APUSHch5 Flashcards
First Continental Congress (1774)
All of the colonies except Georgia sent representatives to determine how the colonies should react to the threat to their rights and liberties (caused by Intolerable Acts)
Patrick Henry
Radical from Virginia; delegate at Continental Congress. “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Samuel Adams
Radical from Massachusetts; delegate at Continental Congress; started Committees of Correspondence
John Adams
Radical from Massachusetts; delegate at Continental Congress; acted as lawyer for British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre
George Washington
Moderate from Virginia; delegate at Continental Congress; position of respect in colonial army
John Dickinson
Moderate from Pennsylvania; delegate at Continental Congress; writer of “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania”
John Jay
Conservative from New York; delegate at Continental Congress
Joseph Galloway
Conservative from Pennsylvania; delegate at Continental Congress; proposed a plan that would have reordered relations with Parliment (plan lost by one vote)
Suffolk Resolves
These rejected the Intolerable Acts and called for their repeal; they also urged the colonies to make military preparations and organize boycotts
economic sanctions
a.k.a boycotts
Declaration fo Rights and Grievances
A petition to the king urging him to make right colonial grievances and restore colonial rights
Paul Revere
Warned militiamen that the British were coming along with William Dawes (Battle of Lexington and Concord)
William Dawes
Warned militiamen that the British were coming along with Paul Revere (Battle of Lexington and Concord)
Another word for the colonial militia
British soldiers tried to seize colonial military supplies; 8 colonial minutemen were killed
British soldiers tried to destroy colonial military supplies; on the return to Boston, the British suffered 250 casualties when abushed by milita men
Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)
Americans lost to British, but British suffered heavy casualties in this first true battle of the war (June 17, 1775)
Second Continental Congress (1775)
(May 1775) Representatives adopted the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms and sent the Olive Branch Petition to the king
Declaration of the Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms
A letter to the world explaining why the colonies were rebelling and that it was necessary
Olive Branch Petition
(July 1775) Last ditch effort for peace; colonists pledged their loyalty and asked the king to go to Parliment and protect their colonial rights
Prohibitory Act (1775)
(1775) Declaration of the king saying the colonies were in rebellion
Thomas Paine; Common Sense
(January 1776) Pamphlet that argued in clear, logical language that the colonies should break with Britain
Declaration of Independence
Richard Lee first introduced a resolution declaring the colonies to be independent; but this declaration, written by Thomas Jefferson is most well known; ratified on July 4th 1776
Thomas Jefferson
Writer of the Declaration of Independence
Most of this group came from New England or Virginia and wanted freedom for the colonies
Loyalists (Tories)
The majority of this group tended to be wealthy and conservative and many of the clergy and government officials were in this group; pro-British
Valley Forge
Washington’s troops spent a harsh winter here after losing Philadelphia to the British (1777-1778)
Paper money issued by Congress which was almost worthless due to inflation
Battle of Saratoga
(October 1777) Turning point of the war; led to the French joining the colonists
absolute monarch
Although France had this kind of government; King Louis decided to help the colonies succeed in their rebellion in order to weaken the British
Battle of Yorktown
(1781) Last battle of the Revolutionary War; support from French helped a lot
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Treaty which stated that: 1. Britain would recognize the existence of the US 2. The Mississippi River would be the western border of the US 3. Americans would have fishing rights off the coast of Canada 4. Americans would pay debts owed to British merchants and honor Loyalist claims for property confiscated during the war