Approaches Flashcards
Who is labelled the ‘father of psychology?’
Wilhelm Wundt
Where was Wundt’s lab?
Leipzig, Germany.
How did Wundt change psychology?
- Separated it from it’s philosophical roots.
- First to use experimental methods
What were the two techniques introduced by Wundt?
- Standardized procedures
- Structuralism
What was Wundt’s pioneering method of studying psychology?
What is meant by introspection?
Introspection was the first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind through breaking up conscious awareness into basic structures of thoughts, images and sensations.
What is meant by structuralism?
Structuralism is isolating the structure of consciousness.
The stimuli Wundt et al. experienced were always presented in the same order and the same instructions were issued to all participants.
Evaluate the origins of psychology.
- Scientific
(Wundt conducted systematic and well controlled methods in a lab setting, reducing extraneous variables and standardizing these.
This set the basis for future scientific psychological approaches) - Subjective data
(Wundt’s data collection methods could be subjective as he relied on participants self-reporting their mental processes possibly even leading to a social desirability response or response to demand characteristics. This means methodology was flawed and would not be considered in scientific criteria)
Why is Wundt significant in the study of psychology?
What is the behaviourist approach?
The behaviourist approach is a way of explaining behaviour in terms of what is observable and in terms of learning.
What is classical conditioning?
Learning through association.
Outline Pavlov’s experiment into classical conditioning.
- Pavlov showed how dogs could be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell if that sound was repeatedly presented at the same time they were given food (the UCS)
- Pavlovs dog learned to associate the sound of the bell (NS) with the food (UCS) and would produce the salivation response upon the sound of a bell.
- Thus, Pavlov was able to show how a neutral stimulus (the bell), can come to elicit a new learned response (conditioned response) through association.
What is the process of classical conditioning?
- Unconditioned stimulus → unconditioned response
- Neutral stimulus → no response
- UCS + NS → unconditioned response
- Conditioned stimulus (once NS) → conditioned response.
What is operant conditioning?
Learning through consequence, proposed to be an active process.
What are the three categories of operant conditioning?
- Positive reinforcement
- Negative reinforcement
- Punishment
What is positive reinforcement?
Receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed, increasing the likelihood for the behaviour to be repeated.
What is negative reinforcement?
- The avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus, with the outcome being a positive experience.
- This increases the likelihood of this behaviour being repeated due to reinforcement.
What is punishment in behaviourism?
- An unpleasant consequence of behaviour.
- Punishment decreases the likelihood of that behaviour being repeated.
Who demonstrated operant conditioning and what did they do?
- Skinner
- Skinner conducted experiments with rats and pigeons, with them being placed in a specially designed “skinners box”
- Every time the animal activated a level within the box it was rewarded with a good pellet, the animal would continue to perform this behaviour (positive reinforcement)
- Skinner also modelled negative reinforcement through conditioning the animals to perform the same behaviour to avoid an unpleasant stimulus, in this case, an electric shock.
Evaluate behaviourism
- Well controlled research
(Lab setting that measures observable behaviour to remove extraneous variables, cause and conflict relationships can be established, this gives it scientific credibility) - Oversimplification
(Disregards human thought as an influence on learning and ignores the mental processes involved in learning. Learning is more complex than observable behaviour alone) - Real-world application.
(Principles of conditioning can be applied to real-world situations. Token economy used in institutions reward appropriate behaviour with tokens exchanged for privileges. This is valuable for rehabilitation application) - Environmental determinism
(It sees all behaviour determined by past conditioning experiences alone, disregarding the influence of free will and conscious decision making processes.)
Who contributed to social learning theory?
What does social learning theory suggest?
Behaviour is learned from experience - through observation and imitation of others.
It also suggests that learning theory occurs with both direct and indirect classical and operant conditioning.
What is vicarious reinforcement
(social learning theory)
Vicarious reinforcement is reinforcement that is not directly experienced, occurring through someone else being reinforced for a behaviour.
