Anesthetics Flashcards
Ideal Injectable anesthetics
- Water and lipid soluble
- good analgestic
- muscle relaxant
- High TI
- Have pharmacological antagonist
Injectable anesthetics: Barbiturates
GABA-BZD-BRB complex, allosteric.
Thiopental+ Methohexital(ultrashort acting 5-8 min) - unconsciousness, good muscle relaxation, no anaglesia , no readministration (accumilates in fat)
*Hexobarbital, pentobarbital, thiamylal
Injectible anesthetics: List
- Barbiturates
- Propofol
- Imidazole
- Steriod anesthetics
- Ketamine
- Zoletil
Injectible anesthetics: Propofol
GABAa, unconsciousness, muscle relaxation, non anelgestic (+opiods)
*Inc ocular pressure
Injectable anesthesics: Imidazole
- Etomidate; unconsciousness+muscle relaxant+no analgesia , for induction. Briad TI , no CV depression, adrenocortical supression
- Metomidate: methyl analogue of ethomidate, pigs
Injectible anesthetics: Steriods
Alphaxalone + alfadolone = althesin
Unconsciousness, muscle relaxant, no alnalgesia
Broad TI, histamine release
Injectible anesthetics: Steriods
Alphaxalone + alfadolone = althesin
Unconsciousness, muscle relaxant, no alnalgesia
Broad TI, histamine release
Injectible anesthetics: Ketamine
SC 2 , NMDA receptor antagonist .
* causes CATALEPSY (trance with loss of sensation and body rigidity,) inc. CO, tachycardia, HR, BP, arrhythmia, convulsion
*Metabolized to Norketamine, only in Eq+ca and in combination!!, no im hepatic patients, late pregnancy
Injectible anesthetics: Zoletil
Fast, inc. sympathetic tone, pain when given IM,SC
Inhalation anesthetics: classification
- Inorganic anesthetics:
2. Organic anesthesics: non halogenated (e.g diethyl ether) + halogenated (chloroform + halothane)
Inhalation anesthetics: pharmacological effect
Narcosis , unconsciousness muscle relaxation, no analgesia ( exc. N2O), bronchodilation
- Remember: low blood:gas partition coefficient is favourable. (Faster onset and recovery)
- Halothane is metabolized in the liver
- Smaller MAC - ED50 , smaller= more potent
Inhalation anesthetics: side effects
CV depression , hypotension, local irritation, bronchospasm (not in IV) pre+postnarcotic excitation ,, heoatotoxicoty , nephrotoxicity
Inhalation anesthetics: Halothane side effects
BANNED, Most efficacious , intracranial pressure, teratogenic, carcinogenic, hepstotoxic, Arrhythmogenic
Inhalation anesthetics: halothaned List
- Halothane (banned)
- Isoflurane+ sevoflurane (not in young , pregnant, malignant hyperthermia.)
- Desflurane (common SE)
- Methoxyflurane (maintanance, not in reptiles)
Local anesthetics: pharmacological Effect
Conduction in nerve fibers (no CNS interaction), produce loss of sensation and even patalysis