Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
*a response to a real or perceived imminent threat
*triggers “fight or flight” response (reflexive autonomic sympathetic arousal)
*generally produces escape behavior
*involves anticipation of a future threat
*is a normal part of life and can be adaptive
*associated with muscle tension and vigilance
*generally produces cautious and avoidant behavior
curve of anxiety
*anxiety follows an inverted, U-shaped curve
*a minimum threshold of anxiety is necessary for arousal, vigilance, and motivation
*beyond an optimum point, anxiety leads to disorganization and impaired performance
pathological anxiety
criteria for which anxiety becomes a disorder:
-when anxiety is excessive or out of proportion for the situation
-when anxiety persists (generally longer than 6 months)
-associated with distress and/or dysfunction
neuroimaging correlates of anxiety
areas of greater brain activity in persons with anxiety disorder compared to controls:
-anterior cingulate gyrus
epidemiology of pathological anxiety
*most common psychiatric condition in the US
*1 in 4 people meet the criteria for at least 1 anxiety disorder
*women are more likely to have than men
*prevalence is inversely related with SES
*suicide risk 18x higher
separation anxiety disorder (SAD)
*individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or from people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment
*natural part of development ages 6 mo - 3 years
*median age of illness 16 years of age
selective mutism
*consistent failure to speak in specific social situations despite speaking in other situations
*interferes with achievement or social communication
*lasts at least 1 month
*usually before 5 years but can show up when school starts
treatment for selective mutism
*behavioral therapy
-eliminate negative reinforcement for remaining mute
-provide positive reinforcement to speak
-response initiation
social anxiety disorder
*marked fear or anxiety about 1+ social situations where an individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others
*lasts 6+ months
*significant impairment concerns
treatment for social anxiety disorder
*psychotherapy + pharmacotherapy (beta blocker or SSRI)
*CBT (cognitive restructuring and social rehabilitation)
panic attack
*sudden intense feelings of severe anxiety with accompanying physical symptoms
*anxiety develops abruptly and reaches a peak within seconds to minutes
*usually lasts 10-20 minutes
*s/s: sweating, dizziness, increased HR, chest pain, chills or hot flashes, hyperventilation, trembling or feeling numb, nausea, fear of losing control or dying
panic disorder
*at least 1 unexpected panic attack must be followed by 1 month or more of:
-persistent worry/concern about an additional panic attack or their consequences
-significant, maladaptive changes in behavior related to panic attack
panic disorder treatment
CBT and pharmacotherapy (SSRIs, benzos, etc)
*associated with fear of not being able to escape or not control oneself resulting in embarrassment
*avoidance of at least 2 of the following:
-using public transportation
-being in open spaces
-being in enclosed spaces
-standing in line or being in a crowd
-being outside of the home alone
*6 months or more in duration
agoraphobia treatment
-address catastrophizing cognitions
-exposure therapy (expose to agoraphobic situations; graded exposure/systematic desensitization)
*homework exposure
*relaxation training
*breathing training
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
*excessive anxiety and worry, occurring a majority of the days for at least 6 months about a variety of events and activities
*individual has difficulty controlling these worries
*anxiety + worry associated with 3+ of the following for more days than not:
-difficulty concentrating
-muscle tension
-sleep disturbance
generalized anxiety disorder - treatment
*most effective: psychotherapy (esp CBT), pharmacotherapy, and support
*benzos, SSRIs, buspirone, venlafaxine
*lifelong tx recommended
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
*presence of obsessions or compulsions or both
*obsessions: recurrent persistent thoughts, impulses, or images experienced at some point in the disorder as intrusive; person attempts to ignore or suppress them
*compulsions: repetitive behaviors that person is driven to perform in response to an obsession; aimed at reducing distress but may not be connected in a realistic way with what they are trying to prevent
*EQUAL RATE B/W MEN AND WOMEN; typically starts in adolescence or early adulthood
OCD treatment
*exposure prevention therapy
*pharmacotherapy: SSRI
*neurosurgery and DBS in resistant cases
specific phobia
*marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation
*phobic stimulus is avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety
*anxiety is out of proportion, recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable
*generally lasts more than 6 months
specific phobia - treatment
*rare for patients to seek treatment
*exposure therapy = main form of tx
treatment approach in anxiety - pharmacological
*noradrenergic suppressors
treatment approach in anxiety - non-pharmacological
*cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
*psychodynamic psychotherapy
advantages of antidepressants for anxiety
*can be quite effective
*no risk of abuse or dependence
*can be taken long-term with no obvious detrimental effects
disadvantages of antidepressants for anxiety
*troubling side effects
*delayed response (2-3 weeks)
*partial effectiveness
advantages of benzodiazepines for anxiety
*rapidly effective
*particularly indicated for rapid resolution of panic attacks in panic disorder
disadvantages of benzodiazepines for anxiety
*psychomotor impairment
*abuse potential
*memory/cognitive impairment
cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety
*clarify the nature of the disorder and symptoms
*eliminate cognitive distortions (e.g. catastrophic thinking)
*self-monitor and identify patterns
*create sense of control (plan B)
*relaxation training
*breathing exercises
*progressive exposure, especially useful for phobias, including agoraphobia
*involves progressive approximations of the feared activity (ex. gradual introduction to driving or going to mall)
*group therapy may be more helpful with social anxiety due to desensitization effect of the group + acceptance
*flooding = extreme exposure