Anterior and Medial Thigh (7) Flashcards
anterior compartment muscles
- hip flexors
- quadriceps femoris (extend knee)
anterior compartment
femoral N (post L2-4)
femoral A (main) + deep femoral + lateral circumflex femoral
quadriceps femoris muscles
- rectus femoris (og AIIS)
- vastus lateralis
- vastus intermedius
- vastus medialis
all vastus og @ anterior femur
common insert @ anterior tibial
quadriceps femoris
inn/vasc common
femoral N
deep femoral A and lateral circumflex A (except medialis/VML)
vastus medialis parts
- longus/VML- extend knee, fascicles vertical
- obliquus- horizontal fibers to stabilize patella
quadriceps tendon
all 4 muscles merge distally to form so tibial insertion of quads is indirect
-patella bone ossifies within
patella function
-changes angle of tendon insertion as crosses the knee
-improve mechanical efficiency of quads in extension
-covers/protects knee joint
patella structure
broad/flat base @superior edge + pointy apex @inferior + lateral facet (larger on post side)
hip flexors muscles
- iliopsoas > prox femur
- pectineus > prox femur
- sartorius > prox tibia
all og @ ilium
combo of iliacus (femoral N) + psoas major (L1-3 ventral rami)
insert @ lesser trochanter femur
main hip flexor, posture/stability, flex trunk when lower limb fixed
vasc: iliolumbar A
connects femur, spine, pelvis
“seatbelt” wraps around thigh
og @ ASIS > prox medial tibia
og @ superior pubic ramus (anterior ) > pectineal line femur
hip flexion + adduction
femoral N or dual in from femoral + obturator OR obturator alone
medial circumflex femoral A + obturator A
adductor group
pubis > femur
obturator N (ant L2-4)
obturator A (main)
+deep femoral A + medial circumflex femoral A
adductor longus
superficial to brevis
og @ body of pubis > linea aspera
obturator N + deep fem A and medial circumflex fem A
adductor brevis
deep to longus and pectineus
og @ inferior pubic body > pectineal line and linea aspera
adduct + weak hip flexion
obturator N + deep fem A/medial circumflex fem A/obturator A
obturator N and A split into ant/post branches above
adductor magnus
two parts
1. adductor part (AMA) adduct + flexion hip
-obturator N
2. hamstring part (AMH) adduct + extend hip
-tibial div of sciatic N
adductor hiatus @ inferior end for femoral A and V passage
most superficial, medial, weakest adductor but also weak knee flexion
og @ inferior pubic ramis > pes anserinus
obturator N + deep femoral A/medial circumflex A/obturator A
obturator externus
@deep gluteal region
og @ margins of obturator foramen > trochanteric fossa femur
laterally rotate hip + adduct
obturator N + medial circumflex femoral A/ obturator A
femoral triangle contents
femoral N/A/V
great saphenous V
deep femoral V
deep inguinal lymph nodes
femoral triangle
contains blood vessels and nerves that supply anterior thigh
borders: sartorius + inguinal lig + adductor longus
floor: iliopsoas + pectineus
roof: fascia lata/cribiform fascia + superficial fascia
retroinguinal space
two compartments div by iliopectineal arch
1. muscular- iliopsoas + femoral N + lateral femoral cutaneous N
2. vascular- femoral A/V
femoral sheath
tube of fascia surrounding vasculature of retroinguinal space except femoral N
3 compartments:
1. lateral = femoral A
2. intermed = femoral V
3. medial = femoral canal
proximal opening = femoral ring
adductor canal
aka subsartorial
under sartorius inferior to femoral triangle
adductor hiatus = end point
deep branches of femoral A
- deep external pudendal A
- lateral and medial circumflex femorals
-medial = head and neck of femur
-lateral = splits into ascending and transverse (hip) and descending (lateral anterior compartment) branches - perforating branches (to post compartment)
obturator A
from internal iliac A
obturator canal > medial compartment thigh > div ant/post branches (will anastomose w/each other = cruciate anastomosis)
femoral A
main supply to lower limb (esp deep femoral A)
external iliac A > femoral A > popliteal A
cruciate anastomosis
major of hip region
in case femoral A or deep fem blocked
-perforating A + medial and lateral circumflex femoral A + inferior gluteal + branches obturator A
genicular anastomosis
in case popliteal A gets blocked
deep veins
- femoral V
- deep femoral V
- obturator V
superficial fascia of femoral triangle
- great saphenous V- drains medial foot/leg/ant and post thigh into femoral V
- superficial inguinal lymph node
femoral N
all ant compartment motor and cutaneous except psoas major
enters via retroinguinal space NOT sheath
obturator N
motor to medial compartment except AMH
enters via obturator foramen > will split ant/post above brevis
cutaneous innervation
whole ant compartment
- lateral femoral cutaneous= skin lat thigh, post L2-4
- femoral of genitofemoral= skin over fem triangle
- anterior femoral cutaneous = proximal half of medial thigh AND intermed femoral for anterior thigh
- spahenous N = skin over patella + medial half of leg and foot
- obturator N = distal half of medial thigh