What are the four mediational processes according to Bandura?
- Attention: the extent to which we notice certain behaviours
- Retention: how well the behaviour is remembered
- Motor reproduction: the ability of the observer to perform the behaviour
- Motivation: the will to perform the behaviour, according to whether the behaviour was rewarded or punished.
(First 2 relate to learning, second 2 relate to performance)
What is the definition of mediational process?
Cognitive factors (such as thinking) that influence learning, becoming between stimulus and response.
What is identification in SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY.
People (especially children) are more likely to imitate people they identify with, this process being identification.
- The person they identify with is called the role model and the process of imitation is called modelling. (NOTE: the behavior of the role model is also known as modelling)
- This occurs when the role model is seen to possess similar characteristics to the observer and/or are attractive and have a high status.
- Role models are not always physically present in the environment, having important implications for medias influence.
Outline the Bobo doll experiment.
- Bandura observed children aged between 3-6 in a controlled experiment. In the experiment, children witnessed adults behave aggressively towards a bobo doll (for example hitting it with a toy hammer).
- The children were later observed playing with toys, including the bobo doll. They were seen to be more likely to imitate the aggression watched to these toys compared to a group who did not witness aggression. In addition, this was more prevalent in those who watched the same-sex adult enact these actions.
- Another study variant had three groups of children observed. The first group witnessed the adult be praised and rewarded for their behavior, such as being praised. The second group saw the adult be punished for their action, such as being told off. The third control group witnessed no repercussion for the adults aggression towards the bobo doll.
- The outcomes showed that the first group were more likely to imitate/replicate the actions, followed by the control group, followed by the second group. This shows how vicarious reinforcement plays a role in learning.
Evaluate Social Learning theory
- Recognizes cognitive factors
Neither classical nor operant conditioning can offer an adequate account of learning on their own, SLT recognizes the importance of cognitive factors, looking at how animals store information about the behaviors of others and judge when appropriate to perform this. This suggests SLT is more comprehensive in explaining human learning through identifying mediational processes. - Contrived lab studies
A common way SLT was demonstrated was through lab studies on children, leading to potential for demand characteristics. This is seen in the Bobo doll experiment where the children may have felt incentivized to behave the way that they believed was expected. - Real-world application
SLT principles can explain cultural differences in behavior with modelling, imitation and reinforcement accounting for how children learn from others around them. This has also proved useful in understanding a range of behaviors, especially how children come to understand their gender role. IT ACCOUNTS FOR REAL WORLD BEHAVIOUR. - Reciprocal determinism
Bandura acknowledged reciprocal determinism, where we are not merely influenced by our external environment, but we also exert an influence on it through the behaviors we choose to perform.
This suggests there are elements of free will in how we behave, making it more comprehensive than behaviorism.
What does the cognitive approach focus on?
How our mental processes (thoughts, perception and attention) affects behavior.
What are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?
- Internal mental processes, can, and should be studied scientifically.
- The cognitive approach investigates areas of behavior that are neglected by behaviorists, such as memory, perception and thinking.
- As these processes are private, cognitive psychologists study them indirectly, making inferences about the processes in peoples minds on the basis of behavior.
What is meant by the schema in cognitive psychology?
- Schemas are ‘packages’ of ideas and information formed through experience.
- They act as mental framework for the interpretation of incoming information received by the cognitive system.
- The schema enables us to process lots of information quickly, acting as a mental shortcut to prevent us from being overwhelmed by environmental stimuli.
However, the schema may distort interpretations of sensory information, leading to processing errors.
What do cognitive psychologists use to help them understand internal mental processes?
Theoretical and computer models.
What is the difference between theoretical and computer models?
Theoretical models are abstract.
Computer models are concrete things.
What is an example of a theoretical model in cognitive psychology and what does it mean?
- The information processing approach.
- It suggests that information flows through the cognitive system in a series of stages.
