cooler water to maintain saturated conditions in the PZR
- Reduces the duration of degraded pressure control due to unsaturated conditions.
≤ 25% Low Level Heater Cutout (resets at 27%)
- Trips all heater breakers
Circuit powered from NKN-D42.
- Loss of power would prevent remote heater operation. Could operate locally. (LCO 3.0.3 until control regained)
- PZR LT(s) selected by the PZR HTR Control Level Trip Selector Switch. Normally BOTH are selected.
Pressurizer Heaters:
Control Power
B1: ?
B2: ?
B3 / B4: ?
B5 / B6: ?
Pressurizer Heaters:
Control Power
150 kW
150 kW
150 kW
150 kW
B3 / B4:
300 kW
B5 / B6:
300 kW
Pressurizer Heaters:
Backup Heater Controls:
- ?
Pressurizer Heaters:
36 individual heaters (50 KW each / 1800 KW total) – 8 banks
Backup Heater Controls
- Each backup heater bank has a 3-position switch (OFF, AUTO-ON, PTL)
- Maintained in AUTO
- B1 / B2 have an OFF-NORMAL-ON switch on RSP.
B2 has a LOCAL - REMOTE isolation switch (App R)
- LOCAL control at RSP: interlocks and auto features are bypassed.
Backup Heater Setpoint Override:
- ?
Backup Heater Setpoint Override:
- Allows BU heaters to be energized when > 2225 psia (as long as 2200 psia was reached).
- Take HS to OFF then to ON.
- White OVERRIDE light illuminates.
- After a 10 second time delay, the override can be canceled by taking the HS to OFF.
- 10 seconds must then elapse before the override can be re-initiated.
Backup Heater SIAS Override (B1/B2 ONLY)
- ?
Backup Heater SIAS Override (B1/B2 ONLY):
- B1 / B2 trip on SIAS.
- SIAS Override allows these heater banks to be reenergized with a SIAS present.
- Initiated by placing HS in OFF, then ON.
- Separate white OVERRIDE light illuminates.
- Heater banks can be cycled as desired.
- Override remains in effect until SIAS signal is reset.
Pressurizer Pressure Controller (PIC-100)
- ?
- Red needle – ?
- Black and white needle - ?
- Thumbwheel allows adjustment ?
- Reverse acting?: Raise output to __?\_ pressure
- Power supply: ?
Pressurizer Pressure Controller (PIC-100):
- Controls proportional heaters and spray valves.
- 1500-2500 psia
- Red needle – selected PZR press indication
- Black and white needle - controller setpoint (thumbwheel)
- Thumbwheel allows adjustment of controller setpoint.
- Controlling action only occurs from 0-50%. (Meter range is 0-100%)
- 16.5% - zero error
- Pressure error > +50 psi results in controller output increasing from 50% to 100% with no further action.
- Output normally 16.5% (Heaters makeup for ambient heat loss / spray bypass flow)
- Reverse acting: Raise output to lower pressure
- AUTO control can be used to maintain 1500 - 2285 psia.
Power supply: NNN-D12
MPC (0-50% output is the control range):
- ?
MPC (0-50% output is the control range):
- Raise output to lower pressure
- 50% - spray full open
- 33.5% - spray starts / HTRs off / 25 psia above setpoint
- 16.5% - zero error / HTRs 50% on (normal output)
- 0% - HTRs full on / 25 psia below setpoint
Spray Valve Controller (0-100%):
- ?
Spray Valve Controller (0-100%):
- Controlled by output of PZR pressure controller in AUTO.
- Can be operated manually.
- Spray valves selected by the Spray Valve Selector Switch (100E, Both, 100F) – normally BOTH selected
- Power supply: NNN-D12
PZR Spray Valves (RC-PV-100E / 100F):
- ?
PZR Spray Valves (RC-PV-100E / 100F):
- Fail closed AOVs (powered from NNN-D12)
- Combined spray flow capacity 375 gpm.
- Design leakage across lower disc (just a slot): ~ .3 gpm
- Manual bypass valves.
- Throttled to provide bypass spray flow
- 1.5 gpm
- Minimizes thermal shock to the spray nozzle
- Ensures boron mixing between RCS and PZR
Proportional Heater Power Control Units (PPCUs):
- ?
Proportional Heater Controls (HS-100-1, -2):
- ?
