Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
what are the regions of the appendicular skeleton
- pectoral girdle
- upper limbs
- pelvic girdle
- lower limbs
what are the bones of the pectoral girdle
- 2 clavicle
2. 2 scapula
what are the bones of the upper limb
- humerus
- ulna
- radius
- 8 carpals
- 5 metacarpals
- 14 phalanges
what are the bones of the pelvic girdle
- 2 illium
- 2 ischium
- 2 pubis
what are the bones of the lower limb
- femur
- tibia
- fibula
- patella
- 7 tarsals
- 5 metatarsals
- 14 phalanges
what are the characteristics of the clavicle
- runs horizontally from shoulder to sternum
- the medial sternum end articulates to manubrium at clavicular notch
- the lateral acromial end articulates to scapula at acromion process
what are the functions of the clavicle
- braces the freely movable scapula
2. landmark for access to underlying blood vessel subclavian vein
what are the characteristics of the scapula
- allows for great range of motion of upper limbs
- concave anterior portion lies along outer, posterior surface of the thoracic cage
- no articulation between scapula & axial skeleton
- acromion process articulates with the clavicle
- glenoid fossa articulates with head of humerus
what is the term for one half of the pelvic bone
coxal bone
what is the illium
- superior portion of the coxal bone
2. largest bone of the pelvis
what structures are found on the illium
- illiac crest- hip bone
- anterior superior spine- attachment for the inguinal ligament
- forms large joint called sacroilliac joint
what is the ischium
inferior L-shape portion of the coxal bone
what structures are found on the ischium
- ischial tuberosity- “butt bone”
2. ischial spine- used to determine pelvic outlet in childbirth
what is the pubis
the anterior portion of the coxal bone
what structures are found on the pubis
- Lt & Rt pubis form the symphysis pubis thats connected by fibro-cartilage at joint
- angle posterior to symphysis pubis is called pubic arch
what is the acetabulum
- cup-like structure on lateral side of coxal bone
- lined by hyaline cartilage
- socket of hip joint where head of femur fits
what bone is found in the arm
what are the bones of the forearm
- ulna
2. radius
what are the bones of the hand
- carpals
- metacarpals
- phalanges
what bones are found in the thigh
- femur
2. patella
what bones are in the leg
- fibula
2. tibia
what bones are in the foot
- tarsals
- metatarsals
- phalanges
what is the largest bone in the body
what are the characteristics of the proximal end of the femur
- head of proximal end forms hip joint with pelvis
- neck is narrowed area just distal to the head, most common site for hip fractures
- contains the greater trochanter
what are characteristics of the distal end of the femur
- site of medial and lateral condyles
2. site of medial & lateral epicondyle
what is the function for the condyles of the femur
articulation site for the tibia of the leg
what is the foot composed of
- ankle
- instep
- toes
what is the talus
- only tarsal bone that moves freely
2. articulates with tibia & fibula to form ankle
what are the characteristics of the calcaneus
- is firmly bound to the remaining 5 tarsal bones
- supports the talus
- is the largest tarsal bone
- forms the heel
- acts as a fulcrum lever to generate more power to the foot
what are the characteristics of the instep
- 1st metatarsal articulates with the Great toe
- 1st metatarsal usually has a sesamoid bone at the distal end for increased power
- distal end of instep forms ball of the foot
- bound by ligaments to the tarsal bones to form arch of the foot
what are the toes
- the phalanges of the foot
- 1st digit is called great toe & consist of two bones
- 2nd & 5th digits consist of 3 bones each