These include: input, storage and retrieval, as in the multi-store model (IN THE MEMORY TOPIC)
Are babies born with a schema, and if so, does it develop overtime?
Yes, they are born with simple motor schema for innate behaviours such as sucking and grasping.
As we get older, our schema becomes more sophisticated and detailed, developing mental representations for most thinks such as the concept of psychology and what a unicorn looks like.
What is cognitive neuroscience?
- The scientific study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes.
- This involves advanced brain imaging techniques such as fMRI and PET scans.
- Recently it has expanded to computer models that are designed to “read” the brain.
What does a computer model involve
- Involves both the analogy of the human mind as a computer and actually programming a computer to see if such instructions produce a similar output to humans.
- If they do, we can suggest that similar processes are going on in the human mind.
- This has proved useful in the development of artificial intelligence.
Evaluate the cognitive approach.
- Scientific methods
It uses objective methods, being carried out in a highly controlled manner to help inference. This involves lab studies. In addition neuroscience has enhanced the scientific basis of this study - making it credible. - May be too theoretical.
The cognitive approach relies on inference of mental processes rather than direct observation of behaviour, being too abstract. In addition, artificial stimuli is used which doesn’t mirror the real world. LACKS EXTERNAL VALIDITY. - Real world application
It applies to a wide range of practical and theoretical contexts. For example, it has contributed to the field of artificial intelligence. It can improve the reliability of EWT through brain fingerprinting (brainwaves). - Machine reductionism.
It is based on machine reductionism, ignoring the influence of human emotion and motivation in the cognitive system. For example, research finds how memory can be affected by emotional factors like anxiety in EWT. This weakens the validity of the cognitive approach.
What is the biological approach?
A perspective that emphasises the importance of physical processes in the body such as genetic inheritance and neural functions.
In this perspective, it means our thoughts, feelings and behaviour ultimately has a physical basis.
What are genes?
Units that make up chromosomes and consist of DNA, coding the physical and psychological features of an organism.
Genes are inherited genetically.
What is meant by neurochemistry in the biological approach.
The action of chemicals in the brain that may determine behaviour.
An imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain have been attributed to the cause of mental disorder such as low serotonin in OCD.
What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?
- Genotype: the particular set of genes that a person possesses
- Phenotype: the characteristics of an individual expressed, determined by both genetic factors and the environment.
How do they study if behaviour has genetic characteristics
- They use twin studies.
- They analyse concordance rates, the rate to which twins share the same characteristic.
- We would expect if a characteristic is genetic, monozygotic twins would be concordat due to sharing 100% of the same genes.
- This would not be the case in dizygotic twins who share around 50% of their genes.
In both cases the environment is assumed to be constant.
What is monozygotic and dizygotic?
- Monozygotic: identical twins
- Dizygotic: non-identical twins
What does evolution mean in the context of the biological approach?
- Evolution is the changes in inherited characteristics of a biological population over time.
- Natural selection, proposed by Darwin, believes that genetically determined behaviour that enhances survival will continue.
- This takes place naturally, selection occurs due to certain traits giving a survival advantage.
The possessor is more likely to survive and pass on these traits.
Evaluate the biological approach
- Real world application.
Increased understanding of neurochemistry allows the development of psychoactive drugs to treat disorders. For example, treating clinical depression with antidepressants. - Scientific methods
It uses scientific methods in investigations. They use objective methods such as scanning techniques (fMRI and EEGs) which measures processes without bias. this means it is RELIABLE. - Biological determinism.
It is determinist. It sees behaviour as governed by internal genetic causes which we have no control over. This genetic argument can be damaging in application to criminal trials, excusing actions on genetic basis.
this means it is SIMPLISTIC and ignores mediating effects such as the environment. - Anti depressants do not always work.
A study found wide variations in effectiveness, despite the real drug being more effective than the placebo, the results were still mainly modest.
This suggests that brain chemistry alone cannot account for all cases.
