Anatomy of blood vessels Flashcards
Circumflex artery
Off left coronary artery
Lateral direction
Diagonal artery
Off anterior interventricular artery
Slightly left/diagonal
Left marginal artery
Parallel and along from anterior interventricular artery
Right marginal
Not very branched
Off right coronary artery before posterior interventricular artery
Parallel to posterior interventricular artery
Great cardiac vein
Follows on from coronary sinus
Perpendicular to coronary sinus
Inferior vein of left ventricle
Parallel and left of middle cardiac vein
What does the right ascending lumbar vein become
Azygos vein
Types of capillaries
Fenestrated (kidney) have pores
Sinusoid (gaps, liver) largest of capillaries and leaky, incomplete basement membrane
Veins draining back to IVC
Central veins -> interlobular veins -> hepatic veins -> IVC
Portal system anastamoses
Oesophageal (to azygos) Rectal (sup and inf) Retroperitoneal veins Paraumbilical When there is cirrhosis/hypertension/thrombus/injury, an alternative route is needed to bypass liver
What does the peritoneum consist of
Mesentery, ligaments, omenta
Greater omentum
Greater curvature to transverse colon
4 layers
Hangs over like apron
Lesser omentum
Lesser curvature to inferior surface of liver
2 layers
Lesser sac
Omental bursa
Space behind liver
Posterior to stomach
Accessible through epiploic foramen
Greater sac
Space below liver
Coeliac divides into
left gastric
common hepatic
Common hepatic divides into
Proper hepatic
Sympathetic innervation
Thoracocolumbar - short pre ganglionic long post ganglionic nerves
Parasympathetic innervation
Craniosacral outflow, C3,7,9,10
Long preganglionic short post ganglionic
Synapse closer to target organs
Splanchnic nerves
Enter sympathetic chain, then leave as preganglionic
Prevertebral - synapse close to aorta?