anxiety and related disorders Flashcards
what’s the difference between anxiety and fear?
fear: basic emotion , has 3 componants: cognitive, physiological, behavioural.
anxiety: complex emotions, mix of negative and cognition, worrying about possible threats +preoccupation.
what are some symptoms of anxiety disorder?
shortness of breathe
hot flushes or chills
high heart rate
desire to escape
struggle with decision making
what are some primary spectrum disorders?
generalized anxiety disorder
panic disorder
social anxiety disorder
specific phobia
separation anxiety
anxiety caused by another disorder
what are other causes of anxiety?
acute stress disorder
somatic symptom
avoidant personality disorder
anxious tress specifier of depression
what is social anxiety disorder?
anxiety when others closely observe the patient. these activities provoke disproportionate fear of embarrassment or social rejection. the patient avoids these situations. has to last at least 6 months.
what is Agoraphobia?
fear situations where they might have trouble obtaining help if they become anxious. this does not include threat due to an actual medical condition. has to last 6 months.
what is a specific phobia?
something that causes an immediate dread or anxiety that causes a person to avoid or endures with much anxiety. has to last more than 6 months.
what is generalised anxiety disorder?
experience no episodes of acute panic, feel tense and anxious much of the time. hard to control, physical and mental complains (nausea, irritability, muscle pain).
3 symptoms are needed for adults, only one for children. need to be for more than 6 months.
what is selective mutism?
when a child consistently doesn’t speak where it is expected. remains silent unless at hoke or in a small group. typically begins during pre-school times. Has to last one month after the first month at school.
What is substance induced anxiety disorder?
when a medication or substance has caused panic attacks or anxiety symptoms. it can occur in acute intoxication or withdrawl. symptoms must be more intense then expected and serious enough to seek clinical attention.
what is panic disorder?
sense of disaster, followed by cardiac symptoms, attacks begin abruptly and builds rapidly. physical and mental changes. 1+ panic attacks in one month to be diagnosed.
what is separation anxiety disorder?
becomes nervous when separated from a parent or attachment figure. they resist being alone. they fear that they will become lost or ill. Separation causes anxiety, nightmares, nausea. they then become reluctant to attend things. must last 6+ months in adults and 4+ weeks in women’s.
etiology of anxiety?
corticotropin-releasing hormones (CRH): influence parts of amydala, create the startle effect.
cortisol: hypothalamus is triggered to stop CRH, which stops pituitary ACRH. leads to negative feedback loop.
GAD patients tend to view things as out f their control, a lot have childhood trauma. less tolerant to uncertainty.
what are the reinforcing properties of worry?
avoidance of fear event
distraction from event
what are the NICE guidelines for anxiety disorder?
education and active monitoring
low intensity psychological intervention: self help, groups.
high intensity psychological intervention and drug treatment (CBT and applied relaxation).
offering combinations of treatment.
how does CBT work for anxiety?
identifying trigger
rating levels of worry
is it hypothetical or real
is there anything you ca do about it
the evaluation of anxiety psychological therapies?
relapse rates
adherence is generally good
CBT is backed by lots of evidence
what are the biological treatments for anxiety?
meds: SSRI’s