Applied ANS Flashcards
Define and give examples of the ANS
The ANS is part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the involuntary efferent neurons- examples of such systems are the cardiac and glandular tissue
In the heart what are the sympathetic and the parasympathetic receptors and what do they do
In the heart the sympathetic receptor is the B1 receptor and stimulation of the reseptor will cause increase HR and contractility. The parasympathetic receptor is an M2 receptor and will do the opposite
What are the sympathetic and the parasympathetic receptors in an arteriole
a1[Sympathetic] causes constriction of the arterioles and the M3 [Parasympathetic] causes vasodilation
What is the sympathetic receptor of veins
a1 causes vasoconstriction
What are the sympathetic and the parasympathetic reactions and receptors in the bronchi
Sympathetic response b2 causes relaxation of the airway and a1 decreases the secretion. Parasympathetic stimulation to the M3 causes both constriction an increased secretion in the airway
What are the effects and receptors in the GIT
Sympathetic stimulation of a1 causes decreased mobility and contraction and parasympathetic M3 stimulation cause dialation and increased mobiliy of the GIT
What causes urination sympathetic or parasympathetic activity
Contraction of the Detrusor muscle and sphincter is controlled by parasympathetic action of the M3 receptors. The external sphincter is controlled by voluntary control once you are ready to urinate
What causes the dialation of the iris and is it para or sympathetic
Contraction of the radial muscles caused by stimulation of the a1 reseptors by the sympathetic nervous system
What causes the constriction of the pupils
Contraction of the sphincter muscle of the eye, contraction is stimulated by the M3 receptor through parasympathetic activity
What is the effects of para and sympathetic stimulation of the lens
Sympathetic activity causes the cillary muscle to relax which causes you to look far away and then parasypathetic causes the cillary muscle to contract which causes the lens to narrow and so you look near