APES Ch 22 Flashcards
Any unwanted material or substance that results from human activity or process
Municipal solid
No liquid waste that comes from homes, institutions and small businesses
Industrial solid waste
Waste from production of consumer goods, mining, agriculture, and petroleum extraction and refining
Hazardous waste 1
Waste that is solid or liquid that is toxic, chemically reactive, flammable, or corrosive
Industrial ecology
Seeks to redesign industrial systems to reduce resource inputs and to maximize both physical and economic efficiency
Life-cycle analysis
Examination of the entire life cycle as a given product in an attempt to identify ways to make the process ecologically efficient
Hazardous waste 2
Waste that is:
- Ignitable. Substances that easily catch on fire
- Corrosive. Substances that corrode metals in storage tanks or equipment
- Reactive. Substances that are chemically unstable and readily react with other compounds, often explosively, or by producing noxious fumes
- Toxic. Substances that harm human health when they are inhaled, ingested or come into contact with human skin.
E-waste (electronic waste)
Electronics/machines that are discarded
Surface impoundments
Ponds that are shallow, depressions lined with plastic and an impervious material
Deep-well injection
Well is drilled deep beneath the water table into porous rock and wastes are injected into it
Lands whose reuses or development are complicated by hazardous materials
Program that helps clean up hazardous waste
Waste Management
- Minimizing the amount of waste we generate
- Recovering waste materials and finding ways to recycle them
- Disposing of waste safely and effectively
Recovering or removing waste from the waste stream
Source Reduction
Minimizing waste at its source
Waste stream
The flow of waste as it moves from its sources toward disposal destinations
The process of collecting used goods and sending them to facilities that extract and reprocess raw materials that can be used somewhere else
The practice of recovering organic waste by converting it into mulch or hummus
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Law placed saying all landfills must meet that EPA’s standards
Sanitary Landfills
Landfills that are designed to prevent waste from contaminating the environment
Liquid that results when substances from trash dissolve in water
Burning of waste
Faculties that use heat produced by waste combustion to boil water and other electricity generated actions
Landfill gas
A mix of gases made by land fills: 50% of it is methane
Materials recover facilities
Factories where workers and machine sort items using machines to separate items and prepare them for reprocessing