Apollo Flashcards
Greek Princess and wife of Amphion whose mockery of Leto for having only two kids resulted in those two kids, Artemis and Apollo, murdering all 14 of her kids and resulting in her wandering about her garden endlessly until she turned to stone
Giant, son of Zeus and Elara who was slain by Apollo and Artemis after he tried to rape Leto and has his liver eaten by vultures every day and night in Tartarus (similar to Prometheus).
Tityos or Tityus
Mortal Spartan Prince whose relationship with Apollo ended with catastrophe. He was transformed to a type of flower after his jealous lover Zephyrus twisted the direction of Apollo’s discus to kill him.
Hyacinthus or Hyacinth
Thessalian princess and lover of Apollo who was murdered by Apollo after a Raven informed him that she was cheating on him. She is the mother of Asclepius.
Man who Coronis had an affair with, leading to Coronis’s slaying by Apollo.
Man who Apollo helped with the building of the walls of the city of Megara
King of Pherae who Apollo worked for as a mortal herdsmen for a short time. Later, Apollo saved this man from death by getting The Fates drunk.
Wife of Admetus who was the only one in Pherae who agreed to take Admetus’s place and die. She was eventually saved from death by Hercules.
Woman and namesake of an ancient city in modern day Libya who with Apollo was the mother of Aristaeus.
Beekeeper and culture hero who discovered many useful arts. He was the son of Apollo, and was made immortal by Gaea.
Satyr who lost a music contest with Apollo, resulting in him being flayed alive and killed by the god.
Nymph who was pursued by Apollo, eventually saved by being turned into a laurel tree by her father the river god Peneus.
Serpent who attacked Leto while she pregnant, eventually killed by Apollo and became the namesake of a PanHellenic athletic competition
Python (Pythian Games)
Apollo loved this young man, who was given from Apollo a stag as a gift. When this man accidentally killed the stag, he asked Apollo to let him weep forever, causing him to turn into a type of tree.
Cyparissus (Cypress)
Favorite of Apollo who was offered by the god gifts like prophecy, music, etc. but in the end decided to only accept the tranquil art of healing others in order to prolong his father’s life.
Nymph who turned herself into a spring near Delphi in order to escape Apollo’s advances
Castalia (Castalian Spring)
Apollo made this king have ass ears after he said that Pan was a better musician than him.
King Midas
Xuthus adopted this son of his wife Creusa and Apollo.
Most common epithet for Apollo, meaning ‘bright
Phoebus Apollo
Man whose resurrection from the dead was the last straw for Hades and Zeus (who thought that Asclepius was stealing Hades’ subject) , resulting in Zeus killing Asclepius
What did Apollo do in return for Zeus killing Asclepius
He killed all of the cyclopes (they made Zeus’ thunderbolt)
Nymph who took Apollo into her lap while he was in the form of a tortoise, but then Apollo transformed into a snake and raped her.
Aetolian princess who rejected Apollo in favor of Idas. As the myth goes, this princess said that Apollo was an immortal god who would stop loving her as soon as her wrinkles started to appear, while Idas would grow old with her.
Priestess who refused to love Apollo, resulting in Apollo cursing her to see true prophecies, but to never be believed.