AR 600-20 EO Flashcards
What is an EOR
Equal opportunity representative
What does EO stand for
Equal opportunity
What rank should an EOR normally be
SGT. Through 1LT
What are some of the special commemorations/ethnic observances listed in AR600-20
January: MLK birthday
February: black history month
March : women’s history month
April/may : day of remembrance for victims of holocaust
May: Asia pacific heritage month
August: women’s equality day
September/October: Hispanic heritage month
November : national Native American Indian heritage month
What army regulation covers the EO program
AR 600-20 chapter 6
What are the goals of the EO program
Provide EO for military personnel and family members, on and off post
Create and sustain effective units by eliminating discriminatory behaviors or practices that undermine teamwork, mutual respect, loyalty, and shared sacrifice of the men and women of Americas army
What are the three policies each commander is required to publish and post on EO
Written command policy statement for EO
Prevention of sexual harassment
Equal opportunity complaint procedures
Soldiers are required to have how many periods of EO training per year
4 one in each quarter
Define the term ethnic group
A segment of the population that possesses common characteristics and a cultural heritage based to some degree on faith, shared traditions, values or symbols, literature, folklore or music.
Define the term racism
Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of skin color or race
Describe minority group
Any group distinguished from the general population in terms of race, religion, color, gender, or national origin
What is sexual harassment
A form of gender discrimination that involves unwanted sexual advances of a physical verbal or emotional nature
What is an affirmative action plan
A management document that consists of statements of goals arm timetables designed to Achieve EO for all military personnel. Required by all army organizations
What action does the army take against off post activities including housing and public accommodations which arbitrarily discriminate against member of the army and their dependent
Off limit or off limit sanctions may be applied
Who is the primary source for solving EO complaints
Your unit chain of command
What Is the army’s written policy on EO
The army will provide EO and fair treatment for military personnel and family member without regard to race color gender religion national origin and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior
Applies on and off post during duty and non duty hours
Applies to working living and rec environments
What is the primary channel for correcting discriminatory practices and for communication on EO matters
Chain of command