Appendix Flashcards
What is an acute appendicitis?
Acute inflammation of the appendix
What are causes of acute appendicitis?
Idiopathic Obstruction with faecoliths (dehydration) within lumen Lymphoid hyperplasia Parasites (very rarely) Tumours (rare)
What is a faecolith?
Hard stony mass of faeces
What is the commonest tumour of the appendix?
What are other tumours of the appendix besides carcinoid?
Appendiceal mutinous neoplasm
Sessile serrate mucosal lesions
What are histopathological features of a carcinoid tumour of the appendix?
Crypt of Lieberkuhns
Stains for Chromogran
The metastatic risk of carcinoid tumours of the appendix are proportional to?
How do you manage a carcinoid tumour of the appendix if it is <1 cm in size?
Appendectomy alone
How do you manage a carcinoid tumour of the appendix if it is >2 cm in size?
Complete right hemi
What is the pathophysiology of acute papnedicitis?
Acute inflammation (neutrophils) must involve muscle coat - mucosal ulceration serial congestion (exudate) - pus in lumen
How does the appendix become inflamed and infected?
Invasion of appendix wall by gut flora
What is the epidemiology of acute appendicitis?
Most common in children/young adulthood (another peak in elderly)
How are symptoms of acute appendicitis?
Periumbilical pain - moves into RIF
Pain aggravated by movement
Nausea and vomiting, anorexia
What is Rovsing’s sign?
Press on left = pain on right
What is Psoas’ sign?
Patient tries to keep hip flexed as it lifts inflamed appendix off psoas