Who contributed / founded the psychodynamic approach?
Sigmund Freud.
What does the psychodynamic approach suggest?
Most of our mind is made of the unconscious, a store of biological drives and instincts that we are unaware of, dictating our behaviour.
The unconscious also contains threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed.
What are the three levels of our mind, according to Freud?
- The conscious
- The preconscious
(just under the surface of the conscious, containing thoughts and memories which are not currently in conscious awareness but able to be accessed when desired) - The unconscious
How could the conscious be accessed?
Accessed during dreams or through “slips of the tongue” (parapraxes)
What are the components of the “tripartite” structure of personality?
- The Id
- The ego
- The superego
What is the Id in the psychodynamic approach?
- A primitive part of personality, formed of unconscious drives and instincts.
- operates on the pleasure principle
- It is present at birth
- Selfish and demands instant gratification of its needs.
What is the Ego in the psychodynamic approach?
- Operates on the reality principle
- Mediates between the two other parts of the tripartite.
- Develops around age of 2.
- Manages mediation through employing a number of defence mechanisms.
What is the Superego in the psychodynamic approach?
- Operates on the morality principle
- Forms in the phallic stage (5 y.o)
- Our internalised sense of right and wrong.
- Represents our moral standards of the child’s same gender parent
- Punishes the Id through guilt.
What are the 5 psychosexual stages?
(In order)
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Latent
- Genital
What occurs during the oral stage and what are it’s consequences unsolved conflict?
- Focus of pleasure is the mouth, the mothers breast could be the object of desire.
- Oral fixation occurs: smoking, biting nails.
What occurs during the anal stage and what are it’s consequences unsolved conflict?
- Focus of pleasure is the anus.
The child gains pleasure from withholding or expelling faeces. - The child could become anal retentive: perfectionist and obsessive or anal expulsive: thoughtless and messy.
What occurs during the phallic stage and what are it’s consequences unsolved conflict?
- The child’s focus of pleasure is the genital area.
- Phallic personality: narcissistic, reckless.
What occurs during the latent stage?
Earlier conflicts are repressed.
What occurs during the genital stage and what are it’s consequences unsolved conflict?
- Sexual desires become conscious alongside the onset of puberty.
- Difficulty forming heterosexual relationships.
What is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the psychosexual stages?
- Fixation.
The child becomes ‘stuck’ and carries certain behaviours and conflicts associated with that stage into adulthood.
What are the three defence mechanisms proposed by Freud and what do they mean?
- Repression:
Forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind - Displacement:
Transferring feelings from the true source of distressing emotion onto a more appropriate substitute target. - Denial:
Refusing to acknowledge an aspect of reality.
What are defence mechanisms?
Unconscious strategies used by the Ego to manage conflict between the Id and superego.
Evaluate the psychodynamic approach.
- Real world application
It introduced the idea of psychotherapy (as opposed to PHYSICAL treatments). Psychoanalysis was the first attempt to treat disorders psychologically as opposed to physically. It pioneered modern day talking therapy such as counselling.
Created a new approach to treatment. - May enhance disorder symptoms
Psychotherapy may have treated those with mild neuroses, however, it may be damaging in more severe cases. In schizophrenia, paranoia and delusional thinking may mean that they cannot articulate their thoughts in the way psychoanalysis intends.
It does not apply to all mental disorders. - Explanatory power
Despite its controversy, this approach has had a large influence on psychology. The psychodynamic approach draws attention to childhood experience and later development. This means it has had a positive influence in the study. - Untestable concepts.
It does not meet the scientific criterion of falsification. It is not open to empirical testing (and the possibility of being disproved). Many Freudian concepts are said to be unconscious, making it almost impossible to test.
He based his ideas on a single study which makes it difficult to make universal claims.
What was the Little Hans study?
- A case study following a 5 year old boy, attempting to support the Freudian concept of the Oedipus/Electra complex.
