Anatomy- the Larynx Flashcards
what are the functions of the larynx
voice box sphincter of the respiratory tract: -regulates airflow -protection from aspirated objects maintains patency of URT
what is the larynx
series of cartilages joined by connective tissue and moved by muscles
found between the pharynx and trachea
what fascia is the larynx in
pretrachial fascia
what is in the pretracheal fascia
strap muscles thyroid gland trachea and larynx oesophagus and pharynx recurrent laryngeal nerves
what is the function of the strap muscles
accessory muscles of breathing - also help in swallowing by positioning the hyoid and larynx
muscles from which pharyngeal arch control the movement of the pharynx
6th (vagus)
where is the larynx
anterior to laryngopharynx
between carotid sheath structures
between C4-6 level
what level is the crichocartilage at
what level is the inferior part of mandible and hyoid bone at
where is the laryngopharnx
area of pharynx from the epiglottis to the oesophagus
what is the adams apple
laryngeal prominence of the thyroid cartilage
what parts of pharynx are used in both breathing and eating
oro and laryngopharnx
what reduces the chance of aspiration
raising the larynx towards the oesophagus
cough reflex
what aids in the closure of the laryngeal inlet
epiglottis moves posteriorly
what bones create the nasal septum
ethmoid, vomer, cartilage
is a deviated septum common
what is the floor of the nasal cavity
what is the roof of the nasal cavity
anterior cranial fossa
which wall of nasal cavity has the conchae
what makes up the ‘skeleton’ of the larynx
cartilages suspended from the hyoid bone
what articulates with the cricoid cartilage
inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage
articulates at cricothyroid joint
which cartilage in larynx is a complete ring
only the crichoid- all the rest C shaped
where are the arytenoid cartilages
articulate with cricoid cartilage at cricoarytenoid joints
what is ‘cricoid pressure’
pressing on the cricoid, the lamina of the cricoid compresses the oesophagus pressing it against C6
closes oesophagus but opens airway
prevents regurgitation/aspiration
what are the three holes of the larynx
laryngeal vestibule
laryngeal ventricle
infraglottic cavity
what are the true vocal chords
true- vocal process of arytenoid cartilage to thyroid cartilage
their movement impacts sound
what are the vocal chords
free borders of mucosa covered connective tissue in the larynx
what are the false vocal chords
arytenoid cartilage to epiglottis
what is the conus elasticus
ligament between cricoid and vocal ligament (directs air towards the vocal chords)