ANPH 108 - Final Exam Flashcards
What allows the myosin of the thick filament to pull on actin
When ATP is available
Where can you find microvilli
areas where absorption is important
What is expiratory reserve volume
• The largest amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled
How many vertebrae do we have
What are the 5 major types of glia
Astrocytes (in CNS) Microglia (in CNS) Ependymal cells (in CNS) Oligodendrocytes (in CNS) Schwann cells (in PNS)
What is Endochondral Ossification
Process of cartilage being replaced by bone in a growing skeleton
What are the 3 layers of the heart wall
Epicardium - outer
Myocardium - middle
Endocardium- inner
What do you call a group of organs that perform complex functions
What are 2 cavities of the dorsal cavity
Cranial cavity
Spinal cavity
Which organelle synthesizes some lipids and carbohydrates
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
What is the function of the muscle tissue
- connects
- supports
- transports
- protects
What effect does growth hormone have on blood calcium level
Increases bone growth. Reduces calcium levels as a result
Where can you find flagella
human sperm cells
What is myography
method of graphing the changing tension of a muscle as it contracts
What is the contractile unit of the muscle fibers
What are the 3 kinds of muscle tissue
- Skeletal muscle
- Smooth muscle
- Cardiac muscle
What 4 protein molecules make up myofilaments
- myosin
- actin
- tropomyosin
- troponin
What is epimysium
sheath covering the muscle as a whole
How much is tidal volume
500 ml
What are the structural proteins of the Extracellular matrix
- collagen
- elastin
what is perimysium
connective tissue binding together fascicles
What is the name of the outer wall of the trachea
What causes tropomyosin to shift; exposing active sites of actin
calcium released by nerve impulses binds to troponin, which cause the shift
What is the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Temporarily store Ca++ ions
What does the T wave represent on an ECG
repolarization of the ventricles
What is osteogenesis
development of bone from cartilage
What are the 3 cell connections
Gap junctions
Tight junction
What is the name for cancellous bone in cranial flat bones
What are the afferent divisions of the nervous system
incoming sensory pathways
What is vital capacity
What are the 3 molecular robots
- Dynein, myosin, kinesin
What do you call the movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane
What is the name of the membrane that lines the medullary cavity
What produces calcitonin
What is the hearts natural pacemaker
SA node
What is the name of the membrane covering the bone
How much is a normal inspiratory reserve volume
3 to 3.3 litres
What is sarcoplasm
the cytoplasm of the muscle cell
What is the role of cytochrome oxidase
Burns O2 in cell
What is the name of the canals connecting the lacuna
What do you call the grape-like structure resulting from the cell division of a fertilized egg
What does the U wave represent on an ECG
repolarization of the papillary muscle
What do you call the process of converting glucose into pyruvate and a hydrogen ion
How much is the normal residual volume
1.2 Litres
What are the efferent divisions of the nervous system
outgoing motor pathways
What is mastication
What is tidal volume
amount of air inhaled and exhaled
What are the 4 layers of the epiphyseal plate
- Resting” cartilage cells
- Zone of proliferation
- Zone of hypertrophy
- Zone of calcification
Which 2 components of the cytoskeleton do nanobots use for movement
- Microfilaments
- Microtubules
What are the cells of the nervous tissue
- neuron
- neuroglia
What do you call the collection of mechanisms that influence the dynamic (active and changing) circulation of blood
What is the Foramen ovale
opening in septum between the right and left atria
What is a sarcomere
a segment of myofibril between 2 Z-disks
What makes up the nervous system
spinal cord
What are the heads of myosin attracted to
How does calcitonin affect blood calcium levels
stimulates bone formation by osteoblasts, lowering blood calcium levels
What do you call the process of the primary germ layers differentiating into different kinds of tissue
Wha are the 3 components of the cytoskeleton
- Microfilaments
- Intermediate filaments
- Microtubules
What are Lachrymal
tear ducts
what do you call the science of the structure of an organism and the relationship of its parts
How are t-tubules formed
they are inward extensions of the sarcolemma
What are the 3 kinds of cartilage
What is residual volume
• Amount of air that cannot be forcible exhaled
What do you call the inner cell mass of the blastocyst
What is the name of the inner periosteum of the cranial flat bone
dura mater
What is hydroxyapatite made out of
calcium and phosphate
What is the name of the transverse canals connecting the osteons
volkmann canals
What do you call the study of diseased body structures
pathological anatomy
Where does surfactant come from?