Proportional Heater Power Control Units (PPCUs):
- Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) control (0 to 480 VAC), balanced 3 phase voltage to one bank of heaters.
- Controlled by output of PZR pressure controller
Proportional Heater Controls (HS-100-1, -2):
- Each bank has an OFF-NORMAL-ON hand switch (spring return to normal)
- ON – heater breaker closes
- Heater bank power is then controlled by the PPCU from MPC output.
PZR Level Transmitter (LT) Failures (Level Controller in “REMOTE/AUTO”):
Selected PZR LT fails low:
- ?
Non-selected PZR LT fails low:
- >
Selected PZR LT fails high:
- ?
Non-selected PZR LT fails high: Alarms only.
PZR Level Transmitter (LT) Failures (Level Controller in “REMOTE/AUTO”):
Selected PZR LT fails low:
- Letdown flow ↓ to minimum
- “Standby” charging pump starts.
- Heaters trip if selected to “Both” or failed level channel.
- Actual LPZR ↑ until the unaffected LT is selected.
- Select unaffected LT for heater cutout and level control.
Non-selected PZR LT fails low:
- Heaters will trip on low level (if selected on the heater cutout selector or it’s in BOTH).
- Select unaffected LT on the heater cutout selector switch.
Selected PZR LT fails high:
- Letdown flow ↑ to maximum
- “Normally running” charging pump stops.
- Possible isolation of letdown due to the auto closure of UV-515 (hi-hi RHX outlet temp due to one charging pump running with max letdown flow). (restart pump to prevent loss of letdown)
- Backup heaters energize if < 2285 psia due to high level deviation.
- Actual LPZR ↓ until the unaffected LT is selected.
- Select unaffected LT.
Non-selected PZR LT fails high: Alarms only.
Temperature Transmitter (TT) Failures** **(Level Controller in “REMOTE/AUTO”):
Tcold/Thot fails high (100%):
- ?
Tcold/Thot fails high (15%):
- ?
Tcold/Thot fails low (100%):
- ?
Tcold/Thot fails low (15%):
- ?
Temperature Transmitter (TT) Failures** **(Level Controller in “REMOTE/AUTO”):
Tcold/Thot fails high (100%):
- High Tave signal sent to PLCS resulting in maximum level setpoint. (no effect, select unaffected Tave)
Tcold/Thot fails high (15%):
- High Tave signal sent to PLCS resulting in maximum level setpoint.
- Letdown flow to minimum.
- Take local control of PLCS and shift Tave to unaffected parameter.
Tcold/Thot fails low (100%):
- Low Tave results in minimum level setpoint.
- Tcold failing low (RRS in Average) will result in level setpoint of ~38%
- Letdown flow to maximum.
- Normally running charging pump stops (+15% deviation) (not for Tcold failure, only ~14% deviation)
- Possible isolation of letdown (auto closure of CHB-515 on Hi-Hi RHX outlet temp – max letdown / low charging flow)
- Energizes backup heaters if < 2285 psia (+3% deviation)
- Take local control of PLCS and shift Tave to unaffected parameter.
Tcold/Thot fails low (15%):
- Low Tave signal sent to PLCS resulting in minimum level setpoint. (no effect, select unaffected Tave)
PZR Pressure Transmitter (PT) Failures:
Selected PT fails low:
- ?
Non-selected PT fails high:
- ?
Selected PT fails high:
- ?
Non-selected PT fails low:
- ?
PZR Pressure Transmitter (PT) Failures:
Selected PT fails low:
- MPC goes to Minimum output.
- Proportional heaters to full output.
- Spray valves close.
- All Backup heaters turn on (< 2200 psia).
- Actual PPZR rises until reactor trip OR operator action
- Select the unaffected PT
Non-selected PT fails high:
- PZR trouble and Pressure Hi-Lo annunciators.
- Turbine Bypass Demand annunciator.
- SBCS affected:
- PT-100X - Modulation signal biased downward / controller demand generated.
- PT-100Y - Permissive signal biased downward / permissive light lit.
- PZR Pressure control is not affected (alarms only)
Selected PT fails high:
- PZR trouble and Pressure Hi-Lo annunciators.
- Turbine Bypass Demand annunciator (due to SBCS impact)
- SBCS affected:
- PT-100X - Modulation signal biased downward / controller demand generated.
