Anterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
Undue stretching of Anterior Abdominal wall leads to white marks called?
Linea Albicans
Normal Postion of Umblicus is?
Anterior midline between L3 and L4
Skin around the Umblicus is supplied by?
Portocaval Anastamoses of Umblicus dilate and radiate in Portal hypertension to form?
Caput Medusae
Umblicus is the meeting point of?
4 folds of embryonic plate- lateral, head and tail
Umblicus is the meeting point of which 3 systems?
Digestive (Vitellointestinal” , Excretory (urachus) and Vascular (umblical vessels)
Remnant of vitellointestinal Duct forms which tumor?
Rasberyy red/ cherry red tumor at umblicus
Persistence if Vitellointestinal duct forms?
Fecal fistula
Persistence of PROXIMAL part of Vitellointestinal duct is
Meckels diverticulum
Persistemce of MIDDLE part of Vitellointestinal duct is
Persistence of Urachus forms
Urinary fistula
Superficial fascia of Anterior Abdominal wall is divided intno
Superficial fatty layer (Camper)
Deep membranous layer (Scarpa)
Extravasation of Urine is prevented by
Holdens line- Attatchment of scarpa and colles fascia
Membranous layer forms which 2 ligaments in midline
Suspensory ligament and fundifor ligament of penis or clitoris
Contents of superficial fascia are
Nerves, vessles, lymphatics
Skin of anterior Abdominal wall is supplied by
T7-T12 (lower 5 intercoastal and subcoastal) and L1 (iliohypogastric) –> 7 anterior cutanous and 2 lateral cutaneous( T10,T11)
T7- Near xiphoid process
T10- Umblicus
L1-above superficial inguinal ring
Blood supply of Anterior Abdominal Wall is
- Anterior Cutaneous via epigastric arteries
- Lateral Cutaneous via Lower intercoastal arteries
- Superficial inguinal artery via femoral artery (skin of lower part of abdomen)
- superficial epigastric (Umblicus)
- SuperficiaL External Pudendal (external genitalia)
- Superficial circumflex iliac (skin of abdomen and thigh)
Cutaneous veins of Anterior Abdominal wall drain into
Superficial inguinal > Great saphenous
Which veins open up in vena caval obstructions
-flows backwards in superior ven caval obstructopm breaking watershed barrier
Lymphatics of Ant. abdominal wall drain to
Above umblicus- axillary nodes
Bellow umblicus- superficial inguinal nodes
What is the rectus sheath
Aponeurotic sheath covering rectus abdominis formed by decussating fibres of the 3 abdominal muscles (external and internal oblique, transversus abdominis)
What are anterior and posterior rectus sheath formed of
Anteriorly- both leaves of external oblique and ant. leaf of internal oblique
Posteriory- Post. leaf of internal oblique and both leaves of transverus abdominis
What are the 3 abdominal muscles called
what is linea alba
Tendinous raphe between xiphoid process and pubic symphysis. central tendon of 3 abdominal muscles
What is fasica transversalis? its relations?
Part of fascia lning inner surface of transversus abdominis
- anteriorly- linea alba
- posteriorly- merges with thoracolumnar fascia and continous with renal fascia
- superiorly- diaphragmatic fascia
- interiorly- fascia iliaca
Inguinal canal and boundaries
Oblique intermuscular passage in lower ant abdominal wall above medial half of inguinal ligament. deep to superficial inguinal ring
1. Ant- skin, fascia, external and internal oblique aponeurorsis
2. Post- fascia transversalis, extraperitoneal tissue, peritonuem, conjoint tendon
3. Roof- fibers of transversus abdominis and INternal oblique
4. Floor- inguinal and lacunar ligament
Structures passing through inguinal canal
Spermatic cord/ round ligament
ilioinguinal nerve
Direct and indirect/oblique hernia
Indirect- Occurs due to patency of processus vaginalis
Dirct- through hasselbachs triangle via post wall of inguinal canal
Extent of Ant Abdominal Wall
Superiorly- Xiphoid process, Costal cartiledges 7-12
Inferiorly- Pubic crest
Inguinal ligament is formed by
Lower border of external oblique aponeurosis thicked and folded on itself
Attatchments of inguinal ligament
Lower border- fascia lata
upper surface- gives rise to
internal oblique-lateral 2/3rd
transversus abdominis-latera; 1/3rd
Conjoint tendon is formed by
fusion of the lower aponeuortic fibres of internal oblique and transversus abdominis
Decreased tone of anterior abdominal wall muscles leading to protusuion of the wall
Tuburcular infection of lung pleura may cause radiating pain in
Anterior abdominal wall due to same supply T7-L1
swelling below and lateral to pubic tubercle
femoral hernia
Common site for paracentesis
midway between umblicus and pubic symphysis
Board like rigidity
Anterior abdominal wall muscles remain contracted due to peritonitis