- Data was collected through letters recording observations from Little Hans’ father.
- Hans developed a phobia of horses after seeing one collapse. Freud explained that this phobia was formed through displacement in which his repressed fear of his father was displaced into horses.
Hans was inferred to have a fear that his father would castrate him as punishment for incestuous desire from his mother. - He also was observed to have an obsession with his genital area, being perceived as evidence for the phallic stage. He showed animosity towards his baby sister, apparently wishing that his mother would drown him in the bath.
What is humanistic psychology?
An approach to understanding behaviour that emphasises the importance of subjective experience and each persons capacity for self-determination.
Who are the two Humanistic psychologists?
Rogers and Maslow
What is free will?
The notion that humans can make choices that aren’t determined by internal biological or external forces.
What do humanistic psychologists believe?
- Human beings are essentially self-determining and have free will.
- People are still affected by external and internal influences, but are active agents who determine their own development.
Is humanistic psychology based on scientific methods?
- No, they reject more scientific models that attempt to establish general principles of human behaviour.
- Humanism focuses more on subjective experience instead of general laws, as they believe that humans are unique.
Who created the ‘hierarchy of needs’ ?
From bottom to top, list the categories on the hierarchy of needs.
- Physiological needs
- Safety and security
- Love and belongingness
- Self esteem
- Self-actualisation
What does Maslow believe about the hierarchy of needs?
In order to reach our primary goal of self-actualisation, other needs need to be satisfied first.
What are the four lower levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs referred as?
Deficiency needs.
( Self-actualisation is called a growth need )
What is the definition of self-actualisation?
The desire to grow psychologically and fulfil ones potential - becoming what you are capable of.
Who introduced the concept of congruence and the ‘self’ ?
What is meant by congruence?
When someone’s self-concept and ideal self are seen to broadly accord or match.
What happens if your self-concept and ideal self does not match?
If the gap is too big between the two ‘selves’ this occurs.
- Self actualisation, therefore, will not be possible due to negative feelings of self-worth and esteem.
What method can be used to reduce incongruence?
Client-centred therapy (counselling).
Here, the counsellor can provide unconditional positive regard to their clients to counteract conditions of worth in childhood.
What is incongruence caused by?
A lack of unconditional positive regard (lack of unconditional love) from parents.
A parent who puts boundaries or limits on their love for their child (CONDITIONS OF WORTH) causes this.
What makes counselling unique?
- Those who receive this are called ‘clients’ rather than ‘patients’
- The therapy is non-directive, not directed by the counsellor.
- The client is encouraged towards discovering their own solutions.
How is counselling different and similar to psychotherapy?
- Counselling focuses on the present, psychotherapy focuses on the past.
- Both psychotherapy and counselling are able to offer treatment for mild neuroses such as anxiety and low self esteem.
What 3 things did Rogers believe made an effective therapist?
- Genuineness
- Empathy
- Unconditional positive regard
Evaluate the Humanistic approach.
- Not reductionist
It rejects attempts to break down behavior and experience into small components. They advocate holism, subjective experience can only be understood through considering the whole person. May be more valid into understanding human behavior. - Less scientific
Humanism does not rely on experiments based on reduction of behavior into dependent and independent variables. In humanism there a relatively few concepts able to be broken down into variables and tested. It has no EMPIRICAL evidence to support it’s propositions. - Positive approach
It is optimistic, bringing the person back into psychology and promoting a positive image of the human condition. This is opposite to Freudian belief that believes people are prisoners to their past. Humanists promote progression and striving towards self-actualization. - Cultural bias
Many central humanistic ideas such as autonomy, personal growth and self actualization are mainly associated with Individualist society. Those in collectivist cultures instead, may emphasize interdependence and group need - meaning self-actualization isn’t overly valued. This limits the universal application of humanism due to it being a product of individualist culture.
What study did Bandura conduct to support social learning theory?
Bobo doll experiment