- PT-100Y - Permissive signal biased downward / permissive light lit
- MPC maximum output.
- Proportional heaters to minimum output.
- Pressurizer spray valve controller goes to maximum output. Spray valves go full open.
- All heaters turn off (> 2285 psia)
- Actual PPZR lowers until reactor trip OR action is taken
- Select the unaffected PT
Non-selected PT fails low:
- PZR trouble and Pressure Hi-Lo annunciators only
Loss of NNN-D11 (120Vac):
- ?
Loss of NNN-D11 (120Vac):
- PT-100Y fails LOW (MPC responds, if selected)
- LT-110Y fails LOW
- Heaters deenergize if selected to Channel “Y” or “both” (25% level cutout).
- Normally running and standby Charging Pumps will stop (Manual control available)
- Select Channel “X” to restore pressure control.
- Both Letdown Control Valves fail closed. (Letdown isolates)
- PZR Level Master Controller loses power / fails to zero output.
- Select Channel ‘X’ to restore PZR heater control.
Loss of NNN-D12 (120Vac):
- ?
Loss of NNN-D12 (120Vac):
- MPC fails to zero output.
- Spray valves fail closed (no power to spray controller)
- LT-110X fails LOW
- Heaters deenergize if selected to Channel “X” or “both” (25% level cutout)
- LIC output 0% if selected
- Select channel “Y” to restore heater control.
- Both Backpressure Control Valves fail closed (loss of power to controller).
- TIC-223 fails LOW - closing TCV-223 (letdown HX TCV).
- Loss of power to TS-224-2: CHB-UV-523 (RHX Outlet Isol Valve) closes.
- Select Channel “Y” to restore PZR level control (Letdown is isolated, only restores control of charging pumps).
Loss of NKN-M45 (125 Vdc):
- Same as loss of NKN-D41 and NKN-D42 combined (see below).
Loss of NKN-D41 (125Vdc):
- ?
Loss of NKN-D42 (125Vdc):
- ?
Loss of NKN-M45 (125 Vdc):
- Same as loss of NKN-D41 and NKN-D42 combined (see below).
Loss of NKN-D41 (125Vdc):
- P1 / B3 / B4 Heater Banks lose control power
Loss of NKN-D42 (125Vdc):
- PZR Level control bistables lose power
- PZR level cutout to all heaters (local operation only)
- LCO 3.0.3 entry is required for class back-up heaters
- LCO 3.0.3 can be exited once local control established (RSP or at the breakers)
- All Charging Pumps trip (Manual control is available)
- PLCS auto circuit lost power
- P2 / B5 / B6 Heater Banks lose control power
- PZR Spray VPI is lost.
- Letdown isolates (loss of power to 63X relay causes 523 to close)
- Loss of VPI (Letdown Control and Backpressure Control Valves)
Loss of PKA-M41 (PKA-D21):
- ?
Loss of PKB-M42 (PKB-D22):
- ?
Loss of PNA-D25 (PNB-D26):
- ?
Loss of PKA-M41 (PKA-D21):
- Spray valves failed closed. (Instrument Air CIV fails closed)
- One Aux Spray Valve fails closed (RCA-205)
- B1 loses control power
- Letdown isolates (Loss of power to CHA-UV-516)
Loss of PKB-M42 (PKB-D22):
- B2 (backup heater B2) loses control power
- One Aux Spray Valve fails closed (RCB-203)
- Letdown isolates (Loss of power to CHB-UV-515 and 523)
Loss of PNA-D25 (PNB-D26):
- PZR LT-110X (LT-110Y) loses power / fails low.
- PZR heater breakers open if selected to affected channel or both (25% cutout)
- Letdown to minimum if selected to affected channel
- Standby charging pump starts if selected to affected channel (-23% bistable)
- Select unaffected channel to restore level and heater control
LCO 3.4.9 - PZR Operable with
LCO 3.4.9 - PZR Operable with
TLCO 3.4.100 - Aux Spray Including its basis…
TLCO 3.4.100 - Aux Spray Including its basis…
TLCO 3.4.102 - PZR HURs/CDRs:
- Max HUR of 200 *F / hour
- Max CDR of 200 *F / hour
TLCO 3.4.102 - PZR HURs/CDRs:
- Max HUR of 200 *F / hour
- Max CDR of 200 *F / hour