Appendicular Skeleton - Chapter 8 Flashcards
Typically, how many bones are in the adult body
The pectoral girdle consists of what?
the scapula and the clavicle
The clavicle transmits what from the upper limb to the trunk?
mechanical energy
The scapula is also known as the?
shoulder blade
What does the scapula articulate with?
the humerus and clavicle
How many bones are in the upper limb?
30 bones
bones that are part of the upper limb
ulna, radius, humerus, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
What movement of the olecranon prohibit?
over extension of the humerus
The radius is what to the ulna? (position)
lateral (little finger side)
ulna is in what position?
thumb side
The styloid process of the radius creates what feature?
wrist bump
The olecranon of the ulna creates what feature?
the elbow bump
The wrist interacts with what? the radius or the ulna?
the radius
What bones make up the wrist?
the carpal bones
What bones are contained in the palm?
the metacarpal bones
how may phalanges are in all 5 fingers?
14 (3 in each finger, 2 in each thumb)
how many wrist bones are there?
bones that make up the wrist (carpal bones)
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
the thumb is also known as?
the pollex
The pelvic gridle is comprised of what?
the pelvis and the girdle
The right and left ossa coxae make up the what?
The pelvis consist of?
os coxae with the sacrum and coccyx
the os coxae is also known as
the hip bone
after about how many years does the os coxae fuse?
~13-17 years
The os coxae is comprised of 3 fused bones, what are they?
ilium, ischium, pubis
All three bones of the os coxae makes up the what?
The ilium composes what portion of the os coxae?
superior portion and largest of the 3
The ischium composes that portion of the os coxae?
superior/posterior margin of acetabulum
Major differences between male and female pelvis:
- female ilia laterally flared = wider pelvis
- female pelvic inlet = wider and oval
- males pelvic inlet = heard shaped
- female subpubic angle = wider, >90degrees
- male subpubic angle = narrower, <90degrees
Why is the female pelvic inlet wider and more oval?
helps in child birth
How many bones are in each leg?
Bones that make up the lower limb:
Femur, tibia, fibia, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
Important characteristics of the femur?
longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body
The patella is also known as the…
knee cap
The tibial border makes up what feature of the leg?
the shin
The medial malleolus makes up what feature of the lower leg/tibia?
the ankle bone
descriptive characteristics of the fibia
long, thin, lateral crural bone; not weight-bearing
What is the tarsus?
7 bones that form the ankle and proximal foot
The calcaneus forms what?
the heel
The great toe is also called the
Function of foot arches:
prevent pinching of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in foot do not met the floor
3 major arches in foot
Medial, lateral, and transverse
Medial arch (of foot)
from heel to hallux; highest arch
Lateral arch (of foot)
from heel to shin toe; lowest arch
transverse arch (of foot)
along distal row of tarsals
Clawfoot (pes cavus)
medial arch too elevated
Clubfoot (talipes equinovarsus)
rotation of medial longitudinal arches
Flatfoot (pes planus)
medial arch drops