APES chapter11 Flashcards
Biological diversity/biodiversity
the variety of life across the levels of biological organization
a distinct type of organism a set of individuals that uniquely share certain characteristics and can breed and create fertile offspring
species diversity
the number or variety of species in a region
genetic diversity
the differences in DNA composition among individuals
the last member of the species dies and the species ceases to exist
the disappearance of a population in a given area, but not the entire species globally
background rate of extinction
the pace at which species went extinct before humans were around
mass extinction
events of such staggering proportions that kill off massive numbers of species
red list
an updated list of species facing high risks of extinction
habitat fragmentation
piecemeal degradation of a habitat
ecosystem services
services and processes provided by intact ecosystems
the ideas that human beings have an instinctive love for nature and feel an emotional bond with other living things
conservative biology
scientific discipline devoted to understanding the factors, forces, and processes that influence the loss, protection, and restoration of biological diversity
endangered species act
the primary legislation for protecting biodiversity in the U.S.: forbids the govt. and private citizens from taking actions that destroy endangered species and their habitats
convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES)
an internaitonal treaty that protects endsangered species by banning the niternational transport of their body parts
conservation on biological diversity (CBD)
an international treaty that said their goals were:
- conserve biological diversity
- use biodiversity in a sustainable manner
- ensure the fair distribution of biodiversity’s benefits
captive breeding
individuals are bred and raised in controlled conditions with the intent of reintroducing them into the wild
ecological restoration
restoring degraded natural systems to some semblance to their former condition
community-based conservation
the practice of engaging local people to protect land and wildlife in their own region
biodiversity hotspots
an area where there’s an especially great diversity of species
something found nowhere else in the world