Anatomy of the male reproductive system Flashcards
Which structure cointains structures running to and from the testis and suspends the testis in the scrotum?
Spermatic cord
What are the coverings of the spermatic cord?
Internal spermatic fascia, cremasteric fascia, external sperrmatic fascia
The internal spermatic fascia is derived from where?
Transversalis fascia
The external spermatic fasciais derived from where?
EO aponeurosis and its investing fascia
The cremasteric fascia is derived from where?
Fascia (superficial and deep) of the internal oblique
The cremasteric fascia is contains loops of which muscle?
Cremasteric muscle
The cremasteric muscle is formed by the lowermost fqscicles of which muscle?
Internal oblique
What is the imoortance of the cremasteric muscle?
It reflexively draws the testes superiorly in the scrotum in response to cold, for tempreture regulation for spermatogenesis.
The cremasteric muscle acts coincidentally with which muscle?
Dartos muscle
The cremasteric muscle is innervated by what?
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve (L1, L2)
Cremasteric muscle: striated or smooth muscle?
Dartos muscle: striated or smooth muscle?
Smooth muscle
Cremasteric muscle: somatic or autonomic innervation?
Dartos muscle: somatic or autonomic innervation?
What are the constituents of the spermatic cord?
Ductus deferens
Arteries: Testicular artery, artery of ductus deferens, cremasteric artery
Veins: pampiniform plexus
Nerves: genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, sympathetic nerve fibers on arteries, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers on the ductus dferens
Lymphatics vessels
Vestige of the processus vaginalis
The scrotum is divided internally into right and left compartments by which structure?
Septum of the scrotum, a continuation of the dartos fascia
The scrotum is demarcated externally by which strucutre?
Scrotal raphe
Which testis usually hangs more inferiorly than the other?
The left is usually more inferior than the right
What is the visceral covering of the testes?
Tunica vaginalis
The visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis is closely applied to which structures?
Testes, epididymis, inferior part of ductus deferens
What is the tough fibrous outer surface of the testes?
Tunica albuginea
In which part of the testes are sperm produced?
Seminiferous tubules
What are the long and highly coiled tubules in the testes?
Seminiferous tubules
The seminiferous tubules are joined by which structures to the rete testis?
Straight tubules
The network of canals in the mediastinium of the testis is called what?
Rete testis
Which structures transport newly developed sperms to the epididymis from the rete testis?
Efferent ductules
The epididymis and the ductus deferens are continuous. T/F
The ductus deferens begins at which part of the epididymis?
Tail of the epididymis
What are the parts of the epididymis?
Head, body and tail
What is the superior expanded part of the epididymis that connects to the efferent ductules?
Head of the epididymis
Which part of the epididymis consists of the convuluted duct?
The ductus deferens is the continuation of which structure?
Which is the primary component of the spermatic cord?
Ductus deferens
Thenseminal gland (vesicle) lies between which two structures?
Fundus of the bladder and rectum
The seminal gland stores sperm. T/F
It secretes sperm nourishment.
The duct of the semiunak vesicle joins the ductus deferens to form which structure?
Ejaculatory duct
The ejaculatory duct consists of which two ducts?
Ducts of the seminal vesicle and the ductus deferens
Which is the largest accessory gland of the male reproductive system?
Prostate glands
Which is the duct of the prostate gland?
Prostatic urethra
Two thirds of the prostate gland is (glandular/fibromuscular); one third is (glandular/fibromuscular).
Glandular, fibromuscular
The isthmus of the prostate lies (anterior/posterior) to the urethra.
The isthmus of the prostate: glandular or fibromuscular?
The inferoposterior lobule of the prostate lies inferior to which structure and posterior to which structure?
Inferior to the ejaculatory ducts
Posterior to the urethra
The inferolateral lobule of the prostate gland is directly lateral to which structure?
Which lobule of the prostate is deep to the inferoposterior lobulke and surrounds the ipsilateral ejaculatory duct?
Which lobule is deep to the inferolateral lobule and is directly lateral to the proximal prostatic urethra?
Which lobule is palpable by digital rectal examination?
Which are the three accessory glands of the male reproductive system?
Seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands
The storage site of sperm:
A. Seminiferous tubule
B. Epididymis
C. Ductus efferentes
D. Prostate
The 3rd fraction of the seminal fluid contains which of the following: A. Citric acid B. Fructose C. Sperm D. All of the above
What is the function of the vas deferens that makes it important for fertility?
A. It promotes capacitation of the sperm.
B. It lubricates the pathway of the sperm.
C. It contributes a fraction of the seminal fluid for nutrition of sperm
D. It increases the amount of sperm in the seminal fluid.