produced by type II Liver
What are the 3 cavities of the ventral body cavity
Thoracic cavity
Abdominopelvic cavity
Information from somatic motor division is carried to where
somatic effectors (muscles)
What are the 3 components of the microcirculation
- arterioles
- venules
- capillaries
What is atomic vibration
what gives temperature to an atom
What effect does serotonin have on blood calcium levels
Inhibits osteoblast activity, increasing calcium levels in blood
What are the 3 layers of blood vessels
Tunica externa
Tunica media
Tunica intima
what are osteoclasts
bone breakers
Where are peroxisomes common
liver and kidney cells
What is the name of the membrane covering the heart
What hybrid molecules that are mostly carbohydrates attached to a protein backbone
What are the 5 bone types
- Long bones
- Short bones
- Flat bones
- Irregular bones
- Sesamoid bone (seed-like. Ex, patella)
What is semiology
study of signs and symptoms
What is tonic contraction
a continual, partial contraction of a muscle
What do you call a morula that has formed a cavity in the centre
What makes up the myofibril
What is angiogenesis
formation of new blood vessels
What organelle removes and stores Ca++
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
what do you call the outer cell mass of blastocyst
What are the thick filaments mostly made of
How do muscle fibers continually resynthesize ATP
breaking down creatine phosphate
What myofilament protein is a “cross-bridge” when attached to actin
What is the sequence of cardiac stimulation
- SA node generates an impulse
- Atria begin to contract
- action potential slows at AV node to allow complete contraction of atrial chambers
- Conduction velocity increases as it passes through AV bundle into the ventricles
- Purkinje fibers conducts impulses throughout both ventricles causing them to contract
Which protein blocks the active sites of actin
What does the central nervous system consist of
brain and spinal cord
What does parathyroid hormone do when it comes to blood calcium levels
- activates osteoclasts; raises calcium level in the blood
What is a keloid
thick scare
What is inspiratory reserve volume
• The largest amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal inhalation
What does the P wave represent on an ECG
depolarization of the atria
What do you call the study of the body and its parts relying only on the naked eye as a tool for observation
gross anatomy
What are the 4 kinds of tissue
- epithelium
- connective
- muscle
- nervous
What organelle contains peroxidase and catalase
What are the 3 layers of the pericardium
Fibrous pericardium
Serous pericardium
What part of the cytoskeleton does the centrosome produce
What are the 4 major structures of the conduction system of the heart
Sinoatrial node (SA) node
Atrioventricular (AV) node
AV bundle (bundle of His)
Subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers)
What protein holds tropomyosin molecules in place
The point of attachment of the muscle to bone, that doesn’t move, is called what
What do you call the science of the functions of organisms?
What allows passive expiration
elastic recoil
Information from somatic sensory division is carried to where
feedback information to somatic integration centers in the CNS
What makes up the triad of a muscle cell
the end sac of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, t-tubule, and another sac of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
How do muscles have energy to contract
hydrolysis of ATP
What are dural sinuses
large veins of the cranial cavity
What is the function of bone
- Support
- Protection
- Movement
- Mineral storage
- Hematopoiesis
How does the sarcoplasmic reticulum receive Ca++ ions
The membrane of the SR pumps Ca++ from the sarcoplasm
What is the QRS complex on an ECG
represents depolarization of the ventricles and repolarization of the atria
What are osteoblasts
bone builder
Name 3 cell extensions
- Microvilli
- Cilia
- Flagella
The muscle to bone point of attachment that moves when muscle contracts
what 3 bones make up the pelvic girdle
- 2 coxal bones
- sacrum
What do you call the process by which glucose is broken down to use its stored energy
cellular respiration
Where can you find cilia
in the lining of the respiratory tract
How many sinuses do we have
4 pairs
What makes up most of the thin filament of a muscle cell
How much is a normal expiratory reserve volume
1 to 1.2 litres
What are the 4 mechanisms for calcium homeostasis
- parathyroid hormone
- calcitonin
- growth hormone
- serotonin
What are the 4 types of arteries in the body
- elastic
- muscular
- arterioles
- metarterioles
What is the auricle in the heart
earlike flap protruding from each atrium
What do you call a fertilized egg
What is the total lung capacity
The sum of all 4 lung volumes, the total amount of air a lung can hold.
What is the sarcolemma
the plasma membrane of the myocyte
What are the 3 primary germ layers
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
- Ectoderm
What are end-arteries
arteries that diverge into capillaries
What is endomysium
the membrane that covers skeletal muscle fibers
What do the veins of the heart drain into
coronary sinus
What are the 2 types of epithelium
- membranous
- glandular
What do you call a group of tissues performing the same function
What is an anastomoses
an opening between 2 things
What is hematopoiesis
production of blood cells
What are the connecting vessels between arterioles and capillaries
What are the 3 divisions of the sternum
- manubrium
- body
- xiphoid
What is the function of the t-tubules
to allow electrical signals / impulses, traveling along the sarcolemma, to move deeper into the cell
What is the function of the central nervous system
receives sensory information, evaluates it, initiates a response
What organelle tags proteins with Ubiquitin chain