AOTA Neurological Impairments Flashcards
define TBI
damage to brain from external mechanical or blunt force accompannied by loss of consciousnes,s PT amenia, skull fx, or other unfavorable neurolgicla findsing atrirbuted to event through diagnotic process.
define decorticate rigidity
UE in spastic flexed position with internal rotation/adduction.LE in spastic extended position, internally ortated and adducted.
define decerebrate rigidity
UE/LE in spastic extension, adduction and internal rotation. wrist and fingers flexed, plantar portions of feet fled and inverted, trunk extended and head retracts.
describe symptoms of TBI
primitive relfexes, muscle weakness, decrease functional endurance, ataxia, postural deficits, limitations of jointmotions, change in sensation
describe the glasgow coma scale
quantifies severity of TBI and predicts outcomes.
what are the levels for motor in the glasgow coma scale
1 - none
2 - rigidia dne xtended response to pain
3 - flexion in repsonse to pain
4 - pulls part of body away in repsonse to pain
5 - purpoiseful movement to painful stimulus
6 - obeys commands to perform various movements.
what are the levels for verbal responses in the glasgow coma scale
1 - no response 2 - incomprehensive speech 3 - inappropriate words 4 - confused conversation byu able eto anser questions 5 - oritented to person, place, time
what are the levels for eye opening in the glasgow coma scale
1 - no reponse
2 - to pain only
3 - when asked with loud voice
4 - spontaneous
define the levels in the rancho los amigos scale
1 - no repsonse
2 - generalized response
3 - localized repsonse; reacts to sitmuli inconsistently
4 - confused/agitated - heightened state of activity with severely decreased ability to process information
5 - confused, inappropriate nonagitated; appears alert with faily consisten reactions, although increased complexity of ommands causes more random responses
6 - confused, apprpriate; exhibits goal-directed behavior byut is dependent on external input for direction
7 - automatic/approrpaite - behaves appropriately and ir oriented to place and routine byut frequently displays shallow recall
8-10 - purposeful and approrpiate- isalert and oritented and able to recall and itegrate past and recent events.
what are some interventions used for the early stage of TBI
positioning passive ROM splinting sensory stimulation management of agitation
what are some intervention activities used for ranchos level 5 and higher
optimize motor function optimize visual abilities optimize visual-perceptual function optimize cognitive function optimize voice and speech functions resotre competence in self-maintenacne task.
what are some intervention activities used for post-acute rehab phases.
optimize cognitive function
optimize visualk and visual-perceptual function
restore comeptence in self-maintenacne rolse
restore compentence inlieusre and social participation
restore competence in work
define spinal cord injury
results in tetraplegia and results from trauma
what is the functional ability for c1-c4 SCI
respiratory assitance required
limited head movement
nervous system dysfunction
mobility reuquires electric wheelchair with sip and puff
what is the functional ability for c5 SCI
low stamina, breathe with diaphragm, complete assitane for personal and domestic care
full head and neck motion; raise arms and flex elbows (no extension)
sympathetic nervous system compromised
possible autonomic dysrefleia
no bowel or bladder contronl
electric wheelchair with hand controls
what is the functional ability for c6 SCI
low tamina, breath with diaphragm; mod assist for personal care.
full head and neck movement. abilty to raise arms and flex elbows (no extension), some wrist extension
little bowel or bladder control
electric wheelchair with hand controls. manual whelchair for short distances. may drive vechile with hahd controls.
what is the functional ability for c7 SCI
low staminia, breathe with diaphragm, limited assistance for personal care.
full head and neck. ability to raise arms anf lex and extend; wrist flexion and extension; parital finger movement
little bowel or bladder control
independent. electric whelchair wiht ahdn controls; manual wheelchair for short distances; may drive with hand controls.
what is the functional ability for c8 SCI
low stamina; breahte with diaphgram; primarily independent in personal care; partial assist for heavy duty domestic care
full head and neck; ability to raise rms and flex and extend edlbows; wrist flexion and extension; partial finger movement
little bowel or bladder control
independent tarsnfers; electric wheelchair with hand controls; manual wheelchair for short distances; may drive with hand controls.
what is the functional ability for t1-t5 SCI
repsiration capcity and enduaracne may be compormised; indepeendnet in personal care; partial assist for heavy duty domestic care
normal UE ROM and strenght
little bowel or bladder control
independent transfer; manual wheelchair; may drive with hand controls
what is the functional ability for t6-t12 SCI
respiration capacity and endurance compromised; indpependent in personal care; partial assist for heavy duty domestic
normal UE stregnth/ROM
little bowel or bladder control
indepedent transfer; ay use mmanual wheelchair or may stand in standing frame or walk wiht braces; may drive with hand controls.
what is the functional ability for L1-L5 SCI
normal respiratory system; indepdent in personal care; partial assitance for heavy duty care
normal UE ROM and strength, partial paralysis in hips and legs
little bowel or bladder control
indepedent transfers; may use manual wheelchair or may walk with braces; may drive with hand controls
what is the functional ability for S1-S5 SCI
indepdentn in personal care; partial assit for heavy domestic care
normal UE; some loss of function in hip functio/legs
little bowel or bladder control
indepdent trasnfers; likely able to walk with assist or aids; may drive
describe the acute recovery phase of SCI intervention
priovide client adn family support and education
allow environmental control for client
maintaining normal UE ROM and potentially splinting
facilitate tendoesis grasp
describe the acute rehab phase of SCI intervention
education occurs continuously throughout intervention sessions with client
caregiver training in areas or ROM, positioning, pressure relief, ADL assistance
occupational performance interventions
selection of and training in use of necessary equipment
physical interventions specific to lower cervical injuries should be considerd inareas of UE ROM and strenghtening, bed and whelchair positiongin, and spliting of UE.
what are some neurological impairments and functional limitations for stroke
motor dysfucntion trunk and postural control impairment in standing activity communcation impairments cogntive and perceptual impairments
define global aphasia
loss of all language ability
define brocas aphasia
broken speech, slow, labored speech with frequent mispronunication
define wernicke’s apashia
impaired auditory reception; may be fluent but often meaningless or nonsensical
define anomic aphasia
difficulty finding words.
define spatial relations and positioning
difficult perceiving distance and object placement
define spatical neglect
inability to recognize stimuli in particular area of enironment
define body neglect
spatial neglect of clients own body
define motor apraxia
difficult completing planned movements
define ideational apraxia
difficulty conceptualizing planned, multistep movements.
deinfe organization and sequencing
dififuclty comleting steps of a meaningfful action in the nexessary order
define attention
difficulty miaintaining focus on a topic of activity
define figure-ground
difficulty differenetniating an object from its natural background
define initiation
difficulty beginning an activity or movement
define visual agnosia
difficulty recognizing objects
define problem solving
difficulty solving problems
what are some intervention strats to help with stroke patients
postural adaptations
focus on improving participation in occupations through early adl training using both compensatory and remedial approach
motor learning abiliti.