ANXIETY Flashcards
-A vague feeling of dread or apprehension
-A response to external or internal stimuli
-Unavoidable and can have both positive and negative functions.
-Future- oriented, long- acting response focused on a diffuse threat
-Feeling of being afraid or threatened by a clearly identifiable external stimulus that represents danger to a person.
-Present- oriented, short- lived response to a clearly identifiable and specific threat
Levels of Anxiety
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
- Panic
A sensation that something is different and warrants special attention.
Mild Anxiety
Characterized by increased sensory stimulation
Mild Anxiety
Motivates people to makes changes or engage in goal-directed activities
Mild Anxiety
Mild Anxiety Symptoms
-Widened perceptual field
-Increased motivation
-Sharpened senses
-Effective problem-solving
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Difficulty sleeping
-GI “butterflies”
- Enhanced learning ability
Interventions is necessary in Mild Anxiety?
Disturbing feeling that something is definitely wrong: the person becomes nervous or agitated.
Moderate Anxiety
Disturbing feeling that something is definitely wrong: the person becomes nervous or agitated
Moderate Anxiety
Difficulty concentrating independently but can be redirected to the topic
Moderate Anxiety
Moderate Anxiety Manifestations
-Perceptual field narrowed to immediate task
- Automatisms
- GI upset
- Urinary Frequency
- Diaphoresis
- Dry Mouth
Management of Moderate Anxiety
-Ascertain that the client is following what you are saying.
-Speak in short, simple, and easy- to- understand sentences.
-Redirect client back to topic if he or she goes off tangent.
Has trouble thinking and reasoning
Severe Anxiety
Can no longer pay attention and take information.
Severe Anxiety