Anthropologists II: Malinowski, Levi-Strauss, Radcliffe-Brown, Geertz Flashcards
Anthropologist who gained fame for his studies on Melanesians
Bronislaw Malinowski
Controversial Diary of Malinowski, a very personal account of his encounters in Melanesia that was definitely not intended to be published.
A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term
Malinowski mentored this man, and wrote the introduction to his book Facing Mount Kenya.
Jomo Kenyatta
Book by Malinowski which was a famous critique of psychoanalysis. Malinowski demonstrated that Freud’s Oedipus complex was not universal in this book.
Sex and Repression in Savage Society
Essay collection by Malinowski detailing major aspects of the culture of the Trobriander Islanders.
Magic, Science, and Religion
Book by Malinowski, part of his trilogy on the Triobrand Islanders, in which he examined the Kula Ring Gift Exchange. This is his most famous work.
Argonauts of the Western Pacific
Book in which Malinowski examined the relationship between magic and agriculture in Melanesia.
Coral Gardens and their Magic
Book in which Malinowski examined race relations in Africa
The Dynamics of Cultural Change
French anthropologist who applied the structuralist principles of Ferdinand de Saussure to Anthropology.
Claude Levi-Strauss
Memoir by Levi-Strauss detailing his encounters with the Nambikwara and Bororo peoples of Brazil
Tristes Tropiques (Sad Tropics :( )
Book by Levi-Strauss examining how primitive people think.
The Savage Mind
Four Volume work of Cultural Anthropology by Claude Levi Strauss, with famous works like ‘The Raw and the Cooked’ and ‘The Origin of Table Manners’
Levi Strauss examined familial relationships in this book.
The Elementary Structures of Kinship
British anthropologist who was the founder of structural functionalism, which focuses on groups within societies.
Alfred Radcliffe Brown
Book by Radcliffe Brown in which he examines the people of a certain Indian island chain.
The Andaman Islanders
American Anthropologist best known for his work on Symbolic Anthropology (study of cultural signals).
Clifford Geertz
Technique famously used by Geertz in which cultural behaviors would be analyzed in social context
Thick Description
Geertz’s most famous work, an essay in which Geertz examines a certain social behavior in Indonesia.
Deep Play (A bet with stakes so high no reasonable person would enter it, first conceived by Bentham): Notes on the Balinese Cockfight
Book in which Geertz compared the development of the title religion in Morocco and Indonesia
Islam Observed
Most famous essay collection by Geertz, containing numerous famous essays including Deep Play.
The Interpretation of Cultures
Famous essay by Geertz in which he examined a culture of theater rather than war in Negara.
Negara: The Theatre State